(children->props children tag)
converts children array to props
(children->props ["hello"] :mock/label) => {:text "hello"}
(children->props ["hello"] :mock/pane) => {:children ["hello"]}
converts children array to props (children->props ["hello"] :mock/label) => {:text "hello"} (children->props ["hello"] :mock/pane) => {:children ["hello"]}
(component? dom)
checks if metatype is of :dom/component
(component? (dom-new :mock/label {})) => false
checks if metatype is of :dom/component (component? (dom-new :mock/label {})) => false
(dom-assert props keys)
asserts that the props are valid (dom-assert {:a 1 :b 2} [:a])
(dom-assert {:a 1 :b 2} [:c]) => (throws)
asserts that the props are valid (dom-assert {:a 1 :b 2} [:a]) (dom-assert {:a 1 :b 2} [:c]) => (throws)
(dom-attach dom handler)
attaches a handler to a dom node
(-> (dom-attach (dom-create :mock/label) (fn [dom event] event)) :handler) => fn?
attaches a handler to a dom node (-> (dom-attach (dom-create :mock/label) (fn [dom event] event)) :handler) => fn?
(dom-children {:keys [tag props] :as dom})
retrieves children of dom object
(dom-children (dom-create :mock/pane {} ["hello"])) => {:key :children :children ["hello"]}
retrieves children of dom object (dom-children (dom-create :mock/pane {} ["hello"])) => {:key :children :children ["hello"]}
(dom-clone dom)
creates shallow copy of a node and its data
(def -a- (dom-create :mock/label)) (def -b- (dom-clone -a-))
(= -a- -b-) => false (dom-equal? -a- -b-) => true
creates shallow copy of a node and its data (def -a- (dom-create :mock/label)) (def -b- (dom-clone -a-)) (= -a- -b-) => false (dom-equal? -a- -b-) => true
(dom-compile form)
(dom-compile [tag props? & children :as form] create-fn)
compiles a tree structure into a dom
(-> (dom-compile [:mock/pane "hello"]) dom-format) => [:- :mock/pane "hello"]
(-> (dom-compile [:mock/pane [:mock/label "hello"] [:mock/label "world"]]) dom-format) => [:- :mock/pane [:- :mock/label "hello"] [:- :mock/label "world"]]
compiles a tree structure into a dom (-> (dom-compile [:mock/pane "hello"]) dom-format) => [:- :mock/pane "hello"] (-> (dom-compile [:mock/pane [:mock/label "hello"] [:mock/label "world"]]) dom-format) => [:- :mock/pane [:- :mock/label "hello"] [:- :mock/label "world"]]
(dom-create tag)
(dom-create tag props)
(dom-create tag props children)
creates an dom
(dom-create :mock/pane {} ["hello"]) ;; [:- :label "hello"] => dom?
creates an dom (dom-create :mock/pane {} ["hello"]) ;; [:- :label "hello"] => dom?
(dom-detach dom)
detaches a handler from a dom node
(-> (dom-attach (dom-create :mock/label) (fn [dom event] event)) (dom-detach) :handler) => nil
detaches a handler from a dom node (-> (dom-attach (dom-create :mock/label) (fn [dom event] event)) (dom-detach) :handler) => nil
(dom-equal? obj-a obj-b)
checks if two dom elements are equal
(dom-equal? (dom-create :mock/label {} ["hello"]) (dom-create :mock/label {} ["hello"])) => true
checks if two dom elements are equal (dom-equal? (dom-create :mock/label {} ["hello"]) (dom-create :mock/label {} ["hello"])) => true
(dom-format {:keys [tag props] :as dom})
formats dom for printing
(dom-format (dom-create :mock/label {} ["hello"])) => [:- :mock/label "hello"]
formats dom for printing (dom-format (dom-create :mock/label {} ["hello"])) => [:- :mock/label "hello"]
(dom-item dom)
returns itement associated with the dom
(-> (dom-new :mock/label {:a 1}) (impl/dom-render) (dom-item)) => mock/mock?
(-> (dom-new :mock/label) (dom-item)) => nil
returns itement associated with the dom (-> (dom-new :mock/label {:a 1}) (impl/dom-render) (dom-item)) => mock/mock? (-> (dom-new :mock/label) (dom-item)) => nil
(dom-item? dom)
returns whether dom has associated itement
(dom-item? (dom-new :mock/pane)) => false
(-> (dom-new :mock/pane) impl/dom-render dom-item?) => true
returns whether dom has associated itement (dom-item? (dom-new :mock/pane)) => false (-> (dom-new :mock/pane) impl/dom-render dom-item?) => true
(dom-metaclass dom)
returns the associated metaclass
(dom-metaclass (dom-new :mock/label {})) => :mock/element
returns the associated metaclass (dom-metaclass (dom-new :mock/label {})) => :mock/element
(dom-metaprops dom)
checks dom for ui type
(dom-metaprops (dom-new :mock/label {})) => (contains {:tag :mock/label :construct fn? :children {:key :text :single true} :metaclass :mock/element :metatype :dom/element})
checks dom for ui type (dom-metaprops (dom-new :mock/label {})) => (contains {:tag :mock/label :construct fn? :children {:key :text :single true} :metaclass :mock/element :metatype :dom/element})
(dom-metatype dom)
returns the associated metatype
(dom-metatype (dom-new :mock/label {})) => :dom/element
returns the associated metatype (dom-metatype (dom-new :mock/label {})) => :dom/element
(dom-new obj)
(dom-new tag props)
(dom-new tag props item parent handler shadow cache extra)
creates a new dom type
(dom-new :mock/label {}) => dom?
creates a new dom type (dom-new :mock/label {}) => dom?
(dom-props-equal? props-a props-b)
checks if two dome nodes have the same props
(dom-props-equal? {:a 1 :b 2} {:a 1 :b 2}) => true
checks if two dome nodes have the same props (dom-props-equal? {:a 1 :b 2} {:a 1 :b 2}) => true
(dom-split-props props)
(dom-split-props props lookup select)
splits :on namespace keywords
(dom-split-props {:on/item :event/item :item "hello"}) => [{:on/item :event/item} {:item "hello"}]
splits :on namespace keywords (dom-split-props {:on/item :event/item :item "hello"}) => [{:on/item :event/item} {:item "hello"}]
(dom-tags-equal? obj-a obj-b)
checks if two dom nodes have the same tags
(dom-tags-equal? (dom-create :mock/label) (dom-create :mock/label)) => true
checks if two dom nodes have the same tags (dom-tags-equal? (dom-create :mock/label) (dom-create :mock/label)) => true
(dom-top dom)
returns the top-most dom element
(def -a- (dom-create :mock/label)) (def -b- (dom-create :mock/pane {} [(dom-create :mock/pane {} [-a-])]))
(dom-top -a-) => -b-
returns the top-most dom element (def -a- (dom-create :mock/label)) (def -b- (dom-create :mock/pane {} [(dom-create :mock/pane {} [-a-])])) (dom-top -a-) => -b-
(dom-trigger {:keys [parent handler] :as dom} event)
triggers an event, propogating up the dom hierarchy
(def -p- (promise))
(-> (dom-create :mock/label) (dom-attach (fn [dom event] (deliver -p- event) nil)) (dom-trigger {:a 1 :b 2}))
@-p- => {:a 1, :b 2}
triggers an event, propogating up the dom hierarchy (def -p- (promise)) (-> (dom-create :mock/label) (dom-attach (fn [dom event] (deliver -p- event) nil)) (dom-trigger {:a 1 :b 2})) @-p- => {:a 1, :b 2}
(dom-vector? obj)
checks if a vector can be a dom representation
(dom-vector? [:fx/label ""]) => true
(dom-vector? ^:data [:fx/label ""]) => false
checks if a vector can be a dom representation (dom-vector? [:fx/label ""]) => true (dom-vector? ^:data [:fx/label ""]) => false
(dom? obj)
checks if object is an dom
(dom? (dom-create :mock/label {} ["hello"])) => true
checks if object is an dom (dom? (dom-create :mock/label {} ["hello"])) => true
(element? dom)
checks if metatype is of :dom/element
(element? (dom-new :mock/label {})) => true
checks if metatype is of :dom/element (element? (dom-new :mock/label {})) => true
(props-apply props action)
applies an action to props map
(props-apply {:a (dom-create :mock/label {:text "hello"}) :b (dom-create :mock/pane {} ["world"])} (comp :props dom-item impl/dom-render)) => {:a {:text "hello"}, :b {:children ["world"]}}
applies an action to props map (props-apply {:a (dom-create :mock/label {:text "hello"}) :b (dom-create :mock/pane {} ["world"])} (comp :props dom-item impl/dom-render)) => {:a {:text "hello"}, :b {:children ["world"]}}
(value? dom)
checks if metatype is of :dom/value
(value? (dom-new :mock/insets {})) => true
checks if metatype is of :dom/value (value? (dom-new :mock/insets {})) => true
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