(item-access tag item k)
accesses the actual value of the object
(item-access :test/cat (item-create :test/cat {:name "fluffy"}) :name) => "fluffy"
accesses the actual value of the object (item-access :test/cat (item-create :test/cat {:name "fluffy"}) :name) => "fluffy"
provides an extensible interface for itement cleanup
(item-cleanup :mock/pane (item-create :mock/pane)) => mock/mock?
provides an extensible interface for itement cleanup (item-cleanup :mock/pane (item-create :mock/pane)) => mock/mock?
(item-cleanup-default tag item)
default implementation of item-prop-update. does nothing.
default implementation of item-prop-update. does nothing.
returns the given constructor for the tag
(item-constructor :test/date) => fn?
returns the given constructor for the tag (item-constructor :test/date) => fn?
(item-create tag)
(item-create tag props)
generic constructor for creating dom items
(item-create :test/date) => java.util.Date
generic constructor for creating dom items (item-create :test/date) => java.util.Date
returns the getters for the given tag
(item-getters :test/cat) => (contains-in {:name {:type java.lang.String, :fn fn?}})
returns the getters for the given tag (item-getters :test/cat) => (contains-in {:name {:type java.lang.String, :fn fn?}})
provides an extensible interface for delete item prop calls
(item-props-delete :test/cat (item-create :test/cat {:name "hello"}) {:name "hello"}) => test.Cat
provides an extensible interface for delete item prop calls (item-props-delete :test/cat (item-create :test/cat {:name "hello"}) {:name "hello"}) => test.Cat
(item-props-delete-default tag item props)
default implementation of item-prop-set. returns item
default implementation of item-prop-set. returns item
provides an extensible interface for set item prop calls
(.getName ^test.Cat (item-props-set :test/cat (item-create :test/cat) {:name "spike"})) => "spike"
(doto (item-create :mock/pane) (#(item-props-set :mock/pane % {:a 1 :b 2})))
provides an extensible interface for set item prop calls (.getName ^test.Cat (item-props-set :test/cat (item-create :test/cat) {:name "spike"})) => "spike" (doto (item-create :mock/pane) (#(item-props-set :mock/pane % {:a 1 :b 2})))
(item-props-set-default tag item props)
default implementation of item-prop-set. throws exception
default implementation of item-prop-set. throws exception
provides an extensible interface for update item prop calls
(item-props-update :test/cat (item-create :test/cat) []) => test.Cat
(item-props-update :test/date (item-create :test/date) []) => (throws)
provides an extensible interface for update item prop calls (item-props-update :test/cat (item-create :test/cat) []) => test.Cat (item-props-update :test/date (item-create :test/date) []) => (throws)
(item-props-update-default tag item ops)
default implementation of item-prop-update. does nothing.
(item-props-update-default :test/cat (item-create :test/cat) []) => test.Cat
default implementation of item-prop-update. does nothing. (item-props-update-default :test/cat (item-create :test/cat) []) => test.Cat
updates item given a list
(-> (item-set-list :mock/pane (item-create :mock/pane) :a [1 2 3 4]) :props) => {:a [1 2 3 4]}
updates item given a list (-> (item-set-list :mock/pane (item-create :mock/pane) :a [1 2 3 4]) :props) => {:a [1 2 3 4]}
(item-set-list-default tag item k vlist)
default implementation of item-set-list. throws exception
(item-set-list-default :mock/pane (item-create :mock/pane) :a []) => (throws)
default implementation of item-set-list. throws exception (item-set-list-default :mock/pane (item-create :mock/pane) :a []) => (throws)
returns the setters for the given tag
(item-setters :test/cat) => (contains-in {:name {:type java.lang.String, :fn fn?}})
returns the setters for the given tag (item-setters :test/cat) => (contains-in {:name {:type java.lang.String, :fn fn?}})
(item-update tag item ops)
updates item given transform operations
(-> (item-update :mock/pane (item-create :mock/pane {:a 1}) [[:delete :a 1] [:set :b 2]]) :props) => {:b 2}
updates item given transform operations (-> (item-update :mock/pane (item-create :mock/pane {:a 1}) [[:delete :a 1] [:set :b 2]]) :props) => {:b 2}
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