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Besides the class information inherited from its superclass, DataLine.Info provides additional information specific to data lines. This information includes:

the audio formats supported by the data line the minimum and maximum sizes of its internal buffer

Because a Line.Info knows the class of the line its describes, a DataLine.Info object can describe DataLine subinterfaces such as SourceDataLine, TargetDataLine, and Clip. You can query a mixer for lines of any of these types, passing an appropriate instance of DataLine.Info as the argument to a method such as Mixer.getLine(Line.Info).

Besides the class information inherited from its superclass,
DataLine.Info provides additional information specific to data lines.
This information includes:

 the audio formats supported by the data line
 the minimum and maximum sizes of its internal buffer

Because a Line.Info knows the class of the line its describes, a
DataLine.Info object can describe DataLine
subinterfaces such as SourceDataLine,
TargetDataLine, and Clip.
You can query a mixer for lines of any of these types, passing an appropriate
instance of DataLine.Info as the argument to a method such as
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(->info line-class format)
(->info line-class format buffer-size)
(->info line-class formats min-buffer-size max-buffer-size)


Constructs a data line's info object from the specified information, which includes a set of supported audio formats and a range for the buffer size. This constructor is typically used by mixer implementations when returning information about a supported line.

line-class - the class of the data line described by the info object - java.lang.Class<?> formats - set of formats supported - javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[] min-buffer-size - minimum buffer size supported by the data line, in bytes - int max-buffer-size - maximum buffer size supported by the data line, in bytes - int


Constructs a data line's info object from the specified information,
 which includes a set of supported audio formats and a range for the buffer size.
 This constructor is typically used by mixer implementations
 when returning information about a supported line.

line-class - the class of the data line described by the info object - `java.lang.Class<?>`
formats - set of formats supported - `javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[]`
min-buffer-size - minimum buffer size supported by the data line, in bytes - `int`
max-buffer-size - maximum buffer size supported by the data line, in bytes - `int`
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(format-supported? this format)

Indicates whether this data line supports a particular audio format. The default implementation of this method simply returns true if the specified format matches any of the supported formats.

format - the audio format for which support is queried. - javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat

returns: true if the format is supported, otherwise false - boolean

Indicates whether this data line supports a particular audio format.
 The default implementation of this method simply returns true if
 the specified format matches any of the supported formats.

format - the audio format for which support is queried. - `javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat`

returns: true if the format is supported, otherwise false - `boolean`
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(get-formats this)

Obtains a set of audio formats supported by the data line. Note that isFormatSupported(AudioFormat) might return true for certain additional formats that are missing from the set returned by getFormats(). The reverse is not the case: isFormatSupported(AudioFormat) is guaranteed to return true for all formats returned by getFormats().

Some fields in the AudioFormat instances can be set to NOT_SPECIFIED if that field does not apply to the format, or if the format supports a wide range of values for that field. For example, a multi-channel device supporting up to 64 channels, could set the channel field in the AudioFormat instances returned by this method to NOT_SPECIFIED.

returns: a set of supported audio formats. - javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[]

Obtains a set of audio formats supported by the data line.
 Note that isFormatSupported(AudioFormat) might return
 true for certain additional formats that are missing from
 the set returned by getFormats().  The reverse is not
 the case: isFormatSupported(AudioFormat) is guaranteed to return
 true for all formats returned by getFormats().

 Some fields in the AudioFormat instances can be set to
 if that field does not apply to the format,
 or if the format supports a wide range of values for that field.
 For example, a multi-channel device supporting up to
 64 channels, could set the channel field in the
 AudioFormat instances returned by this
 method to NOT_SPECIFIED.

returns: a set of supported audio formats. - `javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[]`
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(get-max-buffer-size this)

Obtains the maximum buffer size supported by the data line.

returns: maximum buffer size in bytes, or AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED - int

Obtains the maximum buffer size supported by the data line.

returns: maximum buffer size in bytes, or AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED - `int`
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(get-min-buffer-size this)

Obtains the minimum buffer size supported by the data line.

returns: minimum buffer size in bytes, or AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED - int

Obtains the minimum buffer size supported by the data line.

returns: minimum buffer size in bytes, or AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED - `int`
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(matches this info)

Determines whether the specified info object matches this one. To match, the superclass match requirements must be met. In addition, this object's minimum buffer size must be at least as large as that of the object specified, its maximum buffer size must be at most as large as that of the object specified, and all of its formats must match formats supported by the object specified.

info - the info object which is being compared to this one - javax.sound.sampled.Line.Info

returns: true if this object matches the one specified, otherwise false. - boolean

Determines whether the specified info object matches this one.
 To match, the superclass match requirements must be met.  In
 addition, this object's minimum buffer size must be at least as
 large as that of the object specified, its maximum buffer size must
 be at most as large as that of the object specified, and all of its
 formats must match formats supported by the object specified.

info - the info object which is being compared to this one - `javax.sound.sampled.Line.Info`

returns: true if this object matches the one specified,
 otherwise false. - `boolean`
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(to-string this)

Obtains a textual description of the data line info.

returns: a string description - java.lang.String

Obtains a textual description of the data line info.

returns: a string description - `java.lang.String`
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