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Namespace for collecting a suite of tools for administrative tasks on eva databases, such as migration and backup.

Namespace for collecting a suite of tools for administrative tasks on eva
databases, such as migration and backup.
raw docstring


(cas-node! store cur-n new-n)


(migrate-batch {:as migration-info-blob
                :keys [source-tx-log dest-store graph context
                       cur-migration-status status-key]}


(migration-status key status tx-num)




  {:as options
   :keys [log-every migration-status-key-suffix active-parents]
   :or {log-every 25 migration-status-key-suffix "migration-status"}})


Performs a stateful migration of all data from the source store to the destination store. Will actively read from both the source and destination stores to provide both continuous and iterative migrations.

Periodically records the migration progress using a specific key-value pair in the destination store.


:log-every specifies that the status of the migration should be persisted to the destination store every <log-every> tx-log-entries that are migrated. Defaults to 25.

:migration-status-key-suffix provide a suffix for looking up and recording the state of a migration. The key will be of the form: <database-id>.<migration-status-key-suffix> Defaults to 'migration-status'.

:write-xform (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) an optional xform on Traversable->Traversable that will be applied before nodes are written. Value store operations will be applied to the post-xform value, so create and replace in particular will have their restrictions applied to the post-transformation object. Great Caution MUST be exercised with xforms that alter the keys or values of traversable objects. Defaults to (map identity).

:read-xform (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) an optional xform that is passed to the underlying traversals. Defaults to (traversal/unique-on traversal/k)


  1. Performs a lazy DFS traversal of the transaction log from either the start of the tx-log, or the last transaction log entry noted in the recorded migration state.
  2. Stateful migrations are safe to run against an active source database.
  3. Stateful migrations should not be run against an active destination database. They will likely fail in unexpected ways.
  4. Stateful migrations can safely resume when unexpectedly halted part-way through, and will continue / resume migrations that have completed if the source database has advanced since the previous migration. If operating on a previously-completed stateful migration, will CAS on the transaction log head and database-info to ensure that no constraints are violated.
  5. Will not overwrite extant nodes. To ensure this property is not violated, create-key with a try-catch pattern is used. If the create fails, we assert that the persisted node is equivalent to what we attempted to write.
  6. Simple migrations are agnostic to storage location but are not agnostic to the database constructs. To provide iterative and continuous migrations, a working knowledge of the transaction log representation is required.
  7. Writes occur in batches and follow a postordering traversal of stored data. This ordering ensures that all references under a node must exist before the node itself exists. This property is slightly violated when a completed migration is sourced against a database that has advanced: the tx-log root will exist and will not be updated until all new source tx-log entries have been migrated.

Performs a stateful migration of all data from the source store to
the destination store. Will actively read from both the source and
destination stores to provide both continuous and iterative migrations.

Periodically records the migration progress using a specific key-value
pair in the destination store.


  specifies that the status of the migration should be
  persisted to the destination store every <log-every> tx-log-entries that
  are migrated.
  Defaults to 25.

  provide a suffix for looking up and recording the state of a migration. The
  key will be of the form: <database-id>.<migration-status-key-suffix>
  Defaults to 'migration-status'.

  :write-xform (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
  an optional xform on Traversable->Traversable that will be applied
  before nodes are written. Value store operations will be applied to the
  post-xform value, so create and replace in particular will have their
  restrictions applied to the post-transformation object.
  Great Caution *MUST* be exercised with xforms that alter the keys or values
  of traversable objects.
  Defaults to (map identity).

  :read-xform (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
  an optional xform that is passed to the underlying traversals.
  Defaults to (traversal/unique-on traversal/k)

1. Performs a lazy DFS traversal of the transaction log from either the
   start of the tx-log, or the last transaction log entry noted in the
   recorded migration state.
2. Stateful migrations are safe to run against an active source database.
3. Stateful migrations should *not* be run against an active destination
   database. They will likely fail in unexpected ways.
4. Stateful migrations can safely resume when unexpectedly halted part-way
   through, and will continue / resume migrations that have completed if the
   source database has advanced since the previous migration. If operating on
   a previously-completed stateful migration, will CAS on the transaction log
   head and database-info to ensure that no constraints are violated.
5. Will *not* overwrite extant nodes. To ensure this property is not violated,
   create-key with a try-catch pattern is used. If the create fails, we assert
   that the persisted node is equivalent to what we attempted to write.
6. Simple migrations are agnostic to storage location but are *not* agnostic
   to the database constructs. To provide iterative and continuous migrations,
   a working knowledge of the transaction log representation is required.
7. Writes occur in batches and follow a postordering traversal of stored data.
   This ordering ensures that all references under a node must exist before
   the node itself exists. This property is slightly violated when a completed
   migration is sourced against a database that has advanced: the tx-log
   root will exist and will not be updated until all new source tx-log
   entries have been migrated.
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