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threeagent is a ClojureScript library for building reactive, three.js applications in a Reagent-like fashion.

Getting Started


Include the threeagent library in your project:

Clojars Project

threeagent depends on three.js, so it will need to be added as a dependency to your project as well.

For shadow-cljs, install three.js using npm:

npm install --save three

For lein-cljsbuild, add an npm-deps entry for three.js:

:cljsbuild {:builds [{...
                      :compiler {...
                                 :install-deps true
                                 :npm-deps {:three "0.100.0"}}}]}


(ns my-app.core
  (:require [threeagent.alpha.core :as th]))
;; Use reactive atom for storing state
(defonce state (th/atom {:ticks 0}))

;; Tick every second
(.setInterval js/window #(swap! state update :ticks inc) 1000)

;; Form-1 component example
(defn color-box [color size]
  [:box {:width size
         :height size
         :depth size
         :material {:color color}])
;; Form-2 component example
(defn growing-sphere []
  (let [s (atom 0)]
    (.setInterval js/window #(swap! s inc) 5000)
    (fn []
      [:sphere {:radius @s}])))

;; Root component render function
(defn root []
  [:object {:position [1.0 0 -4.0]
            :rotation [0 (js/Math.sin (:ticks @state)) 0]}
    [color-box "red" 1.0] ; Don't forget to use square brackets!
;; Initialize and begin rendering threeagent scene
(defn init []
  (th/render root (.getElementById js/document "my-canvas")))

(defn ^:dev/after-reload on-code-reload [] ;; For hot-code reloading, just call the render function again
  (th/render root (.getElementById js/document "my-canvas")))

More example projects

Basic Usage


In threeagent, you use a hiccup-like syntax for defining the components of your scene. A component is defined by a vector with 3 parts:

  1. The first position is the keyword that indicates the type of component. For instance :box :sphere or :object
  2. The second position is, optionally, a map that defines the properties of the component. Every component has a :position :rotation and :scale, but other properties can also be defined based on the component type. For instance the :circle component expects a :radius property to be defined.
  3. The remaining elements in the vector are the child components, allowing you to define your scene as a tree of components.

Here's an example:

[:object {:position [0 1.0 0]
          :scale [1.0 2.0 1.0]}
  [:box {:position [2.0 0 0]
         :width 2.0}]
  [:box {:position [2.0 0 0]
         :scale [2.0 1.0 0.5]
         :width 3.0}]]


The threeagent.core/render function is used to initialize threeagent and start the rendering loop.

For example:

(defn root []
    [:ambient-light {:intensity 0.8}]
    [:box {:position [0 0 -10]}]])

(defn on-page-load []
  (threeagent/render root (.getElementById js/document "my-canvas")))


Just like reagent, threeagent allows you to break your scene down into reusable functions.

For example, if we wanted to define a reusable component to represent a row of boxes, we would define a function like this:

(defn row-of-boxes [count color]
    (for [i (range count)]
     [:box {:position [i 0 0]
            :material {:color color}}])])

To use a component function, you simply reference the function from another component:

(defn root []
    [:object {:position [0 1 0]}
      [row-of-boxes 5 "red"]]
    [:object {:position [0 2 0]}
      [row-of-boxes 8 "blue"]]])

Remember to use the square brackets instead of invoking the function directly!

Custom Components

While threeagent provides a number of built-in components such as :box :object or :sphere, you will eventually want to define your own components. Using the defcomponent macro you can define your own components which you can use to generate new three.js objects.

The defcomponent macro is used to build a function that will receive the component property and return an instance of a three.js object.

For example, if we wanted the ability to place custom 3D models in our scene, we could define our own :model component:

(ns example.core
  (:require-macros [threeagent.alpha.macros :refer [defcomponent]]))

(defcomponent :model [config]
  (let [type (:model-type config)
        mesh (fetch-mesh-of-type type)]

We could then use this custom component in our scene:

(defn root []
    [:model {:model-type "teapot"}]])

For more examples, you can check out how threeagent defines the default components

Sharing State with Reagent

threeagent's atom function actually just returns a reagent reactive atom. This allows you to share your state atoms between reagent and threeagent, meaning you don't need to manually synchronize your reagent-managed user interface and your threeagent-managed 3D scene.




threeagent provides a number of components out-of-the-box, allowing you to quickly get started building 3D scenes.


Properties: :position :rotation :scale

Corresponds to the Object3D class from three.js


Properties: :width :height :depth

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