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(data-message? mp msg)


(error-message? mp msg)


(new-data-message mc session)


(new-error-message mc session)


(read-data-message mc msg)


(read-error-message mc msg)


(write-data-message mc msg data)


(write-error-message mc msg err)


(publish! {:as publisher :keys [session concurrent? message-protocol producer]}

Broadcasts a message to the Topic of the publisher

Broadcasts a message to the Topic of the publisher
sourceraw docstring


(publisher connection
           {:keys [concurrent? topic delivery-mode time-to-live
            :or {concurrent? true
                 delivery-mode :non-persistent
                 time-to-live *default-message-expiration*}})

Builds a publisher object for unidirectional async messaging to multiple consumers

Builds a publisher object for unidirectional async messaging to multiple consumers
sourceraw docstring


(publisher? x)


(read-message-type m)


(rebuild-requestor c r)

Closes Requestor r and then creates a new Requestor on Connection c that uses the same settings as the original Requestor r.

Closes Requestor r and then creates a new Requestor
on Connection c that uses the same settings as the original
Requestor r.
sourceraw docstring


(rebuild-responder c r)

Closes Responder r and then creates a new Responder on Connection c that uses the same settings as the original responder r.

Closes Responder r and then creates a new Responder
on Connection c that uses the same settings as the original
responder r.
sourceraw docstring


(rebuild-subscriber c s)

Closes Subscriber s and then creates a new Subscriber with the same settings on Connection c

Closes Subscriber s and then creates a new Subscriber with the same settings
on Connection c
sourceraw docstring


(requestor connection
           {:keys [concurrent? request-queue request-delivery-mode
                   request-expiration message-protocol]
            :or {concurrent? true
                 request-delivery-mode :non-persistent
                 request-expiration *default-message-expiration*}})

Constructs a new Requestor on the JMS connection. The following options are accepted:

  • :request-queue :: required. The name of the queue where requests will be sent.

  • :message-protocol :: required. Implementation of MessageProtocol used to encode request messages and decode response messages.

  • :concurrent? :: optional, default=true. When true, the requestor is thread-safe under concurrency. When false the requestor is NOT thread-safe.

  • :request-delivery-mode :: optional, default=:non-persistent. The delivery-mode used for request messages.

  • :request-expiration :: optional, default=default-message-expiration. The time-to-live for request messages.

Constructs a new Requestor on the JMS connection.
The following options are accepted:

  - :request-queue         :: required. The name of the queue where requests will be sent.

  - :message-protocol      :: required. Implementation of MessageProtocol used to encode request messages
                               and decode response messages.

  - :concurrent?           :: optional, default=true. When true, the requestor is thread-safe under concurrency.
                               When false the requestor is NOT thread-safe.

  - :request-delivery-mode :: optional, default=:non-persistent. The delivery-mode used for request messages.

  - :request-expiration    :: optional, default=*default-message-expiration*. The time-to-live for request messages.
sourceraw docstring


(requestor? x)

Tests if x is a Requestor

Tests if x is a Requestor
sourceraw docstring


(responder connection
           {:keys [request-queue message-protocol request-handler
                   reply-delivery-mode reply-expiration]})

Creates a new Responder on connection using the settings specified in the option map:

  • :request-queue :: required, the name of the queue to listen on for requests.

  • :message-protocol :: required, implementation of MessageProtocol that defines how request messages are decoded/read and how response messages are created/encoded.

  • :request-handler :: required, a function that accepts the decoded request data and returns the data that should be sent in response.

  • :reply-delivery-mode :: optional, the delivery-mode to use for reply/response messages.

  • :reply-expiration :: optional, the time-to-live for reply/response messages.

Creates a new Responder on connection using the settings specified
in the option map:

  - :request-queue       :: required, the name of the queue to listen on for requests.

  - :message-protocol    :: required, implementation of MessageProtocol that defines
                            how request messages are decoded/read and how response messages
                            are created/encoded.

  - :request-handler     :: required, a function that accepts the decoded request data and returns
                            the data that should be sent in response.

  - :reply-delivery-mode :: optional, the delivery-mode to use for reply/response messages.

  - :reply-expiration    :: optional, the time-to-live for reply/response messages.
sourceraw docstring


(responder? x)

Tests if x is a Responder

Tests if x is a Responder
sourceraw docstring


(send-request! r data)

Uses Requestor r to send data to a remote Responder service.

Uses Requestor r to send data to a remote Responder service.
sourceraw docstring


(set-exscriber! exscribe)


(set-message-type! m t)


(subscriber connection {:keys [topic message-protocol handler]})

Creates a new Subscriber on the connection that will listen for messages broadcast to the topic.

The following options are required:

  • :topic :: required, the name of the topic to subscribe to.
  • :message-protocol :: required, an instance of MessageProtocol used to decode messages.
  • :handler :: a function of 2 arguments s (the Subscriber) and d (the data contained the message), called whenever a message is received.
Creates a new Subscriber on the connection that will
listen for messages broadcast to the topic.

The following options are required:
- :topic            :: required, the name of the topic to subscribe to.
- :message-protocol :: required, an instance of MessageProtocol used to decode messages.
- :handler          :: a function of 2 arguments s (the Subscriber) and d (the data contained the message),
                       called whenever a message is received.
sourceraw docstring


(subscriber? x)

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