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SPDX-related functionality. Note: this namespace is not part of the public API of lice-comb and may change without notice.

SPDX-related functionality. Note: this namespace is not part of the public
API of lice-comb and may change without notice.
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Initialises this namespace upon first call (and does nothing on subsequent calls), returning nil. Consumers of this namespace are not required to call this fn, as initialisation will occur implicitly anyway; it is provided to allow explicit control of the cost of initialisation to callers who need it.

Note: this method has a substantial performance cost.

Initialises this namespace upon first call (and does nothing on subsequent
calls), returning nil. Consumers of this namespace are not required to call
this fn, as initialisation will occur implicitly anyway; it is provided to
allow explicit control of the cost of initialisation to callers who need it.

Note: this method has a substantial performance cost.
sourceraw docstring


(lice-comb-addition-ref? id)

Is the given id one of lice-comb's custom AdditionRefs?

Is the given id one of lice-comb's custom AdditionRefs?
sourceraw docstring


(lice-comb-license-ref? id)

Is the given id one of lice-comb's custom LicenseRefs?

Is the given id one of lice-comb's custom LicenseRefs?
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(name->unidentified-addition-ref name)

Constructs a valid SPDX id (an AdditionRef specific to lice-comb) for an unidentified license exception, with the given name (if provided) appended as Base62 (since clj-spdx identifiers are limited to a small superset of Base62).

Constructs a valid SPDX id (an AdditionRef specific to lice-comb) for an
unidentified license exception, with the given name (if provided) appended as
Base62 (since clj-spdx identifiers are limited to a small superset of Base62).
sourceraw docstring


(name->unidentified-license-ref name)

Constructs a valid SPDX id (a LicenseRef specific to lice-comb) for an unidentified license, with the given name (if provided) appended as Base62 (since clj-spdx identifiers are limited to a small superset of Base62).

Constructs a valid SPDX id (a LicenseRef specific to lice-comb) for an
unidentified license, with the given name (if provided) appended as Base62
(since clj-spdx identifiers are limited to a small superset of Base62).
sourceraw docstring



Constructs a valid SPDX id (a LicenseRef specific to lice-comb) representing a proprietary / commercial license.

Constructs a valid SPDX id (a LicenseRef specific to lice-comb)
representing a proprietary / commercial license.
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(proprietary-commercial? id)

Is the given id lice-comb's custom 'proprietary / commercial' LicenseRef?

Is the given id lice-comb's custom 'proprietary / commercial' LicenseRef?
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Constructs a valid SPDX id (a LicenseRef specific to lice-comb) representing public domain.

Constructs a valid SPDX id (a LicenseRef specific to lice-comb)
representing public domain.
sourceraw docstring


(public-domain? id)

Is the given id lice-comb's custom 'public domain' LicenseRef?

Is the given id lice-comb's custom 'public domain' LicenseRef?
sourceraw docstring




(unidentified->human-readable-name id)

Returns the string 'Unidentified' with the original name of the given unidentified license or license exception in parens. Returns nil if id is nil or is not a lice-comb unidentified LicenseRef or AdditionRef.

Returns the string 'Unidentified' with the original name of the given
unidentified license or license exception in parens. Returns nil if id is nil
or is not a lice-comb unidentified LicenseRef or AdditionRef.
sourceraw docstring


(unidentified->name id)

Get the original name of the given unidentified license ref or addition ref. Returns nil if id is nil or is not a lice-comb unidentified LicenseRef or AdditionRef.

Get the original name of the given unidentified license ref or addition ref.
Returns nil if id is nil or is not a lice-comb unidentified LicenseRef or
sourceraw docstring


(unidentified-addition-ref->human-readable-name id)

Returns the string 'Unidentified' with the original name of the given unidentified license exception in parens. Returns nil if id is nil or is not a lice-comb unidentified AdditionRef.

Returns the string 'Unidentified' with the original name of the given
unidentified license exception in parens. Returns nil if id is nil or
is not a lice-comb unidentified AdditionRef.
sourceraw docstring


(unidentified-addition-ref->name id)

Get the original name of the given unidentified addition ref. Returns nil if id is nil or is not a lice-comb unidentified AdditionRef.

Get the original name of the given unidentified addition ref. Returns nil if
id is nil or is not a lice-comb unidentified AdditionRef.
sourceraw docstring


(unidentified-addition-ref? id)

Is the given id a lice-comb custom 'unidentified' AdditionRef?

Is the given id a lice-comb custom 'unidentified' AdditionRef?
sourceraw docstring


(unidentified-license-ref->human-readable-name id)

Returns the string 'Unidentified' with the original name of the given unidentified license in parens. Returns nil if id is nil or is not a lice-comb unidentified LicenseRef.

Returns the string 'Unidentified' with the original name of the given
unidentified license in parens. Returns nil if id is nil or is not a
lice-comb unidentified LicenseRef.
sourceraw docstring


(unidentified-license-ref->name id)

Get the original name of the given unidentified license ref. Returns nil if id is nil or is not a lice-comb unidentified LicenseRef.

Get the original name of the given unidentified license ref. Returns nil if
id is nil or is not a lice-comb unidentified LicenseRef.
sourceraw docstring


(unidentified-license-ref? id)

Is the given id a lice-comb custom 'unidentified' LicenseRef?

Is the given id a lice-comb custom 'unidentified' LicenseRef?
sourceraw docstring


(unidentified? id)

Is the given id a lice-comb custom 'unidentified' LicenseRef or AdditionRef?

Is the given id a lice-comb custom 'unidentified' LicenseRef or AdditionRef?
sourceraw docstring

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