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Utility methods for Scheme registries and HTTP connection managers

Utility methods for Scheme registries and HTTP connection managers
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connection manager to be rebound during async request execution

connection manager to be rebound during async request execution
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connection manager to be rebound during request execution

connection manager to be rebound during request execution
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(get-keystore keystore & args)


(get-keystore* keystore-file keystore-type keystore-pass)


(get-keystore-context-verifier {:keys [keystore keystore-type keystore-pass
                                       keystore-instance trust-store
                                       trust-store-type trust-store-pass]
                                :as req})


(get-keystore-scheme-registry req)


(get-keystore-strategy-registry req)


(make-regular-async-conn-manager {:keys [keystore trust-store] :as req})


(make-regular-conn-manager {:keys [keystore trust-store] :as req})


(make-reusable-conn-manager opts)

Creates a default pooling connection manager with the specified options.

The following options are supported:

:timeout - Time that connections are left open before automatically closing default: 5 :threads - Maximum number of threads that will be used for connecting default: 4 :default-per-route - Maximum number of simultaneous connections per host default: 2 :insecure? - Boolean flag to specify allowing insecure HTTPS connections default: false

:keystore - keystore file to be used for connection manager :keystore-pass - keystore password :trust-store - trust store file to be used for connection manager :trust-store-pass - trust store password

Note that :insecure? and :keystore/:trust-store options are mutually exclusive

If the value 'nil' is specified or the value is not set, the default value will be used.

Creates a default pooling connection manager with the specified options.

The following options are supported:

:timeout - Time that connections are left open before automatically closing
  default: 5
:threads - Maximum number of threads that will be used for connecting
  default: 4
:default-per-route - Maximum number of simultaneous connections per host
  default: 2
:insecure? - Boolean flag to specify allowing insecure HTTPS connections
  default: false

:keystore - keystore file to be used for connection manager
:keystore-pass - keystore password
:trust-store - trust store file to be used for connection manager
:trust-store-pass - trust store password

Note that :insecure? and :keystore/:trust-store options are mutually exclusive

If the value 'nil' is specified or the value is not set, the default value
will be used.
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(make-reusable-conn-manager* {:keys [timeout keystore trust-store] :as config})

Given an timeout and optional insecure? flag, create a PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager with <timeout> seconds set as the timeout value.

Given an timeout and optional insecure? flag, create a
PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager with <timeout> seconds set as the
timeout value.
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(make-reuseable-async-conn-manager opts)

Creates a default pooling async connection manager with the specified options. Handles the same options as make-reusable-conn-manager plus :io-config which should be a map containing some of the following keys:

:connect-timeout - int the default connect timeout value for connection requests (default 0, meaning no timeout) :interest-op-queued - boolean, whether or not I/O interest operations are to be queued and executed asynchronously or to be applied to the underlying SelectionKey immediately (default false) :io-thread-count - int, the number of I/O dispatch threads to be used (default is the number of available processors) :rcv-buf-size - int the default value of the SO_RCVBUF parameter for newly created sockets (default is 0, meaning the system default) :select-interval - long, time interval in milliseconds at which to check for timed out sessions and session requests (default 1000) :shutdown-grace-period - long, grace period in milliseconds to wait for individual worker threads to terminate cleanly (default 500) :snd-buf-size - int, the default value of the SO_SNDBUF parameter for newly created sockets (default is 0, meaning the system default) :so-keep-alive - boolean, the default value of the SO_KEEPALIVE parameter for newly created sockets (default false) :so-linger - int, the default value of the SO_LINGER parameter for newly created sockets (default -1) :so-timeout - int, the default socket timeout value for I/O operations (default 0, meaning no timeout) :tcp-no-delay - boolean, the default value of the TCP_NODELAY parameter for newly created sockets (default true)

If the value 'nil' is specified or the value is not set, the default value will be used.

Creates a default pooling async connection manager with the specified
options. Handles the same options as make-reusable-conn-manager plus
:io-config which should be a map containing some of the following keys:

:connect-timeout - int the default connect timeout value for connection
  requests (default 0, meaning no timeout)
:interest-op-queued - boolean, whether or not I/O interest operations are to
  be queued and executed asynchronously or to be applied to the underlying
  SelectionKey immediately (default false)
:io-thread-count - int, the number of I/O dispatch threads to be used
  (default is the number of available processors)
:rcv-buf-size - int the default value of the SO_RCVBUF parameter for
  newly created sockets (default is 0, meaning the system default)
:select-interval - long, time interval in milliseconds at which to check for
  timed out sessions and session requests (default 1000)
:shutdown-grace-period - long, grace period in milliseconds to wait for
  individual worker threads to terminate cleanly (default 500)
:snd-buf-size - int, the default value of the SO_SNDBUF parameter for
  newly created sockets (default is 0, meaning the system default)
:so-keep-alive - boolean, the default value of the SO_KEEPALIVE parameter for
  newly created sockets (default false)
:so-linger - int, the default value of the SO_LINGER parameter for
  newly created sockets (default -1)
:so-timeout - int, the default socket timeout value for I/O operations
  (default 0, meaning no timeout)
:tcp-no-delay - boolean, the default value of the TCP_NODELAY parameter for
  newly created sockets (default true)

If the value 'nil' is specified or the value is not set, the default value
will be used.
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(make-socks-proxied-conn-manager hostname port)
(make-socks-proxied-conn-manager hostname
                                 {:keys [keystore keystore-type keystore-pass
                                         trust-store trust-store-type
                                  :as opts})

Given an optional hostname and a port, create a connection manager that's proxied using a SOCKS proxy.

Given an optional hostname and a port, create a connection manager that's
proxied using a SOCKS proxy.
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(PlainGenericSocketFactory socket-factory)

Given a Function that returns a new socket, create a PlainConnectionSocketFactory that will use that socket.

Given a Function that returns a new socket, create a
PlainConnectionSocketFactory that will use that socket.
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(reusable? conn-mgr)


Shut down the given connection manager, if it is not nil

Shut down the given connection manager, if it is not nil
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(socks-proxied-socket hostname port)

Create a Socket proxied through socks, using the given hostname and port

Create a Socket proxied through socks, using the given hostname and port
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(SSLGenericSocketFactory socket-factory)
(SSLGenericSocketFactory socket-factory ssl-context)

Given a function that returns a new socket, create an SSLConnectionSocketFactory that will use that socket.

Given a function that returns a new socket, create an
SSLConnectionSocketFactory that will use that socket.
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