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Duct Tutorial

Duct builds on Integrant’s data-oriented approach to architecture by providing tools for bundling and transforming Integrant configs:

  • profiles allow you to name integrant configs

  • modules allow you to write functions that transform configs

Duct also adds support for easily adding environment variables to your config.

To support these features, Duct introduces the "Duct config" concept and the prep-config function. I’ll explain those briefly and then dig into profiles and modules.

duct/load-hierarchy and duct/prep-config

Let’s start with an example:

basic duct config
(ns integrant-duct-example.duct-config
  (:require [duct.core :as duct]
            [integrant.core :as ig]))

(defmethod ig/init-key ::message-store [_ {:keys [message]}]
  (atom message))

(defmethod ig/init-key ::printer [_ {:keys [store]}]
  (prn (format "%s says: %s" ::printer @store)))

(derive ::message-store ::store)

(def system-config
  (duct/prep-config {:duct.profile/base {::message-store {:message "love yourself, homie"}
                                         ::printer       {:store   (ig/ref ::store)}}}))

(ig/init system-config)

This is almost identical to the Integrant hierarchy code block. (duct/load-hierarchy) is new, as is the call to duct/prep-config.

The function duct/load-hierarchy looks for files named duct_hierarchy.edn on your classpath and uses them to establish keyword hierarchies. These files look like this:

{:sweet-tooth.endpoint.module/middleware                          [:duct/module]
 :sweet-tooth.endpoint.module/liberator-reitit-router             [:duct/module]
 :sweet-tooth.endpoint.module.liberator-reitit-router/ring-router [:duct/router]
 :sweet-tooth.endpoint.datomic/connection                         [:duct/database]}

Keys are child keywords and values are vectors of parents that the children should derive from. It’s as if duct/load-hierarchy is calling (derive :sweet-tooth.endpoint.module/middleware :duct/module).

duct/prep-config takes a duct config as its argument and returns an integrant config. How does a duct config differ from an integrant config?

  • The keys for duct configs name either duct profiles or duct modules. (I will explain these in the upcoming sections.) The keys for integrant configs name integrant components.

  • Duct configs are meant to be passed to duct/prep-config, which returns an integrant config. Integrant configs are meant to be passed to ig/init, which initializes and returns a system.

In the example above, the duct config

{:duct.profile/base {::message-store {:message "love yourself, homie"}
                     ::printer       {:store   (ig/ref ::store)}}}

yields the integrant config

{::message-store {:message "love yourself, homie"}
 ::printer       {:store   (ig/ref ::store)}

 :duct.core/environment :production}

This map, where the keys are component names and values are component config, can be used to initialize an integrant system.

The integrant config contains the pair :duct.core/environment :production. prep-config adds this. What does the :duct.core/environment "component" do?

:duct.core/environment is an example of a config constant. It’s as if the implementation of the :duct.core/environment "component" is simply the identify function applied to the component’s config. If another component references :duct.core/environment, it will receive the value :production. I recommend trying this out for yourself.

It’s instructive to look at how this is implemented:

(derive :duct.core/environment :duct/const)
(defmethod ig/init-key :duct/const [_ v] v)

:duct.core/environment derives from :duct/const. Duct implements ig/init-key for :duct/const, simply returning the config value.

This relies on a cool, oft-overlooked feature of Clojure multimethods, isa? based dispatch, which you can read about in Multimethods and Hierarchies.

Duct and Integrant make ample use of Clojure’s support for hierarchies, so it’s worth becoming familiar with how it works. If nothing else, it’ll make you a better Clojure programmer, putting more cools in your developer toolkit.

At this point, the introduction of duct config, with its :duct.profile/base key, and the function duct/prep-config kinda seems like a waste of time. It’s just adding an extra layer that doesn’t do anything.

Let’s look at actually doing something useful with these new tools.

Duct Profiles

Duct introduces the idea of profiles. A profile is just a named integrant config, and duct/prep-config handles profiles by merging them into the base profile named :duct.profile/base. Behold:

duct profiles
 {:duct.profile/base {::message-store {:message "love yourself, homie"}
                      ::printer       {:store   (ig/ref ::store)}}
  :duct.profile/prod {::message-store {:message "take care of yourself, homie"}}}
;; =>
{::message-store {:message "take care of yourself, homie"}
 ::printer       {:store {:key ::store}}}

(I removed :duct.core/environment to keep the example focused.)

In this example, we add the profile :duct.profile/prod and pass a second argument to prep-config, the vector [:duct.profile/prod]. This tells prep-config to merge all the profiles in that vector, in the order given. Profiles are merged using meta-merge, so they’re deep merged and you can also provide metadata hints for how values should get merged. Check out the meta-merge docs for more info.

The result is that the ::message-store component has the prod configuration of {:message "take care of yourself, homie"} instead of {:message "love yourself, homie"}.

I don’t know why I have such an aversion to using real-life, practical examples. One actual honest-to-god real world use of this is creating separate dev and test profiles. Specifically, you can create different dev and test database configurations, allowing you to run tests from the REPL while your dev system is running.

Duct Modules

Bear with me because shit’s about to get wild . Duct modules are functions that transform an integrant config, and they’re defined using integrant. Check it out:

duct modules
(ns integrant-duct-example.duct-modules
 (:require [duct.core :as duct]
           [integrant.core :as ig]))

(defmethod ig/init-key ::add-foo-component [_ _]
  (fn [config]
    (assoc config ::foo {})))

(duct/prep-config {:duct.profile/base  {::some-component {}}
                   ::add-foo-component {}})
;; =>
{::some-component {}
 ::foo            {}}

Let’s start at the bottom, with prep-config. We already know that this function takes a duct config as its argument, and that the config’s keys should be names of profiles or modules. ::add-foo-component names a module.

The ig/init-key implementation for all modules should return a function that takes an integrant config as an argument and returns an integrant config. When ::add-foo-component is initialized, it returns a function that takes as its argument the map {::some-component {}}. The function adds a single component config, ::foo {} to the integrant config, and result is the integrant config {::some-component {}, ::foo {}}. Note that modules are applied to a config after all profiles have been merged.

Modules use ig/init-key???

Internally, duct/prep-config calls ig/init-key in order to instantiate the module. This can be confusing! I’ve been going on about how ig/init-key instantiates a component, but now I’m saying that it’s being used to instantiate a module, and I’m also saying that those are two very different things!

Perhaps a useful perspective to adopt is that ultimately Integrant is agnostic as to the semantic meaning of the values produced by ig/init-key; Integrant is a tool for defining a digraph (via ig/ref) and for walking that graph in topological order, applying ig/init-key to the nodes. In one context, we perform that walk in order to produce a system. In a different context, we perform that walk in order to produce functions that modify an Integrant config.

Modules make it easier to create component libraries…​ and more difficult!

Modules make it bother easier and more difficult to create component libraries. They make it easier because they make it possible for consumers of a component library to add only one line to their duct config, ::name-of-module {}, and that module can add any number of components and even modify existing components; since the integrant config is just data you can transform it however you want. Modules are kind of like macros in that regard.

And that’s why they also make it more difficult to create compononent libraries. The difficulty comes from the fact that it can be very difficult to observe what changes a module is making to your config, or how to customize those changes. They introduce uncertainty as to how your config reached its final form. I have some ideas for how to mitigate this drawback but until then it seems like the only way to understand what a module is doing is to read its source.

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