A provider or factory for a particular mixer type. This mechanism allows the implementation to determine how resources are managed in creation / management of a mixer.
A provider or factory for a particular mixer type. This mechanism allows the implementation to determine how resources are managed in creation / management of a mixer.
(get-mixer this info)
Obtains an instance of the mixer represented by the info object.
The full set of the mixer info objects that represent the mixers supported by this MixerProvider may be obtained through the getMixerInfo method. Use the isMixerSupported method to test whether this MixerProvider supports a particular mixer.
info - an info object that describes the desired mixer - javax.sound.sampled.Mixer.Info
returns: mixer instance - javax.sound.sampled.Mixer
throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the info object specified does not match the info object for a mixer supported by this MixerProvider.
Obtains an instance of the mixer represented by the info object. The full set of the mixer info objects that represent the mixers supported by this MixerProvider may be obtained through the getMixerInfo method. Use the isMixerSupported method to test whether this MixerProvider supports a particular mixer. info - an info object that describes the desired mixer - `javax.sound.sampled.Mixer.Info` returns: mixer instance - `javax.sound.sampled.Mixer` throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the info object specified does not match the info object for a mixer supported by this MixerProvider.
(get-mixer-info this)
Obtains the set of info objects representing the mixer or mixers provided by this MixerProvider.
The isMixerSupported method returns true for all the info objects returned by this method. The corresponding mixer instances for the info objects are returned by the getMixer method.
returns: a set of mixer info objects - javax.sound.sampled.Mixer.Info[]
Obtains the set of info objects representing the mixer or mixers provided by this MixerProvider. The isMixerSupported method returns true for all the info objects returned by this method. The corresponding mixer instances for the info objects are returned by the getMixer method. returns: a set of mixer info objects - `javax.sound.sampled.Mixer.Info[]`
(mixer-supported? this info)
Indicates whether the mixer provider supports the mixer represented by the specified mixer info object.
The full set of mixer info objects that represent the mixers supported by this MixerProvider may be obtained through the getMixerInfo method.
info - an info object that describes the mixer for which support is queried - javax.sound.sampled.Mixer.Info
returns: true if the specified mixer is supported,
otherwise false - boolean
Indicates whether the mixer provider supports the mixer represented by the specified mixer info object. The full set of mixer info objects that represent the mixers supported by this MixerProvider may be obtained through the getMixerInfo method. info - an info object that describes the mixer for which support is queried - `javax.sound.sampled.Mixer.Info` returns: true if the specified mixer is supported, otherwise false - `boolean`
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