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(length size)

calculates the length of the array

(length {:width 2 :height 3}) => 6

(length [100 200]) => 20000

calculates the length of the array

(length {:width 2 :height 3})
=> 6

(length [100 200])
=> 20000
raw docstring


(size->map size)

converts a size to a map

(size->map [100 200]) => {:width 100, :height 200}

(size->map {:width 2 :height 3}) => {:width 2, :height 3}

converts a size to a map

(size->map [100 200])
=> {:width 100, :height 200}

(size->map {:width 2 :height 3})
=> {:width 2, :height 3}
raw docstring

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