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HTTP helper functionality. Note: this namespace is not part of the public API of lice-comb and may change without notice.

HTTP helper functionality. Note: this namespace is not part of
the public API of lice-comb and may change without notice.
raw docstring


(get-text uri)

Attempts to get plain text as a String from the given URI, returning nil if unable to do so (including for error conditions - there is no way to disambiguate errors from non-text content, for example).

HTML responses are automatically converted to plain text (using JSoup).

Attempts to get plain text as a String from the given URI, returning nil if
unable to do so (including for error conditions - there is no way to
disambiguate errors from non-text content, for example).

HTML responses are automatically converted to plain text (using JSoup).
sourceraw docstring



Initialises this namespace upon first call (and does nothing on subsequent calls), returning nil. Consumers of this namespace are not required to call this fn, as initialisation will occur implicitly anyway; it is provided to allow explicit control of the cost of initialisation to callers who need it.

Initialises this namespace upon first call (and does nothing on subsequent
calls), returning nil. Consumers of this namespace are not required to call
this fn, as initialisation will occur implicitly anyway; it is provided to
allow explicit control of the cost of initialisation to callers who need it.
sourceraw docstring


(uri-resolves? uri)

Does the given URI resolve (i.e. does the resource it points to exist)?

Note: does not throw - returns false on errors.

Does the given URI resolve (i.e. does the resource it points to exist)?

Note: does not throw - returns false on errors.
sourceraw docstring

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