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This document is being produced as an artifact of discussions surrounding how to acquire ‘last updated’ information from Eva, and comes as a very rough guide for best practices.


Users of Eva have wanted to be able to able to answer the specific question “Has this entity in this database been updated since the last time I’ve checked?”

Suppose this entity is the top of a hierarchy of entities, including some that can be arbitrarily nested. Given this, it’s important to have a proper definition for what ‘updated’ means in the above question. Often our users have wanted the most-covering definition, where if any attribute is added, retracted, or modified on the root entity or any descendant entity referenced underneath the root entity.

There are a variety of methods that can be used for acquiring and maintaining this information, this document seeks to capture as many of those as possible and discuss pros and cons.

Ultimately, most of this is Eva-agnostic and comes down to proper data modeling and curation. Because of the generality of data modeling, this is not a problem where Eva can provide an out-of-the-box solution. That being said, Eva does facilitate specific potential solutions based on your requirements.

Possible Solutions

The following are all potential solutions for tracking or discovering this updated information, sorted very roughly from what we least recommend to most recommend.

Select all relevant information from a non-historic db-snapshot

To do this, you can define a query that selects the full transitive closure of the relevant entities underneath the root entity and find the max tx-id among them. However, this is not a correct solution for the problem as defined. Since retracted datoms are not captured in the non-historic indexes getting the max tx-id of the datoms will not, in general, yield a correct answer to the definition of ‘updated’ we’re going with. That being said, this method may still suffice for some applications provided you only need to know monotonic additions to state.

	Doesn’t require explicit modeling 
	Faster than scanning the history of the database 
	**Not correct**, given the definition of ‘updated’ we’re considering
	Possibly slower than re-fetching the data and doing an equality check

Select the relevant information from a history db-snapshot

This is probably the worst (correct) solution but carries the marginal advantage of not requiring any explicit modeling in the source db. As with the above, you can define a query that selects the full transitive closure of the relevant entities underneath the root entity and find the max tx-id. In a database at scale, this could result in having to touch hundreds of millions of datoms. This will also scale with the full size of the history of data in the database. Obviously not ideal, but if the underlying model has not been built to support capturing this information it is still an option.

	Doesn’t require explicit modeling
	Almost certainly slower than fetching and doing an equality check

Scan the transaction log for changes

If you can initialize local state with a transitive closure query to know which entities are relevant, you can use the exposed Eva log api to filter each log entry to capture relevant updates as they occur. This does require that a local copy of the entity hierarchy be instantiated s.t. updates captured can be reflected correctly in the in-memory copy of the hierarchy.

	Doesn’t require explicit modeling
	Can be relatively performant compared to the previous methods
	→ Once state is established, should be around O(tx-log-entries)
	Requires a fair bit of explicit state construction outside the systems

Maintain a local ‘last updated’ attribute on all entities in the hierarchy

Whenever an individual entity in the hierarchy is updated, you can contract that a last-modified attribute is updated as well. Upon deletion of a nested entity, the parent’s entity would have to be updated as well. Given this information, a query can be written to perform the transitive closure of the entities under the root and the max of the last-updated will accurately reflect the global last updated.

	Relatively fast if the hierarchies stay small
	Relatively simple extension to a model
	Scales with the number of entities in the hierarchy
	→ linearly with depth of hierarchy, logarithmically with width

Use basisT as a coarse proxy for updated scopes

Eva database snapshots provide a basisT function that allows you to acquire a number that corresponds to the current ‘state’ of the database. This number is incremented every time a new transaction is added to the transaction log. Observing the basisT incrementing indicates that an update may have occurred on the entity of interest. This is an approximate solution, given the scoped use case, but is a very fast, data agnostic, and low-cost way to know if database state has advanced. If the database contains a large amount of data that is not contained in the hierarchy of interest, this could lead to a lot of false-positives on updates.

Note: this method can and should be used in concert with the other methods listed in this doc. An equal basisT on two databases from the same connection implies completely equivalent state.

	Doesn’t require explicit modeling
	*Entirely* agnostic to underlying data model
	Fast: O(1) cost off of an instantiated database snapshot
	Only provides an indication that something has changed in the database
	→ May be too coarse an approximation for your application

Maintain a single ‘last updated’ attribute per hierarchy root

There are two different ways this may implemented: either the root entities have an attribute that signifies last updated, or the transaction entity has an attribute that lists the entities ‘touched’ in this update. There is an onus of maintenance that this method induces, where the hierarchy data must either be looked up or always kept in scope on the transactor for updates.

	Fast: O(1) Space, Lookup per entity
	Requires explicit modeling and upkeep
	→ Maintaining the attribute falls on the owners of the database
	→ Requires traversal to the root entity if that information is not kept in scope.	

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