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Integrant Tutorial

Integrant brings order to the practice of defining, composing, and initializing components. It introduces two architectural abstractions: systems and components.

As defined above, a component is a computing thing that complies with an interface. A system is just the composition of all components needed for whatever application or service you’re trying to build. It’s the outermost container for all those cute little components.

All of this is a bit abstract; let’s get concrete with some code:

simple integrant example
(ns integrant-duct-example.basic-components
  (:require [integrant.core :as ig]))

(defmethod ig/init-key ::message-store [_ {:keys [message]}]
  (atom message))

(defmethod ig/init-key ::printer [_ {:keys [store]}]
  (prn (format "%s says: %s" ::printer store)))

(ig/init {::message-store {:message "love yourself, homie"}
          ::printer       {:store   (ig/ref ::message-store)}})

If you evaluate this code in a REPL, it will print the message, ":integrant-duct-example.basic-components/printer says: love yourself, homie". Let’s work through it. The code, not loving yourself.

Integrant uses the multimethod init-key to initialize components. Components are identified by a keyword; this example has components named ::message-store and ::printer. The first argument to the multimethod is the component’s name, and the second argument is the component’s configuration. The body of the multimethod is the code for constructing and "running" a component. The return value of ig/init-key is a component instance, and it can be whatever construct (atom, object, clojure data structure) you want other components to interact with.

The term component is getting a little fuzzy here. I’ve been using it to refer to a kind of conceptual entity that can be implemented in terms of a definition and initialization process. But I’m also using it to refer to an instance of a component, an actual language object that is returned by ig/init-key and passed as an argument to other components. I’ve seen the return value of ig/init-key referred to as a component but I find it useful to refer to it as a component instance.

For ::message-store the configuration only includes a :message, but in real systems component configurations would include things like the port for an HTTP server to listen to, the max number of threads for a thread pool, or the URI for a database connection.

::printer’s configuration has the key `:store and value (ig/ref ::message-store). (ig/ref) produces an integrant reference to the component named ::message-store. This makes it possible to pass the ::printer component the initialized ::message-store component.

Integrant’s ig/init function initializes a system. Its argument is a map whose keys are component names, and whose values are the configuration for that component. ig/init uses integrant references to initialize components in dependency order. In the configuration above, the presence of (ig/ref ::message-store) in ::printer’s configuration tells Integrant to initialize the `::message-store component before ::printer. Then, when initializing ::printer, it replaces the ::message-store reference with the value returned by (ig/init-key ::message-store).

ig/init returns a system instance. If you keep a reference to it you can call ig/halt! or ig/suspend! on the system. Which brings me to another note:

Integrant includes a few other lifecycle methods for components: ig/halt! and ig/halt-key!; ig/suspend! and ig/suspend-key!; plus a couple more. Check out its README for more details.

We can see how Integrant helps us initialize (ig/init, ig/init-key) and compose (ig/ref) components, but what about defining components? Earlier I said,

#+begin_quote To define a component is to establish its responsibilities and its interface. It also means choosing one or more language constructs to implement the notion of "component". #+end_quote

ig/init-key does help to define a component in that it gives the component an identity and imposes the constraint that a component be implemented as a single thing that can get passed as a value to other components (which eliminates some possibilities for defining components, like saying that namespace defines a component.)

Integrant doesn’t really prescribe what Clojure language constructs you use to implement a component; the return value of ig/init-key can be whatever you want.

That being said, it’s common to define component interfaces using protocols and to have ig/init-key return some object that implements the component’s protocols. There’s some debate over whether or not it’s a good idea to use protocols in this context, and ultimately that choice is up to you. I personally prefer protocols because they force me to make good design choices, and as a side benefit they make testing easier. As a consequence Sweet Tooth provides some useful tools for creating test mocks for components that take the protocol approach.

TODO explain component design more. Link to testing tools.

Modularity Through Keyword Hierarchies

Integrant has an interesting feature that greatly expands its usefulness in building composable systems, especially when it comes to building a framework and building an ecosystem of framework components. Clojure allows you to create create keyword hierarchies using derive, and Integrant takes advantage of this when resolving component references created by ig/ref. Here’s an example:

using keyword hierarchies
(ns integrant-duct-example.hierarchy
  (:require [integrant.core :as ig]))

(defmethod ig/init-key ::message-store [_ {:keys [message]}]
  (atom message))

(defmethod ig/init-key ::printer [_ {:keys [store]}]
  (prn (format "%s says: %s" ::printer @store)))

(derive ::message-store ::store)

(ig/init {::message-store {:message "love yourself, homie"}
          ::printer       {:store   (ig/ref ::store)}})

The ::printer component refers to a ::store component. There are no components named ::store, but ::message-store is derived from ::store, so Integrant uses that. This allows components to declare the kind of components they depend on, which makes it a lot easier to create modular component libraries. It’s another way of declaring a component’s interface: Component A depends on a component of Type X. As long as Component B is of Type X, Component A can use it; it doesn’t matter what Component B’s implementation is.

The Duct web module, for example, configures its request handler as depending on a :duct/router. It doesn’t provide any components named :duct/router, but the Duct Ataraxy module will add a component named :duct.router/ataraxy, which is derived from :duct/router. It’s possible for us to create our own router component and use that instead, as long as the component’s name is derived from :duct/router.

In fact, that’s exactly what Sweet Tooth does with its :sweet-tooth.endpoint.module.liberator-reitit-router/ring-router component.

Adding Components

TODO explain how to add components like a queue or cronut

Systems as Data

A non-obvious benefit of using Integrant is that it provides a layer of abstraction between the process and the system. We’re used to there being a one-to-one relationship between a process and an application; a process is your application being executed. The entrypoint to your application is -main, which is responsible for initializing all resources and otherwise just gettin' things started.

Integrant introduces a different model for starting your application (system), one that’s under programmatic control. It’s almost like a virtualization layer. You can use it to start multiple systems simultaneously, which is extremely useful during development because it lets you run and interact with a dev system, and at the same time run tests against a test system. The dev and test systems can be configured to use different databases, and they’re initialized with separate component instances. If you follow the dependency injection pattern and don’t rely on shared global state, your dev and test systems will behave as if they’re executing in two separate containers. Pretty sweet.

BTW I’m still trying to figure out the best way to articulate this and welcome any feedback.

Architecture as Data

It’s worth highlighting the the fact that Integrant takes a data-oriented approach to defining a system’s architecture. Personally, I think this is an innovation on par with Ruby’s Rack, which inspired the Ring library. From Ring’s docs:

#+begin_quote Ring is a Clojure web applications library inspired by Python’s WSGI and Ruby’s Rack. By abstracting the details of HTTP into a simple, unified API, Ring allows web applications to be constructed of modular components that can be shared among a variety of applications, web servers, and web frameworks. #+end_quote

The Ring API allows independent library authors to create middleware for functionality like auth management or exception reporting. Developers can easily compose this functionality as they see fit, and develop their own.

Integrant does the same thing for architecture: It abstracts the details of configuring, composing, and managing the lifecycle of components into a simple, unified API, laying the groundwork for modular components that can be shared across different applications. It’s a powerful new tool in the developer’s toolkit, and I hope that it gains wide adoption.

Integrant separates the description of the system to run (the system config) from the execution of that system (ig/init). By encoding the system’s description as plain ol' Clojure map, system composition becomes data composition. Pretty badass.

I think we still have yet to fully explore the implications of this but here are some of the consequences I’ve noticed so far:

  • It’s easier to inspect the system. You have one source of truth, the system config, to examine to figure out what components are running and how they’re related. It would be trivial to generate a diagram of the system dependency graph.

  • You can implement a structured approach to validating a system configuration. Integrant actually provides an ig/pre-init-spec multimethod that you can use to define a spec for a component’s configuration. In the past I’ve even rolled my own validation methods that provide advice how to fix a config in addition just alerting that a config is invalid.

  • You can easily transform the system for different contexts. For example, in a testing context you could replace a component that AWS’s Simple Queue Service (SQS) with a component that uses core.async.

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