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Implementations of this class provide lookup services for print services (typically equivalent to printers) of a particular type.

Multiple implementations may be installed concurrently. All implementations must be able to describe the located printers as instances of a PrintService. Typically implementations of this service class are located automatically in JAR files (see the SPI JAR file specification). These classes must be instantiable using a default constructor. Alternatively applications may explicitly register instances at runtime.

Applications use only the static methods of this abstract class. The instance methods are implemented by a service provider in a subclass and the unification of the results from all installed lookup classes are reported by the static methods of this class when called by the application.

A PrintServiceLookup implementor is recommended to check for the SecurityManager.checkPrintJobAccess() to deny access to untrusted code. Following this recommended policy means that untrusted code may not be able to locate any print services. Downloaded applets are the most common example of untrusted code.

This check is made on a per lookup service basis to allow flexibility in the policy to reflect the needs of different lookup services.

Services which are registered by registerService(PrintService) will not be included in lookup results if a security manager is installed and its checkPrintJobAccess() method denies access.

Implementations of this class provide lookup services for
print services (typically equivalent to printers) of a particular type.

Multiple implementations may be installed concurrently.
All implementations must be able to describe the located printers
as instances of a PrintService.
Typically implementations of this service class are located
automatically in JAR files (see the SPI JAR file specification).
These classes must be instantiable using a default constructor.
Alternatively applications may explicitly register instances
at runtime.

Applications use only the static methods of this abstract class.
The instance methods are implemented by a service provider in a subclass
and the unification of the results from all installed lookup classes
are reported by the static methods of this class when called by
the application.

A PrintServiceLookup implementor is recommended to check for the
SecurityManager.checkPrintJobAccess() to deny access to untrusted code.
Following this recommended policy means that untrusted code may not
be able to locate any print services. Downloaded applets are the most
common example of untrusted code.

This check is made on a per lookup service basis to allow flexibility in
the policy to reflect the needs of different lookup services.

Services which are registered by registerService(PrintService)
will not be included in lookup results if a security manager is
installed and its checkPrintJobAccess() method denies access.
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Locates the default print service for this environment. This may return null. If multiple lookup services each specify a default, the chosen service is not precisely defined, but a platform native service, rather than an installed service, is usually returned as the default. If there is no clearly identifiable platform native default print service, the default is the first to be located in an implementation-dependent manner.

This may include making use of any preferences API that is available as part of the Java or native platform. This algorithm may be overridden by a user setting the property javax.print.defaultPrinter. A service specified must be discovered to be valid and currently available to be returned as the default.

returns: the default PrintService. - javax.print.PrintService

Locates the default print service for this environment.
 This may return null.
 If multiple lookup services each specify a default, the
 chosen service is not precisely defined, but a
 platform native service, rather than an installed service,
 is usually returned as the default.  If there is no clearly
 platform native default print service, the default is the first
 to be located in an implementation-dependent manner.

 This may include making use of any preferences API that is available
 as part of the Java or native platform.
 This algorithm may be overridden by a user setting the property
 A service specified must be discovered to be valid and currently
 available to be returned as the default.

returns: the default PrintService. - `javax.print.PrintService`
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(*lookup-multi-doc-print-services flavors attributes)

Locates MultiDoc print Services capable of printing MultiDocs containing all the specified doc flavors. This method is useful to help locate a service that can print a MultiDoc in which the elements may be different flavors. An application could perform this itself by multiple lookups on each DocFlavor in turn and collating the results, but the lookup service may be able to do this more efficiently.

flavors - the flavors to print. If null or empty this constraint is not used. Otherwise return only multidoc print services that can print all specified doc flavors. - javax.print.DocFlavor[] attributes - attributes that the print service must support. If null this constraint is not used. - javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet

returns: array of matching MultiDocPrintService objects. If no services match, the array is zero-length. - javax.print.MultiDocPrintService[]

Locates MultiDoc print Services capable of printing MultiDocs
 containing all the specified doc flavors.
  This method is useful to help locate a service that can print
 a MultiDoc in which the elements may be different
 flavors. An application could perform this itself by multiple lookups
 on each DocFlavor in turn and collating the results,
 but the lookup service may be able to do this more efficiently.

flavors - the flavors to print. If null or empty this constraint is not used. Otherwise return only multidoc print services that can print all specified doc flavors. - `javax.print.DocFlavor[]`
attributes - attributes that the print service must support. If null this constraint is not used. - `javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet`

returns: array of matching MultiDocPrintService objects.
 If no services match, the array is zero-length. - `javax.print.MultiDocPrintService[]`
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(*lookup-print-services flavor attributes)

Locates print services capable of printing the specified DocFlavor.

flavor - the flavor to print. If null, this constraint is not used. - javax.print.DocFlavor attributes - attributes that the print service must support. If null this constraint is not used. - javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet

returns: array of matching PrintService objects representing print services that support the specified flavor attributes. If no services match, the array is zero-length. - javax.print.PrintService[]

Locates print services capable of printing the specified

flavor - the flavor to print. If null, this constraint is not used. - `javax.print.DocFlavor`
attributes - attributes that the print service must support. If null this constraint is not used. - `javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet`

returns: array of matching PrintService objects
 representing print services that support the specified flavor
 attributes.  If no services match, the array is zero-length. - `javax.print.PrintService[]`
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(*register-service service)

Allows an application to directly register an instance of a class which implements a print service. The lookup operations for this service will be performed by the PrintServiceLookup class using the attribute values and classes reported by the service. This may be less efficient than a lookup service tuned for that service. Therefore registering a PrintServiceLookup instance instead is recommended. The method returns true if this service is not previously registered and is now successfully registered. This method should not be called with StreamPrintService instances. They will always fail to register and the method will return false.

service - an implementation of a print service. - javax.print.PrintService

returns: true if the service is newly registered; false otherwise. - boolean

Allows an application to directly register an instance of a
 class which implements a print service.
 The lookup operations for this service will be
 performed by the PrintServiceLookup class using the attribute
 values and classes reported by the service.
 This may be less efficient than a lookup
 service tuned for that service.
 Therefore registering a PrintServiceLookup instance
 instead is recommended.
 The method returns true if this service is not previously
 registered and is now successfully registered.
 This method should not be called with StreamPrintService instances.
 They will always fail to register and the method will return false.

service - an implementation of a print service. - `javax.print.PrintService`

returns: true if the service is newly
         registered; false otherwise. - `boolean`
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(*register-service-provider sp)

Allows an application to explicitly register a class that implements lookup services. The registration will not persist across VM invocations. This is useful if an application needs to make a new service available that is not part of the installation. If the lookup service is already registered, or cannot be registered, the method returns false.

sp - an implementation of a lookup service. - javax.print.PrintServiceLookup

returns: true if the new lookup service is newly registered; false otherwise. - boolean

Allows an application to explicitly register a class that
 implements lookup services. The registration will not persist
 across VM invocations.
 This is useful if an application needs to make a new service
 available that is not part of the installation.
 If the lookup service is already registered, or cannot be registered,
 the method returns false.

sp - an implementation of a lookup service. - `javax.print.PrintServiceLookup`

returns: true if the new lookup service is newly
         registered; false otherwise. - `boolean`
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(get-default-print-service this)

Not called directly by applications. Implemented by a service provider, and called by the print lookup service

returns: the default PrintService for this lookup service. If there is no default, returns null. - javax.print.PrintService

Not called directly by applications.
 Implemented by a service provider, and called by the print lookup

returns: the default PrintService for this lookup service.
 If there is no default, returns null. - `javax.print.PrintService`
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(get-multi-doc-print-services this flavors attributes)

Not called directly by applications.

Implemented by a service provider, used by the static methods of this class.

Locates MultiDoc print services which can be positively confirmed to support the combination of attributes and DocFlavors specified.

flavors - of documents required. If null or empty it is ignored. - javax.print.DocFlavor[] attributes - required to be supported. If null this constraint is not used. - javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet

returns: array of matching PrintServices. If no services match, the array is zero-length. - javax.print.MultiDocPrintService[]

Not called directly by applications.

 Implemented by a service provider, used by the static methods
 of this class.

 Locates MultiDoc print services which can be positively confirmed
 to support the combination of attributes and DocFlavors specified.

flavors - of documents required. If null or empty it is ignored. - `javax.print.DocFlavor[]`
attributes - required to be supported. If null this constraint is not used. - `javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet`

returns: array of matching PrintServices. If no services match, the
 array is zero-length. - `javax.print.MultiDocPrintService[]`
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(get-print-services this)
(get-print-services this flavor attributes)

Locates services that can be positively confirmed to support the combination of attributes and DocFlavors specified. This method is not called directly by applications.

Implemented by a service provider, used by the static methods of this class.

The results should be the same as obtaining all the PrintServices and querying each one individually on its support for the specified attributes and flavors, but the process can be more efficient by taking advantage of the capabilities of lookup services for the print services.

flavor - of document required. If null it is ignored. - javax.print.DocFlavor attributes - required to be supported. If null this constraint is not used. - javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet

returns: array of matching PrintServices. If no services match, the array is zero-length. - javax.print.PrintService[]

Locates services that can be positively confirmed to support
 the combination of attributes and DocFlavors specified.
 This method is not called directly by applications.

 Implemented by a service provider, used by the static methods
 of this class.

 The results should be the same as obtaining all the PrintServices
 and querying each one individually on its support for the
 specified attributes and flavors, but the process can be more
 efficient by taking advantage of the capabilities of lookup services
 for the print services.

flavor - of document required. If null it is ignored. - `javax.print.DocFlavor`
attributes - required to be supported. If null this constraint is not used. - `javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet`

returns: array of matching PrintServices. If no services match, the
 array is zero-length. - `javax.print.PrintService[]`
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