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(byte-gray->rows array size)

creates rows from byte-gray array

(-> (byte-array [10 20 30 40]) (byte-gray->rows [2 2]) vec) => [[10 20] [30 40]]

creates rows from byte-gray array

(-> (byte-array [10 20 30 40])
    (byte-gray->rows [2 2])
=> [[10 20] [30 40]]
raw docstring


(display image)
(display image {:keys [channel] :as opts})

outputs an ascii string based on image input

(with-out-str (display {:data (byte-array [10 20 30 40 50]) :size [5 1] :model (model/model :byte-gray)})) ;;"Ã#HXÕ߶$\n"

outputs an ascii string based on image input

  (display {:data (byte-array [10 20 30 40 50])
            :size [5 1]
            :model (model/model :byte-gray)}))
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(int-argb->rows array size)

creates rows from int-argb array

(-> (map util/bytes->int [[255 10 20 30] [255 40 50 60]]) (int-array) (int-argb->rows [1 2])) => [[20] [50]]

creates rows from int-argb array

(-> (map util/bytes->int [[255 10 20 30] [255 40 50 60]])
    (int-argb->rows [1 2]))
=> [[20] [50]]
raw docstring


(render-byte-gray image)
(render-byte-gray {:keys [data size] :as image} opts)

creates an ascii string for the byte-gray array

(render-byte-gray {:data (byte-array [10 20 30 40]) :size [2 2]}) ;;"Ã#\nŠp" => string?

creates an ascii string for the byte-gray array

(render-byte-gray {:data (byte-array [10 20 30 40])
                   :size [2 2]})
=> string?
raw docstring


(render-int-argb image)
(render-int-argb {:keys [data size] :as image} opts)

creates an ascii string for the int-argb array

(render-int-argb {:data (->> [[255 10 20 30] [255 40 50 60]] (map util/bytes->int) (int-array)) :size [2 1]}) ;; "Äp" => string?

creates an ascii string for the int-argb array

(render-int-argb {:data (->> [[255 10 20 30] [255 40 50 60]]
                              (map util/bytes->int)
                  :size [2 1]})
;; "Äp"
=> string?
raw docstring


(render-string rows)
(render-string rows table len)

render string based on rows containing values

(render-string [[10 20 30 40] [10 20 30 40]]) ;;"ÂNHœŠm\nWNÀXŠm" => string?

render string based on rows containing values

(render-string [[10 20 30 40]
                [10 20 30 40]])
=> string?
raw docstring

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