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Helper functionality focused on regex matching. Note: this namespace is not part of the public API of lice-comb and may change without notice.

Helper functionality focused on regex matching. Note: this namespace is not
part of the public API of lice-comb and may change without notice.
raw docstring









Initialises this namespace upon first call (and does nothing on subsequent calls), returning nil. Consumers of this namespace are not required to call this fn, as initialisation will occur implicitly anyway; it is provided to allow explicit control of the cost of initialisation to callers who need it.

Note: this method has a substantial performance cost.

Initialises this namespace upon first call (and does nothing on subsequent
calls), returning nil. Consumers of this namespace are not required to call
this fn, as initialisation will occur implicitly anyway; it is provided to
allow explicit control of the cost of initialisation to callers who need it.

Note: this method has a substantial performance cost.
sourceraw docstring




(matches s)

Returns a sequence (NOT A SET!) of maps where each key is a SPDX license or exception identifier (a String) that was found in s, and the value is a sequence containing a single map describing how the identifier was determined. The map contains these keys:

  • :type The 'type' of match - will always have the value :concluded
  • :confidence The confidence of the match: either :high, :medium, or :low
  • :confdience-explanations A sequence of explanations (keywords) for the given confiddence.
  • :strategy The matching strategy - will always have the value :regex-matching
  • :source A sequence of strings containing source information (specifically the substring of s that matched this identifier)

Results are in the order in which they appear in the string, and the function returns nil if there were no matches.

Returns a sequence (NOT A SET!) of maps where each key is a SPDX license or
exception identifier (a String) that was found in s, and the value is a
sequence containing a single map describing how the identifier was determined.
The map contains these keys:
* :type       The 'type' of match - will always have the value :concluded
* :confidence The confidence of the match: either :high, :medium, or :low
* :confdience-explanations A sequence of explanations (keywords) for the given
* :strategy   The matching strategy - will always have the value :regex-matching
* :source     A sequence of strings containing source information
              (specifically the substring of s that matched this identifier)

Results are in the order in which they appear in the string, and the function
returns nil if there were no matches.
sourceraw docstring





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