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Core HTTP request/response implementation. Rewrite for Apache 4.3

Core HTTP request/response implementation. Rewrite for Apache 4.3
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(add-retry-handler builder handler)


(build-async-http-client {:keys [request-interceptor response-interceptor
                                 proxy-host proxy-port async-http-builder-fns]
                          :as req}
                         [http-url proxy-ignore-hosts])

Builds an Apache HttpAsyncClient from a clj-http request map. Optional arguments http-url and proxy-ignore-hosts are used to specify the host and a list of hostnames to ignore for any proxy settings. They can be safely ignored if not using proxies.

Builds an Apache `HttpAsyncClient` from a clj-http request map. Optional
arguments `http-url` and `proxy-ignore-hosts` are used to specify the host
and a list of hostnames to ignore for any proxy settings. They can be safely
ignored if not using proxies.
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(build-cache-config request)

Given a request with :cache-config as a map or a CacheConfig object, return a CacheConfig object, or nil if no cache config is found. If :cache-config is a map, it checks for the following options:

  • :allow-303-caching
  • :asynchronous-worker-idle-lifetime-secs
  • :asynchronous-workers-core
  • :asynchronous-workers-max
  • :heuristic-caching-enabled
  • :heuristic-coefficient
  • :heuristic-default-lifetime
  • :max-cache-entries
  • :max-object-size
  • :max-update-retries
  • :never-cache-http10-responses-with-query-string
  • :revalidation-queue-size
  • :shared-cache
  • :weak-etag-on-put-delete-allowed
Given a request with :cache-config as a map or a CacheConfig object, return a
CacheConfig object, or nil if no cache config is found. If :cache-config is a
map, it checks for the following options:
- :allow-303-caching
- :asynchronous-worker-idle-lifetime-secs
- :asynchronous-workers-core
- :asynchronous-workers-max
- :heuristic-caching-enabled
- :heuristic-coefficient
- :heuristic-default-lifetime
- :max-cache-entries
- :max-object-size
- :max-update-retries
- :never-cache-http10-responses-with-query-string
- :revalidation-queue-size
- :shared-cache
- :weak-etag-on-put-delete-allowed
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(build-http-client {:keys [retry-handler request-interceptor
                           response-interceptor proxy-host proxy-port
                           http-builder-fns cookie-spec cookie-policy-registry]
                    :as req}
                   [http-url proxy-ignore-hosts])

Builds an Apache HttpClient from a clj-http request map. Optional arguments http-url and proxy-ignore-hosts are used to specify the host and a list of hostnames to ignore for any proxy settings. They can be safely ignored if not using proxies.

Builds an Apache `HttpClient` from a clj-http request map. Optional arguments
`http-url` and `proxy-ignore-hosts` are used to specify the host and a list of
hostnames to ignore for any proxy settings. They can be safely ignored if not
using proxies.
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(create-custom-cookie-policy-registry cookie-spec-fn)

Given a function that will take an HttpContext and return a CookieSpec, create a new Registry for the cookie policy under the CUSTOM_COOKIE_POLICY string.

Given a function that will take an HttpContext and return a CookieSpec,
create a new Registry for the cookie policy under the CUSTOM_COOKIE_POLICY
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(default-redirect-strategy original req)

Proxies calls to whatever original redirect strategy is passed in, however, if :validate-redirects is set in the request, checks that the redirected host is not empty.

Proxies calls to whatever original redirect strategy is passed in, however,
if :validate-redirects is set in the request, checks that the redirected host
is not empty.
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Method to retrieve the cookie policy that should be used for the request. This is a multimethod that may be extended to return your own cookie policy. Dispatches based on the :cookie-policy key in the request map.

Method to retrieve the cookie policy that should be used for the request.
This is a multimethod that may be extended to return your own cookie policy.
Dispatches based on the `:cookie-policy` key in the request map.
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(get-redirect-strategy {:keys [redirect-strategy] :as req})


(get-route-planner proxy-host proxy-port proxy-ignore-hosts http-url)

Return an HttpRoutePlanner that either use the supplied proxy settings if any, or the JVM/system proxy settings otherwise

Return an HttpRoutePlanner that either use the supplied proxy settings
if any, or the JVM/system proxy settings otherwise
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(graceful-redirect-strategy req)

Similar to the default redirect strategy, however, does not throw an error when the maximum number of redirects has been reached. Still supports validating that the new redirect host is not empty.

Similar to the default redirect strategy, however, does not throw an error
when the maximum number of redirects has been reached. Still supports
validating that the new redirect host is not empty.
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(http-context caching? request-config http-client-context)




(http-request-for request-method http-url body)

Provides the HttpRequest object for a particular request-method and url

Provides the HttpRequest object for a particular request-method and url
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(make-proxy-method method url)


(make-proxy-method-with-body method)


(parse-headers headers & [use-header-maps-in-response?])

Takes a HeaderIterator and returns a map of names to values.

If a name appears more than once (like set-cookie) then the value will be a vector containing the values in the order they appeared in the headers.

Takes a HeaderIterator and returns a map of names to values.

If a name appears more than once (like `set-cookie`) then the value
will be a vector containing the values in the order they appeared
in the headers.
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(request req)
(request {:keys [body conn-timeout conn-request-timeout connection-manager
                 cookie-store cookie-policy headers multipart query-string
                 redirect-strategy max-redirects retry-handler request-method
                 scheme server-name server-port socket-timeout uri
                 response-interceptor proxy-host proxy-port http-client-context
                 http-request-config http-client proxy-ignore-hosts proxy-user
                 proxy-pass digest-auth ntlm-auth spnego-auth
          :as req}


(request-config {:keys [conn-timeout socket-timeout conn-request-timeout
                        max-redirects cookie-spec]
                 :as req})

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