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Class PrintException encapsulates a printing-related error condition that occurred while using a Print Service instance. This base class furnishes only a string description of the error. Subclasses furnish more detailed information if applicable.

Class PrintException encapsulates a printing-related error condition that
occurred while using a Print Service instance. This base class
furnishes only a string description of the error. Subclasses furnish more
detailed information if applicable.
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(->print-exception s)
(->print-exception s e)


Construct a print exception with the given detail message and chained exception.

s - Detail message, or null if no detail message. - java.lang.String e - Chained exception. - java.lang.Exception


Construct a print exception with the given detail message
 and chained exception.

s - Detail message, or null if no detail message. - `java.lang.String`
e - Chained exception. - `java.lang.Exception`
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