'stem' is a simple templating library for clojure. stem was created to offer a simpler, light weight alternative to template rendering.
'stem' is moving to a new organisation and moving to a 'sane' versioning system. The library now uses sci to render expressions.
[sats/stem "0.1.0-alpha1"]
The previous version of the API is available in the
namespace. Just require this namespace instead
of stem.core
. This namespace will be removed in future releases, and
the new API has powerful features.
[satssats/stem "0.1.0-alpha1"]
;; In your namespace:
(ns my.ns
(:require [sats.stem.core :refer :all]))
stem template supports variables
and expressions
Variables in the template must be wrapped within {{ }}
. For eg:
{{ name }}
. stem substitues variables with values supplied in the
data map.
(render-string "Hello {{ name }}" {:name "sathya"})
; => "Hello sathya"
Expressions must be wrapped within {% %}
. Expressions are valid
clojure expression supported by the
sci library. Variables can be used
inside expressions.
(render-string "Hello {% (capitalize {{ name }}) %}"
{:name "sathya"}
{'capitalize clojure.string/capitalize})
; => Hello Sathya
(render-string "{% (capitalize {{ name }}) %} lives in {% (get {{ country-names }} {{ country-code }}) %}."
{:user-name :sathya, :country-code :uk :country-names {:uk "United Kingdom"}}
{'capitalize clojure.string/capitalize})
; => Sathya lives in United Kingdom
Copyright © 2015-2017 Sathyavijayan Vittal
Distributed under the Apache License v 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
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