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Clojars Project

Threeagent is a ClojureScript library for creating reactive, 3D web applications. It combines the power of three.js with the simplicity of Reagent, making it easy and fun to build 3D apps.

  • Familiar hiccup-like syntax
  • Reactive-atoms for state management
  • Auto-reconciliation of the Three.js scene-graph
  • Escape-hatches for accessing Three.js objects
  • Extendable with custom systems and entity-types

If you are familiar with Reagent, then you should find it easy to get started with Threeagent!


(ns my-app.core
  (:require [threeagent.core :as th]))
;; Use reactive atom for storing state
(defonce state (th/atom {:ticks 0}))

;; Tick every second
(.setInterval js/window #(swap! state update :ticks inc) 1000)

;; Form-1 component example
(defn color-box [color size]
  [:box {:dims [size size size]
         :material {:color color}}])
;; Form-2 component example
(defn growing-sphere []
  (let [s (atom 0)]
    (.setInterval js/window #(swap! s inc) 5000)
    (fn []
      [:sphere {:radius @s}])))

;; Root component render function
(defn root []
  [:object {:position [1.0 0 -4.0]
            :rotation [0 (.sin js/Math (:ticks @state)) 0]} ; Rotate on Y axis based on :ticks
    [:ambient-light {:intensity 0.8}]
    [color-box "red" 1.0] ; Don't forget to use square brackets!
;; Initialize and begin rendering threeagent scene
(defonce scene (th/render root (.-body js/document)))

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