Class PrintServiceAttributeEvent encapsulates an event a Print Service instance reports to let the client know of changes in the print service state.
Class PrintServiceAttributeEvent encapsulates an event a Print Service instance reports to let the client know of changes in the print service state.
(->print-service-attribute-event source attributes)
Constructs a PrintServiceAttributeEvent object.
source - the print job generating this event - javax.print.PrintService
attributes - the attribute changes being reported - javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttributeSet
throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if source is null.
Constructor. Constructs a PrintServiceAttributeEvent object. source - the print job generating this event - `javax.print.PrintService` attributes - the attribute changes being reported - `javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttributeSet` throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if source is null.
(get-attributes this)
Determine the printing service attributes that changed and their new values.
returns: Attributes containing the new values for the service
attributes that changed. The returned set may be unmodifiable. - javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttributeSet
Determine the printing service attributes that changed and their new values. returns: Attributes containing the new values for the service attributes that changed. The returned set may be unmodifiable. - `javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttributeSet`
(get-print-service this)
Returns the print service.
returns: Print Service object. - javax.print.PrintService
Returns the print service. returns: Print Service object. - `javax.print.PrintService`
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