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Functions that represent AWS CDK enums and builders in the package.

Functions that represent AWS CDK enums and builders in the package. 
raw docstring


(add-behavior-options-builder id config)

Creates a AddBehaviorOptions$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `AddBehaviorOptions$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(asset-import-source-builder path id config)

Creates a AssetImportSource$Builder instance using provided forms, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

Create Form: _[java.lang.String] | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | path | java.lang.String | | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `AssetImportSource$Builder` instance using provided forms, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

__Create Form:__ ____[java.lang.String]___
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| path | java.lang.String |  |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(behavior-builder id config)

Creates a Behavior$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `Behavior$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(behavior-options-builder id config)

Creates a BehaviorOptions$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `BehaviorOptions$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(build-add-behavior-options-builder builder id config)

The build-add-behavior-options-builder function updates a AddBehaviorOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the AddBehaviorOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-add-behavior-options-builder function updates a AddBehaviorOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the AddBehaviorOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `allowedMethods` | | [[]] | `:allowed-methods` |
| `cachePolicy` | | [[]] | `:cache-policy` |
| `cachedMethods` | | [[]] | `:cached-methods` |
| `compress` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:compress` |
| `edgeLambdas` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:edge-lambdas` |
| `functionAssociations` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:function-associations` |
| `originRequestPolicy` | | [[]] | `:origin-request-policy` |
| `realtimeLogConfig` | | [[]] | `:realtime-log-config` |
| `responseHeadersPolicy` | | [[]] | `:response-headers-policy` |
| `smoothStreaming` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:smooth-streaming` |
| `trustedKeyGroups` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:trusted-key-groups` |
| `viewerProtocolPolicy` | | [[]] | `:viewer-protocol-policy` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-asset-import-source-builder builder id config)

The build-asset-import-source-builder function updates a AssetImportSource$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the AssetImportSource$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-asset-import-source-builder function updates a AssetImportSource$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the AssetImportSource$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `assetHash` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:asset-hash` |
| `assetHashType` | | [[cdk.api/asset-hash-type]] | `:asset-hash-type` |
| `bundling` | | [[]] | `:bundling` |
| `deployTime` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:deploy-time` |
| `exclude` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:exclude` |
| `followSymlinks` | | [[cdk.api/symlink-follow-mode]] | `:follow-symlinks` |
| `ignoreMode` | | [[cdk.api/ignore-mode]] | `:ignore-mode` |
| `readers` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:readers` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-behavior-builder builder id config)

The build-behavior-builder function updates a Behavior$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the Behavior$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-behavior-builder function updates a Behavior$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the Behavior$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `allowedMethods` | | [[]] | `:allowed-methods` |
| `cachedMethods` | | [[]] | `:cached-methods` |
| `compress` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:compress` |
| `defaultTtl` | | [[]] | `:default-ttl` |
| `forwardedValues` |$ForwardedValuesProperty | [[]] | `:forwarded-values` |
| `functionAssociations` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:function-associations` |
| `isDefaultBehavior` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:is-default-behavior` |
| `lambdaFunctionAssociations` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:lambda-function-associations` |
| `maxTtl` | | [[]] | `:max-ttl` |
| `minTtl` | | [[]] | `:min-ttl` |
| `pathPattern` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:path-pattern` |
| `trustedKeyGroups` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:trusted-key-groups` |
| `trustedSigners` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:trusted-signers` |
| `viewerProtocolPolicy` | | [[]] | `:viewer-protocol-policy` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-behavior-options-builder builder id config)

The build-behavior-options-builder function updates a BehaviorOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the BehaviorOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-behavior-options-builder function updates a BehaviorOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the BehaviorOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `allowedMethods` | | [[]] | `:allowed-methods` |
| `cachePolicy` | | [[]] | `:cache-policy` |
| `cachedMethods` | | [[]] | `:cached-methods` |
| `compress` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:compress` |
| `edgeLambdas` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:edge-lambdas` |
| `functionAssociations` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:function-associations` |
| `origin` | | [[]] | `:origin` |
| `originRequestPolicy` | | [[]] | `:origin-request-policy` |
| `realtimeLogConfig` | | [[]] | `:realtime-log-config` |
| `responseHeadersPolicy` | | [[]] | `:response-headers-policy` |
| `smoothStreaming` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:smooth-streaming` |
| `trustedKeyGroups` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:trusted-key-groups` |
| `viewerProtocolPolicy` | | [[]] | `:viewer-protocol-policy` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cache-policy-builder builder id config)

The build-cache-policy-builder function updates a CachePolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CachePolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cache-policy-builder function updates a CachePolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CachePolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `cachePolicyName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:cache-policy-name` |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `cookieBehavior` | | [[]] | `:cookie-behavior` |
| `defaultTtl` | | [[]] | `:default-ttl` |
| `enableAcceptEncodingBrotli` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-accept-encoding-brotli` |
| `enableAcceptEncodingGzip` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-accept-encoding-gzip` |
| `headerBehavior` | | [[]] | `:header-behavior` |
| `maxTtl` | | [[]] | `:max-ttl` |
| `minTtl` | | [[]] | `:min-ttl` |
| `queryStringBehavior` | | [[]] | `:query-string-behavior` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cache-policy-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cache-policy-props-builder function updates a CachePolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CachePolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cache-policy-props-builder function updates a CachePolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CachePolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `cachePolicyName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:cache-policy-name` |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `cookieBehavior` | | [[]] | `:cookie-behavior` |
| `defaultTtl` | | [[]] | `:default-ttl` |
| `enableAcceptEncodingBrotli` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-accept-encoding-brotli` |
| `enableAcceptEncodingGzip` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-accept-encoding-gzip` |
| `headerBehavior` | | [[]] | `:header-behavior` |
| `maxTtl` | | [[]] | `:max-ttl` |
| `minTtl` | | [[]] | `:min-ttl` |
| `queryStringBehavior` | | [[]] | `:query-string-behavior` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-cache-policy-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-cache-policy-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnCachePolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-cache-policy-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnCachePolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `cachePolicyConfig` | | [[]] | `:cache-policy-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-cache-policy-cache-policy-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-cache-policy-cache-policy-config-property-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicy$CachePolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnCachePolicy$CachePolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-cache-policy-cache-policy-config-property-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicy$CachePolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnCachePolicy$CachePolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `defaultTtl` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:default-ttl` |
| `maxTtl` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:max-ttl` |
| `minTtl` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:min-ttl` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
| `parametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOrigin` |$ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOriginProperty | [[]] | `:parameters-in-cache-key-and-forwarded-to-origin` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-cache-policy-cookies-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-cache-policy-cookies-config-property-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicy$CookiesConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnCachePolicy$CookiesConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-cache-policy-cookies-config-property-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicy$CookiesConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnCachePolicy$CookiesConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `cookieBehavior` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:cookie-behavior` |
| `cookies` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:cookies` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-cache-policy-headers-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-cache-policy-headers-config-property-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicy$HeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnCachePolicy$HeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-cache-policy-headers-config-property-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicy$HeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnCachePolicy$HeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `headerBehavior` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:header-behavior` |
| `headers` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:headers` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-cache-policy-parameters-in-cache-key-and-forwarded-to-origin-property-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicy$ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOriginProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnCachePolicy$ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOriginProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$
The build-cfn-cache-policy-parameters-in-cache-key-and-forwarded-to-origin-property-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicy$ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOriginProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnCachePolicy$ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOriginProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `cookiesConfig` |$CookiesConfigProperty | [[]] | `:cookies-config` |
| `enableAcceptEncodingBrotli` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-accept-encoding-brotli` |
| `enableAcceptEncodingGzip` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-accept-encoding-gzip` |
| `headersConfig` | | [[]] | `:headers-config` |
| `queryStringsConfig` |$QueryStringsConfigProperty | [[]] | `:query-strings-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-cache-policy-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-cache-policy-props-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnCachePolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-cache-policy-props-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnCachePolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `cachePolicyConfig` |$CachePolicyConfigProperty | [[]] | `:cache-policy-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-cache-policy-query-strings-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-cache-policy-query-strings-config-property-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicy$QueryStringsConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnCachePolicy$QueryStringsConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-cache-policy-query-strings-config-property-builder function updates a CfnCachePolicy$QueryStringsConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnCachePolicy$QueryStringsConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `queryStringBehavior` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:query-string-behavior` |
| `queryStrings` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:query-strings` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-builder function updates a CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-builder function updates a CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `cloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig` | | [[]] | `:cloud-front-origin-access-identity-config` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-config-property-builder function updates a CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity$CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity$CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-config-property-builder function updates a CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity$CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity$CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-props-builder function updates a CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-props-builder function updates a CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `cloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig` | | [[]] | `:cloud-front-origin-access-identity-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `continuousDeploymentPolicyConfig` | | [[]] | `:continuous-deployment-policy-config` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-continuous-deployment-policy-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$ContinuousDeploymentPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$ContinuousDeploymentPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$$
The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-continuous-deployment-policy-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$ContinuousDeploymentPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$ContinuousDeploymentPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `enabled` | | [[]] | `:enabled` |
| `singleHeaderPolicyConfig` |$SingleHeaderPolicyConfigProperty | [[]] | `:single-header-policy-config` |
| `singleWeightPolicyConfig` |$SingleWeightPolicyConfigProperty | [[]] | `:single-weight-policy-config` |
| `stagingDistributionDnsNames` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:staging-distribution-dns-names` |
| `trafficConfig` |$TrafficConfigProperty | [[]] | `:traffic-config` |
| `type` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:type` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-props-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-props-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `continuousDeploymentPolicyConfig` | | [[]] | `:continuous-deployment-policy-config` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-session-stickiness-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SessionStickinessConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SessionStickinessConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-session-stickiness-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SessionStickinessConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SessionStickinessConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `idleTtl` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:idle-ttl` |
| `maximumTtl` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:maximum-ttl` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-single-header-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleHeaderConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleHeaderConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-single-header-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleHeaderConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleHeaderConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `header` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:header` |
| `value` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:value` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-single-header-policy-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleHeaderPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleHeaderPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-single-header-policy-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleHeaderPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleHeaderPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `header` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:header` |
| `value` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:value` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-single-weight-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleWeightConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleWeightConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-single-weight-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleWeightConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleWeightConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `sessionStickinessConfig` |$SessionStickinessConfigProperty | [[]] | `:session-stickiness-config` |
| `weight` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:weight` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-single-weight-policy-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleWeightPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleWeightPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-single-weight-policy-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleWeightPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleWeightPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `sessionStickinessConfig` |$SessionStickinessConfigProperty | [[]] | `:session-stickiness-config` |
| `weight` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:weight` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-traffic-config-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-traffic-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$TrafficConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$TrafficConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-traffic-config-property-builder function updates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$TrafficConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$TrafficConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `singleHeaderConfig` |$SingleHeaderConfigProperty | [[]] | `:single-header-config` |
| `singleWeightConfig` | | [[]] | `:single-weight-config` |
| `type` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:type` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-distribution-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `distributionConfig` |$DistributionConfigProperty | [[]] | `:distribution-config` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-cache-behavior-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-cache-behavior-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$CacheBehaviorProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$CacheBehaviorProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-distribution-cache-behavior-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$CacheBehaviorProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$CacheBehaviorProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `allowedMethods` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:allowed-methods` |
| `cachePolicyId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:cache-policy-id` |
| `cachedMethods` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:cached-methods` |
| `compress` | | [[]] | `:compress` |
| `defaultTtl` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:default-ttl` |
| `fieldLevelEncryptionId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:field-level-encryption-id` |
| `forwardedValues` |$ForwardedValuesProperty | [[]] | `:forwarded-values` |
| `functionAssociations` | | [[]] | `:function-associations` |
| `lambdaFunctionAssociations` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:lambda-function-associations` |
| `maxTtl` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:max-ttl` |
| `minTtl` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:min-ttl` |
| `originRequestPolicyId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-request-policy-id` |
| `pathPattern` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:path-pattern` |
| `realtimeLogConfigArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:realtime-log-config-arn` |
| `responseHeadersPolicyId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:response-headers-policy-id` |
| `smoothStreaming` | | [[]] | `:smooth-streaming` |
| `targetOriginId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:target-origin-id` |
| `trustedKeyGroups` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:trusted-key-groups` |
| `trustedSigners` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:trusted-signers` |
| `viewerProtocolPolicy` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:viewer-protocol-policy` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-cookies-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-cookies-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$CookiesProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$CookiesProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-cookies-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$CookiesProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$CookiesProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `forward` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:forward` |
| `whitelistedNames` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:whitelisted-names` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-custom-error-response-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-distribution-custom-error-response-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$CustomErrorResponseProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$CustomErrorResponseProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-custom-error-response-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$CustomErrorResponseProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$CustomErrorResponseProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `errorCachingMinTtl` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:error-caching-min-ttl` |
| `errorCode` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:error-code` |
| `responseCode` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:response-code` |
| `responsePagePath` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:response-page-path` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-custom-origin-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-custom-origin-config-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$CustomOriginConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$CustomOriginConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-custom-origin-config-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$CustomOriginConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$CustomOriginConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `httpPort` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:http-port` |
| `httpsPort` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:https-port` |
| `originKeepaliveTimeout` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:origin-keepalive-timeout` |
| `originProtocolPolicy` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-protocol-policy` |
| `originReadTimeout` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:origin-read-timeout` |
| `originSslProtocols` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:origin-ssl-protocols` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-default-cache-behavior-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-distribution-default-cache-behavior-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$DefaultCacheBehaviorProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$DefaultCacheBehaviorProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-default-cache-behavior-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$DefaultCacheBehaviorProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$DefaultCacheBehaviorProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `allowedMethods` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:allowed-methods` |
| `cachePolicyId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:cache-policy-id` |
| `cachedMethods` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:cached-methods` |
| `compress` | | [[]] | `:compress` |
| `defaultTtl` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:default-ttl` |
| `fieldLevelEncryptionId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:field-level-encryption-id` |
| `forwardedValues` | | [[]] | `:forwarded-values` |
| `functionAssociations` | | [[]] | `:function-associations` |
| `lambdaFunctionAssociations` | | [[]] | `:lambda-function-associations` |
| `maxTtl` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:max-ttl` |
| `minTtl` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:min-ttl` |
| `originRequestPolicyId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-request-policy-id` |
| `realtimeLogConfigArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:realtime-log-config-arn` |
| `responseHeadersPolicyId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:response-headers-policy-id` |
| `smoothStreaming` | | [[]] | `:smooth-streaming` |
| `targetOriginId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:target-origin-id` |
| `trustedKeyGroups` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:trusted-key-groups` |
| `trustedSigners` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:trusted-signers` |
| `viewerProtocolPolicy` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:viewer-protocol-policy` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-distribution-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-distribution-config-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$DistributionConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$DistributionConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$$$
The build-cfn-distribution-distribution-config-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$DistributionConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$DistributionConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `aliases` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:aliases` |
| `cacheBehaviors` | | [[]] | `:cache-behaviors` |
| `cnamEs` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:cnam-es` |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `continuousDeploymentPolicyId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:continuous-deployment-policy-id` |
| `customErrorResponses` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:custom-error-responses` |
| `customOrigin` | | [[]] | `:custom-origin` |
| `defaultCacheBehavior` | | [[]] | `:default-cache-behavior` |
| `defaultRootObject` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:default-root-object` |
| `enabled` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enabled` |
| `httpVersion` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:http-version` |
| `ipv6Enabled` | | [[]] | `:ipv6-enabled` |
| `logging` |$LoggingProperty | [[]] | `:logging` |
| `originGroups` |$OriginGroupsProperty | [[]] | `:origin-groups` |
| `origins` | | [[]] | `:origins` |
| `priceClass` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:price-class` |
| `restrictions` |$RestrictionsProperty | [[]] | `:restrictions` |
| `s3Origin` | | [[]] | `:s3-origin` |
| `staging` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:staging` |
| `viewerCertificate` |$ViewerCertificateProperty | [[]] | `:viewer-certificate` |
| `webAclId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:web-acl-id` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-forwarded-values-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-forwarded-values-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$ForwardedValuesProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$ForwardedValuesProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-distribution-forwarded-values-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$ForwardedValuesProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$ForwardedValuesProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `cookies` |$CookiesProperty | [[]] | `:cookies` |
| `headers` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:headers` |
| `queryString` | | [[]] | `:query-string` |
| `queryStringCacheKeys` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:query-string-cache-keys` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-function-association-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-function-association-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$FunctionAssociationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$FunctionAssociationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-function-association-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$FunctionAssociationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$FunctionAssociationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `eventType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:event-type` |
| `functionArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:function-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-geo-restriction-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-geo-restriction-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$GeoRestrictionProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$GeoRestrictionProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-geo-restriction-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$GeoRestrictionProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$GeoRestrictionProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `locations` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:locations` |
| `restrictionType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:restriction-type` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-lambda-function-association-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-distribution-lambda-function-association-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$LambdaFunctionAssociationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$LambdaFunctionAssociationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-lambda-function-association-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$LambdaFunctionAssociationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$LambdaFunctionAssociationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `eventType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:event-type` |
| `includeBody` | | [[]] | `:include-body` |
| `lambdaFunctionArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:lambda-function-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-legacy-custom-origin-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-legacy-custom-origin-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$LegacyCustomOriginProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$LegacyCustomOriginProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-legacy-custom-origin-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$LegacyCustomOriginProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$LegacyCustomOriginProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `dnsName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:dns-name` |
| `httpPort` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:http-port` |
| `httpsPort` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:https-port` |
| `originProtocolPolicy` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-protocol-policy` |
| `originSslProtocols` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:origin-ssl-protocols` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-legacy-s3-origin-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-legacy-s3-origin-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$LegacyS3OriginProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$LegacyS3OriginProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-legacy-s3-origin-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$LegacyS3OriginProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$LegacyS3OriginProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `dnsName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:dns-name` |
| `originAccessIdentity` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-access-identity` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-logging-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-logging-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$LoggingProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$LoggingProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-logging-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$LoggingProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$LoggingProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `bucket` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:bucket` |
| `includeCookies` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:include-cookies` |
| `prefix` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:prefix` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-origin-custom-header-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-origin-custom-header-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginCustomHeaderProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginCustomHeaderProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-origin-custom-header-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginCustomHeaderProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginCustomHeaderProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `headerName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:header-name` |
| `headerValue` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:header-value` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-origin-group-failover-criteria-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-distribution-origin-group-failover-criteria-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupFailoverCriteriaProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginGroupFailoverCriteriaProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-origin-group-failover-criteria-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupFailoverCriteriaProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginGroupFailoverCriteriaProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `statusCodes` | | [[]] | `:status-codes` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-origin-group-member-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-origin-group-member-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupMemberProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginGroupMemberProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-origin-group-member-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupMemberProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginGroupMemberProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `originId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-id` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-origin-group-members-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-origin-group-members-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupMembersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginGroupMembersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-origin-group-members-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupMembersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginGroupMembersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `items` | | [[]] | `:items` |
| `quantity` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:quantity` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-origin-group-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-origin-group-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginGroupProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$
The build-cfn-distribution-origin-group-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginGroupProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `failoverCriteria` |$OriginGroupFailoverCriteriaProperty | [[]] | `:failover-criteria` |
| `id` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:id` |
| `members` |$OriginGroupMembersProperty | [[]] | `:members` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-origin-groups-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-origin-groups-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginGroupsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-origin-groups-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginGroupsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `items` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:items` |
| `quantity` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:quantity` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-origin-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-origin-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$
The build-cfn-distribution-origin-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `connectionAttempts` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:connection-attempts` |
| `connectionTimeout` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:connection-timeout` |
| `customOriginConfig` |$CustomOriginConfigProperty | [[]] | `:custom-origin-config` |
| `domainName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:domain-name` |
| `id` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:id` |
| `originAccessControlId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-access-control-id` |
| `originCustomHeaders` | | [[]] | `:origin-custom-headers` |
| `originPath` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-path` |
| `originShield` | | [[]] | `:origin-shield` |
| `s3OriginConfig` |$S3OriginConfigProperty | [[]] | `:s3-origin-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-origin-shield-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-origin-shield-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginShieldProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginShieldProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-origin-shield-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$OriginShieldProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$OriginShieldProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `enabled` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enabled` |
| `originShieldRegion` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-shield-region` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-props-builder function updates a CfnDistributionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistributionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-distribution-props-builder function updates a CfnDistributionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistributionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `distributionConfig` |$DistributionConfigProperty | [[]] | `:distribution-config` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-restrictions-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-restrictions-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$RestrictionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$RestrictionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-restrictions-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$RestrictionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$RestrictionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `geoRestriction` | | [[]] | `:geo-restriction` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-s3-origin-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-s3-origin-config-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$S3OriginConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$S3OriginConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-s3-origin-config-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$S3OriginConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$S3OriginConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `originAccessIdentity` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-access-identity` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-status-codes-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-status-codes-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$StatusCodesProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$StatusCodesProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-status-codes-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$StatusCodesProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$StatusCodesProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `items` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:items` |
| `quantity` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:quantity` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-distribution-viewer-certificate-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-distribution-viewer-certificate-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$ViewerCertificateProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnDistribution$ViewerCertificateProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-distribution-viewer-certificate-property-builder function updates a CfnDistribution$ViewerCertificateProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnDistribution$ViewerCertificateProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `acmCertificateArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:acm-certificate-arn` |
| `cloudFrontDefaultCertificate` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:cloud-front-default-certificate` |
| `iamCertificateId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:iam-certificate-id` |
| `minimumProtocolVersion` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:minimum-protocol-version` |
| `sslSupportMethod` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:ssl-support-method` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-function-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-function-builder function updates a CfnFunction$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnFunction$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$
The build-cfn-function-builder function updates a CfnFunction$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnFunction$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `autoPublish` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:auto-publish` |
| `functionCode` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:function-code` |
| `functionConfig` |$FunctionConfigProperty | [[]] | `:function-config` |
| `functionMetadata` |$FunctionMetadataProperty | [[]] | `:function-metadata` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-function-function-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-function-function-config-property-builder function updates a CfnFunction$FunctionConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnFunction$FunctionConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-function-function-config-property-builder function updates a CfnFunction$FunctionConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnFunction$FunctionConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `keyValueStoreAssociations` | | [[]] | `:key-value-store-associations` |
| `runtime` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:runtime` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-function-function-metadata-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-function-function-metadata-property-builder function updates a CfnFunction$FunctionMetadataProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnFunction$FunctionMetadataProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-function-function-metadata-property-builder function updates a CfnFunction$FunctionMetadataProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnFunction$FunctionMetadataProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `functionArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:function-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-function-key-value-store-association-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-function-key-value-store-association-property-builder function updates a CfnFunction$KeyValueStoreAssociationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnFunction$KeyValueStoreAssociationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-function-key-value-store-association-property-builder function updates a CfnFunction$KeyValueStoreAssociationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnFunction$KeyValueStoreAssociationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `keyValueStoreArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:key-value-store-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-function-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-function-props-builder function updates a CfnFunctionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnFunctionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-function-props-builder function updates a CfnFunctionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnFunctionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `autoPublish` | | [[]] | `:auto-publish` |
| `functionCode` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:function-code` |
| `functionConfig` | | [[]] | `:function-config` |
| `functionMetadata` | | [[]] | `:function-metadata` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-key-group-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-key-group-builder function updates a CfnKeyGroup$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnKeyGroup$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-key-group-builder function updates a CfnKeyGroup$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnKeyGroup$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `keyGroupConfig` |$KeyGroupConfigProperty | [[]] | `:key-group-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-key-group-key-group-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-key-group-key-group-config-property-builder function updates a CfnKeyGroup$KeyGroupConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnKeyGroup$KeyGroupConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-key-group-key-group-config-property-builder function updates a CfnKeyGroup$KeyGroupConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnKeyGroup$KeyGroupConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `items` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:items` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-key-group-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-key-group-props-builder function updates a CfnKeyGroupProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnKeyGroupProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-key-group-props-builder function updates a CfnKeyGroupProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnKeyGroupProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `keyGroupConfig` |$KeyGroupConfigProperty | [[]] | `:key-group-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-key-value-store-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-key-value-store-builder function updates a CfnKeyValueStore$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnKeyValueStore$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-key-value-store-builder function updates a CfnKeyValueStore$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnKeyValueStore$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `importSource` |$ImportSourceProperty | [[]] | `:import-source` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-key-value-store-import-source-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-key-value-store-import-source-property-builder function updates a CfnKeyValueStore$ImportSourceProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnKeyValueStore$ImportSourceProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-key-value-store-import-source-property-builder function updates a CfnKeyValueStore$ImportSourceProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnKeyValueStore$ImportSourceProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `sourceArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:source-arn` |
| `sourceType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:source-type` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-key-value-store-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-key-value-store-props-builder function updates a CfnKeyValueStoreProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnKeyValueStoreProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-key-value-store-props-builder function updates a CfnKeyValueStoreProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnKeyValueStoreProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `importSource` |$ImportSourceProperty | [[]] | `:import-source` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-monitoring-subscription-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-monitoring-subscription-builder function updates a CfnMonitoringSubscription$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnMonitoringSubscription$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-monitoring-subscription-builder function updates a CfnMonitoringSubscription$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnMonitoringSubscription$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `distributionId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:distribution-id` |
| `monitoringSubscription` | | [[]] | `:monitoring-subscription` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-monitoring-subscription-monitoring-subscription-property-builder function updates a CfnMonitoringSubscription$MonitoringSubscriptionProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnMonitoringSubscription$MonitoringSubscriptionProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-monitoring-subscription-monitoring-subscription-property-builder function updates a CfnMonitoringSubscription$MonitoringSubscriptionProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnMonitoringSubscription$MonitoringSubscriptionProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `realtimeMetricsSubscriptionConfig` |$RealtimeMetricsSubscriptionConfigProperty | [[]] | `:realtime-metrics-subscription-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-monitoring-subscription-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-monitoring-subscription-props-builder function updates a CfnMonitoringSubscriptionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnMonitoringSubscriptionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-monitoring-subscription-props-builder function updates a CfnMonitoringSubscriptionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnMonitoringSubscriptionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `distributionId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:distribution-id` |
| `monitoringSubscription` |$MonitoringSubscriptionProperty | [[]] | `:monitoring-subscription` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-monitoring-subscription-realtime-metrics-subscription-config-property-builder function updates a CfnMonitoringSubscription$RealtimeMetricsSubscriptionConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnMonitoringSubscription$RealtimeMetricsSubscriptionConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-monitoring-subscription-realtime-metrics-subscription-config-property-builder function updates a CfnMonitoringSubscription$RealtimeMetricsSubscriptionConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnMonitoringSubscription$RealtimeMetricsSubscriptionConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `realtimeMetricsSubscriptionStatus` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:realtime-metrics-subscription-status` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-origin-access-control-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-origin-access-control-builder function updates a CfnOriginAccessControl$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnOriginAccessControl$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-origin-access-control-builder function updates a CfnOriginAccessControl$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnOriginAccessControl$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `originAccessControlConfig` |$OriginAccessControlConfigProperty | [[]] | `:origin-access-control-config` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-origin-access-control-origin-access-control-config-property-builder function updates a CfnOriginAccessControl$OriginAccessControlConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnOriginAccessControl$OriginAccessControlConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-origin-access-control-origin-access-control-config-property-builder function updates a CfnOriginAccessControl$OriginAccessControlConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnOriginAccessControl$OriginAccessControlConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `description` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:description` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
| `originAccessControlOriginType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-access-control-origin-type` |
| `signingBehavior` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:signing-behavior` |
| `signingProtocol` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:signing-protocol` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-origin-access-control-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-origin-access-control-props-builder function updates a CfnOriginAccessControlProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnOriginAccessControlProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-origin-access-control-props-builder function updates a CfnOriginAccessControlProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnOriginAccessControlProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `originAccessControlConfig` |$OriginAccessControlConfigProperty | [[]] | `:origin-access-control-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-origin-request-policy-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-origin-request-policy-builder function updates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnOriginRequestPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-origin-request-policy-builder function updates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnOriginRequestPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `originRequestPolicyConfig` |$OriginRequestPolicyConfigProperty | [[]] | `:origin-request-policy-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-origin-request-policy-cookies-config-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-origin-request-policy-cookies-config-property-builder function updates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$CookiesConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnOriginRequestPolicy$CookiesConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-origin-request-policy-cookies-config-property-builder function updates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$CookiesConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnOriginRequestPolicy$CookiesConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `cookieBehavior` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:cookie-behavior` |
| `cookies` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:cookies` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-origin-request-policy-headers-config-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-origin-request-policy-headers-config-property-builder function updates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$HeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnOriginRequestPolicy$HeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-origin-request-policy-headers-config-property-builder function updates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$HeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnOriginRequestPolicy$HeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `headerBehavior` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:header-behavior` |
| `headers` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:headers` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-origin-request-policy-origin-request-policy-config-property-builder function updates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$OriginRequestPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnOriginRequestPolicy$OriginRequestPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-origin-request-policy-origin-request-policy-config-property-builder function updates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$OriginRequestPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnOriginRequestPolicy$OriginRequestPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `cookiesConfig` | | [[]] | `:cookies-config` |
| `headersConfig` | | [[]] | `:headers-config` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
| `queryStringsConfig` | | [[]] | `:query-strings-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-origin-request-policy-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-origin-request-policy-props-builder function updates a CfnOriginRequestPolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnOriginRequestPolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-origin-request-policy-props-builder function updates a CfnOriginRequestPolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnOriginRequestPolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `originRequestPolicyConfig` |$OriginRequestPolicyConfigProperty | [[]] | `:origin-request-policy-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-origin-request-policy-query-strings-config-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-origin-request-policy-query-strings-config-property-builder function updates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$QueryStringsConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnOriginRequestPolicy$QueryStringsConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-origin-request-policy-query-strings-config-property-builder function updates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$QueryStringsConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnOriginRequestPolicy$QueryStringsConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `queryStringBehavior` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:query-string-behavior` |
| `queryStrings` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:query-strings` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-public-key-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-public-key-builder function updates a CfnPublicKey$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnPublicKey$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-public-key-builder function updates a CfnPublicKey$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnPublicKey$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `publicKeyConfig` |$PublicKeyConfigProperty | [[]] | `:public-key-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-public-key-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-public-key-props-builder function updates a CfnPublicKeyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnPublicKeyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-public-key-props-builder function updates a CfnPublicKeyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnPublicKeyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `publicKeyConfig` | | [[]] | `:public-key-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-public-key-public-key-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-public-key-public-key-config-property-builder function updates a CfnPublicKey$PublicKeyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnPublicKey$PublicKeyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-public-key-public-key-config-property-builder function updates a CfnPublicKey$PublicKeyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnPublicKey$PublicKeyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `callerReference` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:caller-reference` |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `encodedKey` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:encoded-key` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-realtime-log-config-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-realtime-log-config-builder function updates a CfnRealtimeLogConfig$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnRealtimeLogConfig$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-realtime-log-config-builder function updates a CfnRealtimeLogConfig$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnRealtimeLogConfig$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `endPoints` | | [[]] | `:end-points` |
| `fields` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:fields` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
| `samplingRate` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:sampling-rate` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-realtime-log-config-end-point-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-realtime-log-config-end-point-property-builder function updates a CfnRealtimeLogConfig$EndPointProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnRealtimeLogConfig$EndPointProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-realtime-log-config-end-point-property-builder function updates a CfnRealtimeLogConfig$EndPointProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnRealtimeLogConfig$EndPointProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `kinesisStreamConfig` | | [[]] | `:kinesis-stream-config` |
| `streamType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:stream-type` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-realtime-log-config-kinesis-stream-config-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-realtime-log-config-kinesis-stream-config-property-builder function updates a CfnRealtimeLogConfig$KinesisStreamConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnRealtimeLogConfig$KinesisStreamConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-realtime-log-config-kinesis-stream-config-property-builder function updates a CfnRealtimeLogConfig$KinesisStreamConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnRealtimeLogConfig$KinesisStreamConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `roleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:role-arn` |
| `streamArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:stream-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-realtime-log-config-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-realtime-log-config-props-builder function updates a CfnRealtimeLogConfigProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnRealtimeLogConfigProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-realtime-log-config-props-builder function updates a CfnRealtimeLogConfigProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnRealtimeLogConfigProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `endPoints` | | [[]] | `:end-points` |
| `fields` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:fields` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
| `samplingRate` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:sampling-rate` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-access-control-allow-headers-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowHeadersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowHeadersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-access-control-allow-headers-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowHeadersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowHeadersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `items` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:items` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-access-control-allow-methods-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowMethodsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowMethodsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-access-control-allow-methods-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowMethodsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowMethodsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `items` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:items` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-access-control-allow-origins-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowOriginsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowOriginsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-access-control-allow-origins-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowOriginsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowOriginsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `items` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:items` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-access-control-expose-headers-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlExposeHeadersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlExposeHeadersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-access-control-expose-headers-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlExposeHeadersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlExposeHeadersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `items` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:items` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-response-headers-policy-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `responseHeadersPolicyConfig` | | [[]] | `:response-headers-policy-config` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-content-security-policy-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ContentSecurityPolicyProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ContentSecurityPolicyProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-content-security-policy-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ContentSecurityPolicyProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ContentSecurityPolicyProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `contentSecurityPolicy` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:content-security-policy` |
| `override` | | [[]] | `:override` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-response-headers-policy-content-type-options-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-content-type-options-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ContentTypeOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ContentTypeOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-content-type-options-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ContentTypeOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ContentTypeOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `override` | | [[]] | `:override` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-response-headers-policy-cors-config-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-cors-config-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CorsConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CorsConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$$
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-cors-config-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CorsConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CorsConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `accessControlAllowCredentials` | | [[]] | `:access-control-allow-credentials` |
| `accessControlAllowHeaders` |$AccessControlAllowHeadersProperty | [[]] | `:access-control-allow-headers` |
| `accessControlAllowMethods` |$AccessControlAllowMethodsProperty | [[]] | `:access-control-allow-methods` |
| `accessControlAllowOrigins` | | [[]] | `:access-control-allow-origins` |
| `accessControlExposeHeaders` |$AccessControlExposeHeadersProperty | [[]] | `:access-control-expose-headers` |
| `accessControlMaxAgeSec` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:access-control-max-age-sec` |
| `originOverride` | | [[]] | `:origin-override` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-response-headers-policy-custom-header-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-custom-header-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CustomHeaderProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CustomHeaderProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-custom-header-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CustomHeaderProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CustomHeaderProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `header` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:header` |
| `override` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:override` |
| `value` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:value` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-custom-headers-config-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CustomHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CustomHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-custom-headers-config-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CustomHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CustomHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `items` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:items` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-response-headers-policy-frame-options-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-frame-options-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$FrameOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$FrameOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-frame-options-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$FrameOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$FrameOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `frameOption` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:frame-option` |
| `override` | | [[]] | `:override` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-response-headers-policy-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-props-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-props-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `responseHeadersPolicyConfig` |$ResponseHeadersPolicyConfigProperty | [[]] | `:response-headers-policy-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-response-headers-policy-referrer-policy-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-referrer-policy-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ReferrerPolicyProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ReferrerPolicyProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-referrer-policy-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ReferrerPolicyProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ReferrerPolicyProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `override` | | [[]] | `:override` |
| `referrerPolicy` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:referrer-policy` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-response-headers-policy-remove-header-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-remove-header-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$RemoveHeaderProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$RemoveHeaderProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-remove-header-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$RemoveHeaderProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$RemoveHeaderProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `header` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:header` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-remove-headers-config-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$RemoveHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$RemoveHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-remove-headers-config-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$RemoveHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$RemoveHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `items` | | [[]] | `:items` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-response-headers-policy-config-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ResponseHeadersPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ResponseHeadersPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$$
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-response-headers-policy-config-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ResponseHeadersPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ResponseHeadersPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `corsConfig` |$CorsConfigProperty | [[]] | `:cors-config` |
| `customHeadersConfig` |$CustomHeadersConfigProperty | [[]] | `:custom-headers-config` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
| `removeHeadersConfig` | | [[]] | `:remove-headers-config` |
| `securityHeadersConfig` |$SecurityHeadersConfigProperty | [[]] | `:security-headers-config` |
| `serverTimingHeadersConfig` | | [[]] | `:server-timing-headers-config` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-security-headers-config-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$SecurityHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$SecurityHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$$$
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-security-headers-config-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$SecurityHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$SecurityHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `contentSecurityPolicy` |$ContentSecurityPolicyProperty | [[]] | `:content-security-policy` |
| `contentTypeOptions` | | [[]] | `:content-type-options` |
| `frameOptions` |$FrameOptionsProperty | [[]] | `:frame-options` |
| `referrerPolicy` | | [[]] | `:referrer-policy` |
| `strictTransportSecurity` |$StrictTransportSecurityProperty | [[]] | `:strict-transport-security` |
| `xssProtection` |$XSSProtectionProperty | [[]] | `:xss-protection` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-server-timing-headers-config-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ServerTimingHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ServerTimingHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-server-timing-headers-config-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ServerTimingHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ServerTimingHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `enabled` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enabled` |
| `samplingRate` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:sampling-rate` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-strict-transport-security-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$StrictTransportSecurityProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$StrictTransportSecurityProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-strict-transport-security-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$StrictTransportSecurityProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$StrictTransportSecurityProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `accessControlMaxAgeSec` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:access-control-max-age-sec` |
| `includeSubdomains` | | [[]] | `:include-subdomains` |
| `override` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:override` |
| `preload` | | [[]] | `:preload` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-response-headers-policy-xss-protection-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-xss-protection-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$XSSProtectionProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$XSSProtectionProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-response-headers-policy-xss-protection-property-builder function updates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$XSSProtectionProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$XSSProtectionProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `modeBlock` | | [[]] | `:mode-block` |
| `override` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:override` |
| `protection` | | [[]] | `:protection` |
| `reportUri` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:report-uri` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-streaming-distribution-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-streaming-distribution-builder function updates a CfnStreamingDistribution$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnStreamingDistribution$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-streaming-distribution-builder function updates a CfnStreamingDistribution$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnStreamingDistribution$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `streamingDistributionConfig` |$StreamingDistributionConfigProperty | [[]] | `:streaming-distribution-config` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-streaming-distribution-logging-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-streaming-distribution-logging-property-builder function updates a CfnStreamingDistribution$LoggingProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnStreamingDistribution$LoggingProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-streaming-distribution-logging-property-builder function updates a CfnStreamingDistribution$LoggingProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnStreamingDistribution$LoggingProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `bucket` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:bucket` |
| `enabled` | | [[]] | `:enabled` |
| `prefix` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:prefix` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-streaming-distribution-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-streaming-distribution-props-builder function updates a CfnStreamingDistributionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnStreamingDistributionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-streaming-distribution-props-builder function updates a CfnStreamingDistributionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnStreamingDistributionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `streamingDistributionConfig` | | [[]] | `:streaming-distribution-config` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-streaming-distribution-s3-origin-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-streaming-distribution-s3-origin-property-builder function updates a CfnStreamingDistribution$S3OriginProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnStreamingDistribution$S3OriginProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-streaming-distribution-s3-origin-property-builder function updates a CfnStreamingDistribution$S3OriginProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnStreamingDistribution$S3OriginProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `domainName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:domain-name` |
| `originAccessIdentity` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-access-identity` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-streaming-distribution-streaming-distribution-config-property-builder function updates a CfnStreamingDistribution$StreamingDistributionConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnStreamingDistribution$StreamingDistributionConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$
The build-cfn-streaming-distribution-streaming-distribution-config-property-builder function updates a CfnStreamingDistribution$StreamingDistributionConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnStreamingDistribution$StreamingDistributionConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `aliases` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:aliases` |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `enabled` | | [[]] | `:enabled` |
| `logging` |$LoggingProperty | [[]] | `:logging` |
| `priceClass` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:price-class` |
| `s3Origin` |$S3OriginProperty | [[]] | `:s3-origin` |
| `trustedSigners` | | [[]] | `:trusted-signers` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-streaming-distribution-trusted-signers-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-streaming-distribution-trusted-signers-property-builder function updates a CfnStreamingDistribution$TrustedSignersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnStreamingDistribution$TrustedSignersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-streaming-distribution-trusted-signers-property-builder function updates a CfnStreamingDistribution$TrustedSignersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnStreamingDistribution$TrustedSignersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `awsAccountNumbers` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:aws-account-numbers` |
| `enabled` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enabled` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cloud-front-web-distribution-attributes-builder builder id config)

The build-cloud-front-web-distribution-attributes-builder function updates a CloudFrontWebDistributionAttributes$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CloudFrontWebDistributionAttributes$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cloud-front-web-distribution-attributes-builder function updates a CloudFrontWebDistributionAttributes$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CloudFrontWebDistributionAttributes$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `distributionId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:distribution-id` |
| `domainName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:domain-name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cloud-front-web-distribution-builder builder id config)

The build-cloud-front-web-distribution-builder function updates a CloudFrontWebDistribution$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CloudFrontWebDistribution$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cloud-front-web-distribution-builder function updates a CloudFrontWebDistribution$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CloudFrontWebDistribution$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `defaultRootObject` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:default-root-object` |
| `enableIpV6` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-ip-v6` |
| `enabled` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enabled` |
| `errorConfigurations` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:error-configurations` |
| `geoRestriction` | | [[]] | `:geo-restriction` |
| `httpVersion` | | [[]] | `:http-version` |
| `loggingConfig` | | [[]] | `:logging-config` |
| `originConfigs` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:origin-configs` |
| `priceClass` | | [[]] | `:price-class` |
| `viewerCertificate` | | [[]] | `:viewer-certificate` |
| `viewerProtocolPolicy` | | [[]] | `:viewer-protocol-policy` |
| `webAclId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:web-acl-id` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cloud-front-web-distribution-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cloud-front-web-distribution-props-builder function updates a CloudFrontWebDistributionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CloudFrontWebDistributionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cloud-front-web-distribution-props-builder function updates a CloudFrontWebDistributionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CloudFrontWebDistributionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `defaultRootObject` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:default-root-object` |
| `enableIpV6` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-ip-v6` |
| `enabled` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enabled` |
| `errorConfigurations` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:error-configurations` |
| `geoRestriction` | | [[]] | `:geo-restriction` |
| `httpVersion` | | [[]] | `:http-version` |
| `loggingConfig` | | [[]] | `:logging-config` |
| `originConfigs` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:origin-configs` |
| `priceClass` | | [[]] | `:price-class` |
| `viewerCertificate` | | [[]] | `:viewer-certificate` |
| `viewerProtocolPolicy` | | [[]] | `:viewer-protocol-policy` |
| `webAclId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:web-acl-id` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-custom-origin-config-builder builder id config)

The build-custom-origin-config-builder function updates a CustomOriginConfig$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CustomOriginConfig$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-custom-origin-config-builder function updates a CustomOriginConfig$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CustomOriginConfig$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `allowedOriginSslVersions` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:allowed-origin-ssl-versions` |
| `domainName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:domain-name` |
| `httpPort` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:http-port` |
| `httpsPort` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:https-port` |
| `originHeaders` | java.util.Map | [[]] | `:origin-headers` |
| `originKeepaliveTimeout` | | [[]] | `:origin-keepalive-timeout` |
| `originPath` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-path` |
| `originProtocolPolicy` | | [[]] | `:origin-protocol-policy` |
| `originReadTimeout` | | [[]] | `:origin-read-timeout` |
| `originShieldRegion` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-shield-region` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-distribution-attributes-builder builder id config)

The build-distribution-attributes-builder function updates a DistributionAttributes$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the DistributionAttributes$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-distribution-attributes-builder function updates a DistributionAttributes$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the DistributionAttributes$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `distributionId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:distribution-id` |
| `domainName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:domain-name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-distribution-builder builder id config)

The build-distribution-builder function updates a Distribution$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the Distribution$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-distribution-builder function updates a Distribution$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the Distribution$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `additionalBehaviors` | java.util.Map | [[]] | `:additional-behaviors` |
| `certificate` | | [[]] | `:certificate` |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `defaultBehavior` | | [[]] | `:default-behavior` |
| `defaultRootObject` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:default-root-object` |
| `domainNames` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:domain-names` |
| `enableIpv6` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-ipv6` |
| `enableLogging` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-logging` |
| `enabled` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enabled` |
| `errorResponses` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:error-responses` |
| `geoRestriction` | | [[]] | `:geo-restriction` |
| `httpVersion` | | [[]] | `:http-version` |
| `logBucket` | | [[]] | `:log-bucket` |
| `logFilePrefix` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:log-file-prefix` |
| `logIncludesCookies` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:log-includes-cookies` |
| `minimumProtocolVersion` | | [[]] | `:minimum-protocol-version` |
| `priceClass` | | [[]] | `:price-class` |
| `publishAdditionalMetrics` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:publish-additional-metrics` |
| `sslSupportMethod` | | [[]] | `:ssl-support-method` |
| `webAclId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:web-acl-id` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-distribution-props-builder builder id config)

The build-distribution-props-builder function updates a DistributionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the DistributionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-distribution-props-builder function updates a DistributionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the DistributionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `additionalBehaviors` | java.util.Map | [[]] | `:additional-behaviors` |
| `certificate` | | [[]] | `:certificate` |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `defaultBehavior` | | [[]] | `:default-behavior` |
| `defaultRootObject` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:default-root-object` |
| `domainNames` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:domain-names` |
| `enableIpv6` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-ipv6` |
| `enableLogging` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-logging` |
| `enabled` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enabled` |
| `errorResponses` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:error-responses` |
| `geoRestriction` | | [[]] | `:geo-restriction` |
| `httpVersion` | | [[]] | `:http-version` |
| `logBucket` | | [[]] | `:log-bucket` |
| `logFilePrefix` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:log-file-prefix` |
| `logIncludesCookies` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:log-includes-cookies` |
| `minimumProtocolVersion` | | [[]] | `:minimum-protocol-version` |
| `priceClass` | | [[]] | `:price-class` |
| `publishAdditionalMetrics` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:publish-additional-metrics` |
| `sslSupportMethod` | | [[]] | `:ssl-support-method` |
| `webAclId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:web-acl-id` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-edge-lambda-builder builder id config)

The build-edge-lambda-builder function updates a EdgeLambda$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the EdgeLambda$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-edge-lambda-builder function updates a EdgeLambda$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the EdgeLambda$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `eventType` | | [[]] | `:event-type` |
| `functionVersion` | | [[]] | `:function-version` |
| `includeBody` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:include-body` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-error-response-builder builder id config)

The build-error-response-builder function updates a ErrorResponse$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ErrorResponse$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-error-response-builder function updates a ErrorResponse$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ErrorResponse$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `httpStatus` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:http-status` |
| `responseHttpStatus` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:response-http-status` |
| `responsePagePath` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:response-page-path` |
| `ttl` | | [[]] | `:ttl` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-file-code-options-builder builder id config)

The build-file-code-options-builder function updates a FileCodeOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the FileCodeOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-file-code-options-builder function updates a FileCodeOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the FileCodeOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `filePath` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:file-path` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-function-association-builder builder id config)

The build-function-association-builder function updates a FunctionAssociation$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the FunctionAssociation$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-function-association-builder function updates a FunctionAssociation$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the FunctionAssociation$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `eventType` | | [[]] | `:event-type` |
| `function` | | [[]] | `:function` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-function-attributes-builder builder id config)

The build-function-attributes-builder function updates a FunctionAttributes$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the FunctionAttributes$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-function-attributes-builder function updates a FunctionAttributes$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the FunctionAttributes$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `functionArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:function-arn` |
| `functionName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:function-name` |
| `functionRuntime` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:function-runtime` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-function-builder builder id config)

The build-function-builder function updates a Function$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the Function$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-function-builder function updates a Function$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the Function$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `autoPublish` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:auto-publish` |
| `code` | | [[]] | `:code` |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `functionName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:function-name` |
| `keyValueStore` | | [[]] | `:key-value-store` |
| `runtime` | | [[]] | `:runtime` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-function-props-builder builder id config)

The build-function-props-builder function updates a FunctionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the FunctionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-function-props-builder function updates a FunctionProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the FunctionProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `autoPublish` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:auto-publish` |
| `code` | | [[]] | `:code` |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `functionName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:function-name` |
| `keyValueStore` | | [[]] | `:key-value-store` |
| `runtime` | | [[]] | `:runtime` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-key-group-builder builder id config)

The build-key-group-builder function updates a KeyGroup$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the KeyGroup$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-key-group-builder function updates a KeyGroup$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the KeyGroup$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `items` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:items` |
| `keyGroupName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:key-group-name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-key-group-props-builder builder id config)

The build-key-group-props-builder function updates a KeyGroupProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the KeyGroupProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-key-group-props-builder function updates a KeyGroupProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the KeyGroupProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `items` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:items` |
| `keyGroupName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:key-group-name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-key-value-store-builder builder id config)

The build-key-value-store-builder function updates a KeyValueStore$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the KeyValueStore$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-key-value-store-builder function updates a KeyValueStore$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the KeyValueStore$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `keyValueStoreName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:key-value-store-name` |
| `source` | | [[]] | `:source` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-key-value-store-props-builder builder id config)

The build-key-value-store-props-builder function updates a KeyValueStoreProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the KeyValueStoreProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-key-value-store-props-builder function updates a KeyValueStoreProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the KeyValueStoreProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `keyValueStoreName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:key-value-store-name` |
| `source` | | [[]] | `:source` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-lambda-function-association-builder builder id config)

The build-lambda-function-association-builder function updates a LambdaFunctionAssociation$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the LambdaFunctionAssociation$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-lambda-function-association-builder function updates a LambdaFunctionAssociation$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the LambdaFunctionAssociation$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `eventType` | | [[]] | `:event-type` |
| `includeBody` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:include-body` |
| `lambdaFunction` | | [[]] | `:lambda-function` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-logging-configuration-builder builder id config)

The build-logging-configuration-builder function updates a LoggingConfiguration$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the LoggingConfiguration$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-logging-configuration-builder function updates a LoggingConfiguration$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the LoggingConfiguration$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `bucket` | | [[]] | `:bucket` |
| `includeCookies` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:include-cookies` |
| `prefix` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:prefix` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-origin-access-identity-builder builder id config)

The build-origin-access-identity-builder function updates a OriginAccessIdentity$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the OriginAccessIdentity$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-origin-access-identity-builder function updates a OriginAccessIdentity$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the OriginAccessIdentity$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-origin-access-identity-props-builder builder id config)

The build-origin-access-identity-props-builder function updates a OriginAccessIdentityProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the OriginAccessIdentityProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-origin-access-identity-props-builder function updates a OriginAccessIdentityProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the OriginAccessIdentityProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-origin-bind-config-builder builder id config)

The build-origin-bind-config-builder function updates a OriginBindConfig$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the OriginBindConfig$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-origin-bind-config-builder function updates a OriginBindConfig$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the OriginBindConfig$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `failoverConfig` | | [[]] | `:failover-config` |
| `originProperty` |$OriginProperty | [[]] | `:origin-property` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-origin-bind-options-builder builder id config)

The build-origin-bind-options-builder function updates a OriginBindOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the OriginBindOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-origin-bind-options-builder function updates a OriginBindOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the OriginBindOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `originId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-id` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-origin-failover-config-builder builder id config)

The build-origin-failover-config-builder function updates a OriginFailoverConfig$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the OriginFailoverConfig$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-origin-failover-config-builder function updates a OriginFailoverConfig$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the OriginFailoverConfig$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `failoverOrigin` | | [[]] | `:failover-origin` |
| `statusCodes` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:status-codes` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-origin-options-builder builder id config)

The build-origin-options-builder function updates a OriginOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the OriginOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-origin-options-builder function updates a OriginOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the OriginOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `connectionAttempts` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:connection-attempts` |
| `connectionTimeout` | | [[]] | `:connection-timeout` |
| `customHeaders` | java.util.Map | [[]] | `:custom-headers` |
| `originId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-id` |
| `originShieldEnabled` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:origin-shield-enabled` |
| `originShieldRegion` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-shield-region` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-origin-props-builder builder id config)

The build-origin-props-builder function updates a OriginProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the OriginProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-origin-props-builder function updates a OriginProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the OriginProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `connectionAttempts` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:connection-attempts` |
| `connectionTimeout` | | [[]] | `:connection-timeout` |
| `customHeaders` | java.util.Map | [[]] | `:custom-headers` |
| `originId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-id` |
| `originPath` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-path` |
| `originShieldEnabled` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:origin-shield-enabled` |
| `originShieldRegion` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-shield-region` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-origin-request-policy-builder builder id config)

The build-origin-request-policy-builder function updates a OriginRequestPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the OriginRequestPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-origin-request-policy-builder function updates a OriginRequestPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the OriginRequestPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `cookieBehavior` | | [[]] | `:cookie-behavior` |
| `headerBehavior` | | [[]] | `:header-behavior` |
| `originRequestPolicyName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-request-policy-name` |
| `queryStringBehavior` | | [[]] | `:query-string-behavior` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-origin-request-policy-props-builder builder id config)

The build-origin-request-policy-props-builder function updates a OriginRequestPolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the OriginRequestPolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-origin-request-policy-props-builder function updates a OriginRequestPolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the OriginRequestPolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `cookieBehavior` | | [[]] | `:cookie-behavior` |
| `headerBehavior` | | [[]] | `:header-behavior` |
| `originRequestPolicyName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-request-policy-name` |
| `queryStringBehavior` | | [[]] | `:query-string-behavior` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-public-key-builder builder id config)

The build-public-key-builder function updates a PublicKey$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the PublicKey$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-public-key-builder function updates a PublicKey$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the PublicKey$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `encodedKey` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:encoded-key` |
| `publicKeyName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:public-key-name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-public-key-props-builder builder id config)

The build-public-key-props-builder function updates a PublicKeyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the PublicKeyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-public-key-props-builder function updates a PublicKeyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the PublicKeyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `encodedKey` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:encoded-key` |
| `publicKeyName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:public-key-name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-realtime-log-config-builder builder id config)

The build-realtime-log-config-builder function updates a RealtimeLogConfig$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the RealtimeLogConfig$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-realtime-log-config-builder function updates a RealtimeLogConfig$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the RealtimeLogConfig$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `endPoints` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:end-points` |
| `fields` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:fields` |
| `realtimeLogConfigName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:realtime-log-config-name` |
| `samplingRate` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:sampling-rate` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-realtime-log-config-props-builder builder id config)

The build-realtime-log-config-props-builder function updates a RealtimeLogConfigProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the RealtimeLogConfigProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-realtime-log-config-props-builder function updates a RealtimeLogConfigProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the RealtimeLogConfigProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `endPoints` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:end-points` |
| `fields` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:fields` |
| `realtimeLogConfigName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:realtime-log-config-name` |
| `samplingRate` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:sampling-rate` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-response-custom-header-builder builder id config)

The build-response-custom-header-builder function updates a ResponseCustomHeader$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ResponseCustomHeader$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-response-custom-header-builder function updates a ResponseCustomHeader$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ResponseCustomHeader$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `header` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:header` |
| `override` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:override` |
| `value` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:value` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-response-custom-headers-behavior-builder builder id config)

The build-response-custom-headers-behavior-builder function updates a ResponseCustomHeadersBehavior$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ResponseCustomHeadersBehavior$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-response-custom-headers-behavior-builder function updates a ResponseCustomHeadersBehavior$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ResponseCustomHeadersBehavior$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `customHeaders` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:custom-headers` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-response-headers-content-security-policy-builder builder id config)

The build-response-headers-content-security-policy-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersContentSecurityPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ResponseHeadersContentSecurityPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-response-headers-content-security-policy-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersContentSecurityPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ResponseHeadersContentSecurityPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `contentSecurityPolicy` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:content-security-policy` |
| `override` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:override` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-response-headers-content-type-options-builder builder id config)

The build-response-headers-content-type-options-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersContentTypeOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ResponseHeadersContentTypeOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-response-headers-content-type-options-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersContentTypeOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ResponseHeadersContentTypeOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `override` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:override` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-response-headers-cors-behavior-builder builder id config)

The build-response-headers-cors-behavior-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersCorsBehavior$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ResponseHeadersCorsBehavior$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-response-headers-cors-behavior-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersCorsBehavior$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ResponseHeadersCorsBehavior$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `accessControlAllowCredentials` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:access-control-allow-credentials` |
| `accessControlAllowHeaders` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:access-control-allow-headers` |
| `accessControlAllowMethods` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:access-control-allow-methods` |
| `accessControlAllowOrigins` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:access-control-allow-origins` |
| `accessControlExposeHeaders` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:access-control-expose-headers` |
| `accessControlMaxAge` | | [[]] | `:access-control-max-age` |
| `originOverride` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:origin-override` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-response-headers-frame-options-builder builder id config)

The build-response-headers-frame-options-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersFrameOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ResponseHeadersFrameOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-response-headers-frame-options-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersFrameOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ResponseHeadersFrameOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `frameOption` | | [[]] | `:frame-option` |
| `override` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:override` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-response-headers-policy-builder builder id config)

The build-response-headers-policy-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ResponseHeadersPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-response-headers-policy-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ResponseHeadersPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `corsBehavior` | | [[]] | `:cors-behavior` |
| `customHeadersBehavior` | | [[]] | `:custom-headers-behavior` |
| `removeHeaders` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:remove-headers` |
| `responseHeadersPolicyName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:response-headers-policy-name` |
| `securityHeadersBehavior` | | [[]] | `:security-headers-behavior` |
| `serverTimingSamplingRate` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:server-timing-sampling-rate` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-response-headers-policy-props-builder builder id config)

The build-response-headers-policy-props-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersPolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ResponseHeadersPolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-response-headers-policy-props-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersPolicyProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ResponseHeadersPolicyProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `comment` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:comment` |
| `corsBehavior` | | [[]] | `:cors-behavior` |
| `customHeadersBehavior` | | [[]] | `:custom-headers-behavior` |
| `removeHeaders` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:remove-headers` |
| `responseHeadersPolicyName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:response-headers-policy-name` |
| `securityHeadersBehavior` | | [[]] | `:security-headers-behavior` |
| `serverTimingSamplingRate` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:server-timing-sampling-rate` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-response-headers-referrer-policy-builder builder id config)

The build-response-headers-referrer-policy-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersReferrerPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ResponseHeadersReferrerPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-response-headers-referrer-policy-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersReferrerPolicy$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ResponseHeadersReferrerPolicy$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `override` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:override` |
| `referrerPolicy` | | [[]] | `:referrer-policy` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-response-headers-strict-transport-security-builder builder id config)

The build-response-headers-strict-transport-security-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersStrictTransportSecurity$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ResponseHeadersStrictTransportSecurity$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-response-headers-strict-transport-security-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersStrictTransportSecurity$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ResponseHeadersStrictTransportSecurity$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `accessControlMaxAge` | | [[]] | `:access-control-max-age` |
| `includeSubdomains` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:include-subdomains` |
| `override` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:override` |
| `preload` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:preload` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-response-headers-xss-protection-builder builder id config)

The build-response-headers-xss-protection-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersXSSProtection$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ResponseHeadersXSSProtection$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-response-headers-xss-protection-builder function updates a ResponseHeadersXSSProtection$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ResponseHeadersXSSProtection$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `modeBlock` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:mode-block` |
| `override` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:override` |
| `protection` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:protection` |
| `reportUri` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:report-uri` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-response-security-headers-behavior-builder builder id config)

The build-response-security-headers-behavior-builder function updates a ResponseSecurityHeadersBehavior$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ResponseSecurityHeadersBehavior$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-response-security-headers-behavior-builder function updates a ResponseSecurityHeadersBehavior$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ResponseSecurityHeadersBehavior$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `contentSecurityPolicy` | | [[]] | `:content-security-policy` |
| `contentTypeOptions` | | [[]] | `:content-type-options` |
| `frameOptions` | | [[]] | `:frame-options` |
| `referrerPolicy` | | [[]] | `:referrer-policy` |
| `strictTransportSecurity` | | [[]] | `:strict-transport-security` |
| `xssProtection` | | [[]] | `:xss-protection` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-s3-origin-config-builder builder id config)

The build-s3-origin-config-builder function updates a S3OriginConfig$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the S3OriginConfig$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-s3-origin-config-builder function updates a S3OriginConfig$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the S3OriginConfig$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `originAccessIdentity` | | [[]] | `:origin-access-identity` |
| `originHeaders` | java.util.Map | [[]] | `:origin-headers` |
| `originPath` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-path` |
| `originShieldRegion` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-shield-region` |
| `s3BucketSource` | | [[]] | `:s3-bucket-source` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-source-configuration-builder builder id config)

The build-source-configuration-builder function updates a SourceConfiguration$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the SourceConfiguration$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-source-configuration-builder function updates a SourceConfiguration$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the SourceConfiguration$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `behaviors` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:behaviors` |
| `connectionAttempts` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:connection-attempts` |
| `connectionTimeout` | | [[]] | `:connection-timeout` |
| `customOriginSource` | | [[]] | `:custom-origin-source` |
| `failoverCriteriaStatusCodes` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:failover-criteria-status-codes` |
| `failoverCustomOriginSource` | | [[]] | `:failover-custom-origin-source` |
| `failoverS3OriginSource` | | [[]] | `:failover-s3-origin-source` |
| `originShieldRegion` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:origin-shield-region` |
| `s3OriginSource` | | [[]] | `:s3-origin-source` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-viewer-certificate-options-builder builder id config)

The build-viewer-certificate-options-builder function updates a ViewerCertificateOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the ViewerCertificateOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-viewer-certificate-options-builder function updates a ViewerCertificateOptions$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the ViewerCertificateOptions$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `aliases` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:aliases` |
| `securityPolicy` | | [[]] | `:security-policy` |
| `sslMethod` | | [[]] | `:ssl-method` |
sourceraw docstring


(cache-policy-builder scope id config)

Creates a CachePolicy$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CachePolicy$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cache-policy-props-builder id config)

Creates a CachePolicyProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CachePolicyProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-cache-policy-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnCachePolicy$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnCachePolicy$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-cache-policy-cache-policy-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnCachePolicy$CachePolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnCachePolicy$CachePolicyConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-cache-policy-cookies-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnCachePolicy$CookiesConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnCachePolicy$CookiesConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-cache-policy-headers-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnCachePolicy$HeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnCachePolicy$HeadersConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnCachePolicy$ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOriginProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnCachePolicy$ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOriginProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-cache-policy-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnCachePolicyProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnCachePolicyProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-cache-policy-query-strings-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnCachePolicy$QueryStringsConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnCachePolicy$QueryStringsConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity$CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity$CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$ContinuousDeploymentPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$ContinuousDeploymentPolicyConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicyProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicyProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SessionStickinessConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SessionStickinessConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-single-header-config-property-builder id

Creates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleHeaderConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleHeaderConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleHeaderPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleHeaderPolicyConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-single-weight-config-property-builder id

Creates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleWeightConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleWeightConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleWeightPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$SingleWeightPolicyConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-continuous-deployment-policy-traffic-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$TrafficConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnContinuousDeploymentPolicy$TrafficConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnDistribution$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-cache-behavior-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$CacheBehaviorProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$CacheBehaviorProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-cookies-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$CookiesProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$CookiesProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-custom-error-response-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$CustomErrorResponseProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$CustomErrorResponseProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-custom-origin-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$CustomOriginConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$CustomOriginConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-default-cache-behavior-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$DefaultCacheBehaviorProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$DefaultCacheBehaviorProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-distribution-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$DistributionConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$DistributionConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-forwarded-values-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$ForwardedValuesProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$ForwardedValuesProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-function-association-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$FunctionAssociationProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$FunctionAssociationProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-geo-restriction-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$GeoRestrictionProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$GeoRestrictionProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-lambda-function-association-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$LambdaFunctionAssociationProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$LambdaFunctionAssociationProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-legacy-custom-origin-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$LegacyCustomOriginProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$LegacyCustomOriginProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-legacy-s3-origin-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$LegacyS3OriginProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$LegacyS3OriginProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-logging-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$LoggingProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$LoggingProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-origin-custom-header-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$OriginCustomHeaderProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$OriginCustomHeaderProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-origin-group-failover-criteria-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupFailoverCriteriaProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$OriginGroupFailoverCriteriaProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-origin-group-member-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupMemberProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$OriginGroupMemberProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-origin-group-members-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupMembersProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$OriginGroupMembersProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-origin-group-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$OriginGroupProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-origin-groups-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$OriginGroupsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$OriginGroupsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-origin-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$OriginProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$OriginProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-origin-shield-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$OriginShieldProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$OriginShieldProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistributionProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistributionProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-restrictions-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$RestrictionsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$RestrictionsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-s3-origin-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$S3OriginConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$S3OriginConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-status-codes-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$StatusCodesProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$StatusCodesProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-distribution-viewer-certificate-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnDistribution$ViewerCertificateProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnDistribution$ViewerCertificateProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-function-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnFunction$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnFunction$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-function-function-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnFunction$FunctionConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnFunction$FunctionConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-function-function-metadata-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnFunction$FunctionMetadataProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnFunction$FunctionMetadataProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-function-key-value-store-association-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnFunction$KeyValueStoreAssociationProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnFunction$KeyValueStoreAssociationProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-function-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnFunctionProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnFunctionProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-key-group-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnKeyGroup$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnKeyGroup$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-key-group-key-group-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnKeyGroup$KeyGroupConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnKeyGroup$KeyGroupConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-key-group-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnKeyGroupProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnKeyGroupProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-key-value-store-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnKeyValueStore$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnKeyValueStore$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-key-value-store-import-source-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnKeyValueStore$ImportSourceProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnKeyValueStore$ImportSourceProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-key-value-store-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnKeyValueStoreProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnKeyValueStoreProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-monitoring-subscription-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnMonitoringSubscription$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnMonitoringSubscription$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-monitoring-subscription-monitoring-subscription-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnMonitoringSubscription$MonitoringSubscriptionProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnMonitoringSubscription$MonitoringSubscriptionProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-monitoring-subscription-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnMonitoringSubscriptionProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnMonitoringSubscriptionProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnMonitoringSubscription$RealtimeMetricsSubscriptionConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnMonitoringSubscription$RealtimeMetricsSubscriptionConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-origin-access-control-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnOriginAccessControl$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnOriginAccessControl$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-origin-access-control-origin-access-control-config-property-builder id

Creates a CfnOriginAccessControl$OriginAccessControlConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnOriginAccessControl$OriginAccessControlConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-origin-access-control-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnOriginAccessControlProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnOriginAccessControlProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-origin-request-policy-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnOriginRequestPolicy$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-origin-request-policy-cookies-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$CookiesConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnOriginRequestPolicy$CookiesConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-origin-request-policy-headers-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$HeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnOriginRequestPolicy$HeadersConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-origin-request-policy-origin-request-policy-config-property-builder id

Creates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$OriginRequestPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnOriginRequestPolicy$OriginRequestPolicyConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-origin-request-policy-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnOriginRequestPolicyProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnOriginRequestPolicyProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-origin-request-policy-query-strings-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnOriginRequestPolicy$QueryStringsConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnOriginRequestPolicy$QueryStringsConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-public-key-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnPublicKey$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnPublicKey$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-public-key-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnPublicKeyProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnPublicKeyProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-public-key-public-key-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnPublicKey$PublicKeyConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnPublicKey$PublicKeyConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-realtime-log-config-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnRealtimeLogConfig$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnRealtimeLogConfig$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-realtime-log-config-end-point-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnRealtimeLogConfig$EndPointProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnRealtimeLogConfig$EndPointProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-realtime-log-config-kinesis-stream-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnRealtimeLogConfig$KinesisStreamConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnRealtimeLogConfig$KinesisStreamConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-realtime-log-config-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnRealtimeLogConfigProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnRealtimeLogConfigProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowHeadersProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowHeadersProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowMethodsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowMethodsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowOriginsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlAllowOriginsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlExposeHeadersProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$AccessControlExposeHeadersProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-content-security-policy-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ContentSecurityPolicyProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ContentSecurityPolicyProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-content-type-options-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ContentTypeOptionsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ContentTypeOptionsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-cors-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CorsConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CorsConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-custom-header-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CustomHeaderProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CustomHeaderProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-custom-headers-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CustomHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$CustomHeadersConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-frame-options-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$FrameOptionsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$FrameOptionsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicyProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicyProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-referrer-policy-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ReferrerPolicyProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ReferrerPolicyProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-remove-header-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$RemoveHeaderProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$RemoveHeaderProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-remove-headers-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$RemoveHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$RemoveHeadersConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ResponseHeadersPolicyConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ResponseHeadersPolicyConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-security-headers-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$SecurityHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$SecurityHeadersConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ServerTimingHeadersConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$ServerTimingHeadersConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-strict-transport-security-property-builder id

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$StrictTransportSecurityProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$StrictTransportSecurityProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-response-headers-policy-xss-protection-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$XSSProtectionProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnResponseHeadersPolicy$XSSProtectionProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-streaming-distribution-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnStreamingDistribution$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnStreamingDistribution$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-streaming-distribution-logging-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnStreamingDistribution$LoggingProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnStreamingDistribution$LoggingProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-streaming-distribution-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnStreamingDistributionProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnStreamingDistributionProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-streaming-distribution-s3-origin-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnStreamingDistribution$S3OriginProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnStreamingDistribution$S3OriginProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring



Creates a CfnStreamingDistribution$StreamingDistributionConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnStreamingDistribution$StreamingDistributionConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-streaming-distribution-trusted-signers-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnStreamingDistribution$TrustedSignersProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnStreamingDistribution$TrustedSignersProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cloud-front-allowed-cached-methods config id item-key)

The cloud-front-allowed-cached-methods function data interprets values in the provided config data into a CloudFrontAllowedCachedMethods instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of CloudFrontAllowedCachedMethods - the value is returned.
  • is :get-head - CloudFrontAllowedCachedMethods/GET_HEAD is returned
  • is :get-head-options - CloudFrontAllowedCachedMethods/GET_HEAD_OPTIONS is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `cloud-front-allowed-cached-methods` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`CloudFrontAllowedCachedMethods` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `CloudFrontAllowedCachedMethods` - the value is returned.
* is `:get-head` - `CloudFrontAllowedCachedMethods/GET_HEAD` is returned
* is `:get-head-options` - `CloudFrontAllowedCachedMethods/GET_HEAD_OPTIONS` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(cloud-front-allowed-methods config id item-key)

The cloud-front-allowed-methods function data interprets values in the provided config data into a CloudFrontAllowedMethods instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of CloudFrontAllowedMethods - the value is returned.
  • is :all - CloudFrontAllowedMethods/ALL is returned
  • is :get-head - CloudFrontAllowedMethods/GET_HEAD is returned
  • is :get-head-options - CloudFrontAllowedMethods/GET_HEAD_OPTIONS is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `cloud-front-allowed-methods` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`CloudFrontAllowedMethods` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `CloudFrontAllowedMethods` - the value is returned.
* is `:all` - `CloudFrontAllowedMethods/ALL` is returned
* is `:get-head` - `CloudFrontAllowedMethods/GET_HEAD` is returned
* is `:get-head-options` - `CloudFrontAllowedMethods/GET_HEAD_OPTIONS` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(cloud-front-web-distribution-attributes-builder id config)

Creates a CloudFrontWebDistributionAttributes$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CloudFrontWebDistributionAttributes$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cloud-front-web-distribution-builder scope id config)

Creates a CloudFrontWebDistribution$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CloudFrontWebDistribution$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cloud-front-web-distribution-props-builder id config)

Creates a CloudFrontWebDistributionProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CloudFrontWebDistributionProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(custom-origin-config-builder id config)

Creates a CustomOriginConfig$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CustomOriginConfig$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(distribution-attributes-builder id config)

Creates a DistributionAttributes$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `DistributionAttributes$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(distribution-builder scope id config)

Creates a Distribution$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `Distribution$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(distribution-props-builder id config)

Creates a DistributionProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `DistributionProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(edge-lambda-builder id config)

Creates a EdgeLambda$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `EdgeLambda$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(error-response-builder id config)

Creates a ErrorResponse$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ErrorResponse$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(failover-status-code config id item-key)

The failover-status-code function data interprets values in the provided config data into a FailoverStatusCode instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of FailoverStatusCode - the value is returned.
  • is :service-unavailable - FailoverStatusCode/SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE is returned
  • is :gateway-timeout - FailoverStatusCode/GATEWAY_TIMEOUT is returned
  • is :forbidden - FailoverStatusCode/FORBIDDEN is returned
  • is :not-found - FailoverStatusCode/NOT_FOUND is returned
  • is :bad-gateway - FailoverStatusCode/BAD_GATEWAY is returned
  • is :internal-server-error - FailoverStatusCode/INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `failover-status-code` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`FailoverStatusCode` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `FailoverStatusCode` - the value is returned.
* is `:service-unavailable` - `FailoverStatusCode/SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE` is returned
* is `:gateway-timeout` - `FailoverStatusCode/GATEWAY_TIMEOUT` is returned
* is `:forbidden` - `FailoverStatusCode/FORBIDDEN` is returned
* is `:not-found` - `FailoverStatusCode/NOT_FOUND` is returned
* is `:bad-gateway` - `FailoverStatusCode/BAD_GATEWAY` is returned
* is `:internal-server-error` - `FailoverStatusCode/INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(file-code-options-builder id config)

Creates a FileCodeOptions$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `FileCodeOptions$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(function-association-builder id config)

Creates a FunctionAssociation$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `FunctionAssociation$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(function-attributes-builder id config)

Creates a FunctionAttributes$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `FunctionAttributes$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(function-builder scope id config)

Creates a Function$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `Function$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(function-event-type config id item-key)

The function-event-type function data interprets values in the provided config data into a FunctionEventType instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of FunctionEventType - the value is returned.
  • is :viewer-response - FunctionEventType/VIEWER_RESPONSE is returned
  • is :viewer-request - FunctionEventType/VIEWER_REQUEST is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `function-event-type` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`FunctionEventType` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `FunctionEventType` - the value is returned.
* is `:viewer-response` - `FunctionEventType/VIEWER_RESPONSE` is returned
* is `:viewer-request` - `FunctionEventType/VIEWER_REQUEST` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(function-props-builder id config)

Creates a FunctionProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `FunctionProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(headers-frame-option config id item-key)

The headers-frame-option function data interprets values in the provided config data into a HeadersFrameOption instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of HeadersFrameOption - the value is returned.
  • is :sameorigin - HeadersFrameOption/SAMEORIGIN is returned
  • is :deny - HeadersFrameOption/DENY is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `headers-frame-option` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`HeadersFrameOption` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `HeadersFrameOption` - the value is returned.
* is `:sameorigin` - `HeadersFrameOption/SAMEORIGIN` is returned
* is `:deny` - `HeadersFrameOption/DENY` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(headers-referrer-policy config id item-key)

The headers-referrer-policy function data interprets values in the provided config data into a HeadersReferrerPolicy instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of HeadersReferrerPolicy - the value is returned.
  • is :no-referrer-when-downgrade - HeadersReferrerPolicy/NO_REFERRER_WHEN_DOWNGRADE is returned
  • is :strict-origin-when-cross-origin - HeadersReferrerPolicy/STRICT_ORIGIN_WHEN_CROSS_ORIGIN is returned
  • is :unsafe-url - HeadersReferrerPolicy/UNSAFE_URL is returned
  • is :no-referrer - HeadersReferrerPolicy/NO_REFERRER is returned
  • is :origin-when-cross-origin - HeadersReferrerPolicy/ORIGIN_WHEN_CROSS_ORIGIN is returned
  • is :origin - HeadersReferrerPolicy/ORIGIN is returned
  • is :same-origin - HeadersReferrerPolicy/SAME_ORIGIN is returned
  • is :strict-origin - HeadersReferrerPolicy/STRICT_ORIGIN is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `headers-referrer-policy` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`HeadersReferrerPolicy` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `HeadersReferrerPolicy` - the value is returned.
* is `:no-referrer-when-downgrade` - `HeadersReferrerPolicy/NO_REFERRER_WHEN_DOWNGRADE` is returned
* is `:strict-origin-when-cross-origin` - `HeadersReferrerPolicy/STRICT_ORIGIN_WHEN_CROSS_ORIGIN` is returned
* is `:unsafe-url` - `HeadersReferrerPolicy/UNSAFE_URL` is returned
* is `:no-referrer` - `HeadersReferrerPolicy/NO_REFERRER` is returned
* is `:origin-when-cross-origin` - `HeadersReferrerPolicy/ORIGIN_WHEN_CROSS_ORIGIN` is returned
* is `:origin` - `HeadersReferrerPolicy/ORIGIN` is returned
* is `:same-origin` - `HeadersReferrerPolicy/SAME_ORIGIN` is returned
* is `:strict-origin` - `HeadersReferrerPolicy/STRICT_ORIGIN` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(http-version config id item-key)

The http-version function data interprets values in the provided config data into a HttpVersion instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of HttpVersion - the value is returned.
  • is :http3 - HttpVersion/HTTP3 is returned
  • is :http2-and-3 - HttpVersion/HTTP2_AND_3 is returned
  • is :http2 - HttpVersion/HTTP2 is returned
  • is :http1-1 - HttpVersion/HTTP1_1 is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `http-version` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`HttpVersion` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `HttpVersion` - the value is returned.
* is `:http3` - `HttpVersion/HTTP3` is returned
* is `:http2-and-3` - `HttpVersion/HTTP2_AND_3` is returned
* is `:http2` - `HttpVersion/HTTP2` is returned
* is `:http1-1` - `HttpVersion/HTTP1_1` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(key-group-builder scope id config)

Creates a KeyGroup$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `KeyGroup$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(key-group-props-builder id config)

Creates a KeyGroupProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `KeyGroupProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(key-value-store-builder scope id config)

Creates a KeyValueStore$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `KeyValueStore$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(key-value-store-props-builder id config)

Creates a KeyValueStoreProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `KeyValueStoreProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(lambda-edge-event-type config id item-key)

The lambda-edge-event-type function data interprets values in the provided config data into a LambdaEdgeEventType instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of LambdaEdgeEventType - the value is returned.
  • is :viewer-response - LambdaEdgeEventType/VIEWER_RESPONSE is returned
  • is :viewer-request - LambdaEdgeEventType/VIEWER_REQUEST is returned
  • is :origin-request - LambdaEdgeEventType/ORIGIN_REQUEST is returned
  • is :origin-response - LambdaEdgeEventType/ORIGIN_RESPONSE is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `lambda-edge-event-type` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`LambdaEdgeEventType` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `LambdaEdgeEventType` - the value is returned.
* is `:viewer-response` - `LambdaEdgeEventType/VIEWER_RESPONSE` is returned
* is `:viewer-request` - `LambdaEdgeEventType/VIEWER_REQUEST` is returned
* is `:origin-request` - `LambdaEdgeEventType/ORIGIN_REQUEST` is returned
* is `:origin-response` - `LambdaEdgeEventType/ORIGIN_RESPONSE` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(lambda-function-association-builder id config)

Creates a LambdaFunctionAssociation$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `LambdaFunctionAssociation$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(logging-configuration-builder id config)

Creates a LoggingConfiguration$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `LoggingConfiguration$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(origin-access-identity-builder scope id config)

Creates a OriginAccessIdentity$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `OriginAccessIdentity$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(origin-access-identity-props-builder id config)

Creates a OriginAccessIdentityProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `OriginAccessIdentityProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(origin-bind-config-builder id config)

Creates a OriginBindConfig$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `OriginBindConfig$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(origin-bind-options-builder id config)

Creates a OriginBindOptions$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `OriginBindOptions$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(origin-failover-config-builder id config)

Creates a OriginFailoverConfig$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `OriginFailoverConfig$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(origin-options-builder id config)

Creates a OriginOptions$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `OriginOptions$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(origin-props-builder id config)

Creates a OriginProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `OriginProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(origin-protocol-policy config id item-key)

The origin-protocol-policy function data interprets values in the provided config data into a OriginProtocolPolicy instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of OriginProtocolPolicy - the value is returned.
  • is :match-viewer - OriginProtocolPolicy/MATCH_VIEWER is returned
  • is :https-only - OriginProtocolPolicy/HTTPS_ONLY is returned
  • is :http-only - OriginProtocolPolicy/HTTP_ONLY is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `origin-protocol-policy` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`OriginProtocolPolicy` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `OriginProtocolPolicy` - the value is returned.
* is `:match-viewer` - `OriginProtocolPolicy/MATCH_VIEWER` is returned
* is `:https-only` - `OriginProtocolPolicy/HTTPS_ONLY` is returned
* is `:http-only` - `OriginProtocolPolicy/HTTP_ONLY` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(origin-request-policy-builder scope id config)

Creates a OriginRequestPolicy$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `OriginRequestPolicy$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(origin-request-policy-props-builder id config)

Creates a OriginRequestPolicyProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `OriginRequestPolicyProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(origin-ssl-policy config id item-key)

The origin-ssl-policy function data interprets values in the provided config data into a OriginSslPolicy instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of OriginSslPolicy - the value is returned.
  • is :tls-v1-2 - OriginSslPolicy/TLS_V1_2 is returned
  • is :tls-v1-1 - OriginSslPolicy/TLS_V1_1 is returned
  • is :tls-v1 - OriginSslPolicy/TLS_V1 is returned
  • is :ssl-v3 - OriginSslPolicy/SSL_V3 is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `origin-ssl-policy` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`OriginSslPolicy` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `OriginSslPolicy` - the value is returned.
* is `:tls-v1-2` - `OriginSslPolicy/TLS_V1_2` is returned
* is `:tls-v1-1` - `OriginSslPolicy/TLS_V1_1` is returned
* is `:tls-v1` - `OriginSslPolicy/TLS_V1` is returned
* is `:ssl-v3` - `OriginSslPolicy/SSL_V3` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(price-class config id item-key)

The price-class function data interprets values in the provided config data into a PriceClass instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of PriceClass - the value is returned.
  • is :price-class-200 - PriceClass/PRICE_CLASS_200 is returned
  • is :price-class-100 - PriceClass/PRICE_CLASS_100 is returned
  • is :price-class-all - PriceClass/PRICE_CLASS_ALL is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `price-class` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`PriceClass` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `PriceClass` - the value is returned.
* is `:price-class-200` - `PriceClass/PRICE_CLASS_200` is returned
* is `:price-class-100` - `PriceClass/PRICE_CLASS_100` is returned
* is `:price-class-all` - `PriceClass/PRICE_CLASS_ALL` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(public-key-builder scope id config)

Creates a PublicKey$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `PublicKey$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(public-key-props-builder id config)

Creates a PublicKeyProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `PublicKeyProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(realtime-log-config-builder scope id config)

Creates a RealtimeLogConfig$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `RealtimeLogConfig$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(realtime-log-config-props-builder id config)

Creates a RealtimeLogConfigProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `RealtimeLogConfigProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(response-custom-header-builder id config)

Creates a ResponseCustomHeader$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ResponseCustomHeader$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(response-custom-headers-behavior-builder id config)

Creates a ResponseCustomHeadersBehavior$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ResponseCustomHeadersBehavior$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(response-headers-content-security-policy-builder id config)

Creates a ResponseHeadersContentSecurityPolicy$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ResponseHeadersContentSecurityPolicy$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(response-headers-content-type-options-builder id config)

Creates a ResponseHeadersContentTypeOptions$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ResponseHeadersContentTypeOptions$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(response-headers-cors-behavior-builder id config)

Creates a ResponseHeadersCorsBehavior$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ResponseHeadersCorsBehavior$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(response-headers-frame-options-builder id config)

Creates a ResponseHeadersFrameOptions$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ResponseHeadersFrameOptions$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(response-headers-policy-builder scope id config)

Creates a ResponseHeadersPolicy$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `ResponseHeadersPolicy$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(response-headers-policy-props-builder id config)

Creates a ResponseHeadersPolicyProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ResponseHeadersPolicyProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(response-headers-referrer-policy-builder id config)

Creates a ResponseHeadersReferrerPolicy$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ResponseHeadersReferrerPolicy$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(response-headers-strict-transport-security-builder id config)

Creates a ResponseHeadersStrictTransportSecurity$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ResponseHeadersStrictTransportSecurity$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(response-headers-xss-protection-builder id config)

Creates a ResponseHeadersXSSProtection$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ResponseHeadersXSSProtection$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(response-security-headers-behavior-builder id config)

Creates a ResponseSecurityHeadersBehavior$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ResponseSecurityHeadersBehavior$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(s3-origin-config-builder id config)

Creates a S3OriginConfig$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `S3OriginConfig$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(security-policy-protocol config id item-key)

The security-policy-protocol function data interprets values in the provided config data into a SecurityPolicyProtocol instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of SecurityPolicyProtocol - the value is returned.
  • is :tls-v1-2-2018 - SecurityPolicyProtocol/TLS_V1_2_2018 is returned
  • is :tls-v1-2016 - SecurityPolicyProtocol/TLS_V1_2016 is returned
  • is :tls-v1 - SecurityPolicyProtocol/TLS_V1 is returned
  • is :tls-v1-1-2016 - SecurityPolicyProtocol/TLS_V1_1_2016 is returned
  • is :tls-v1-2-2019 - SecurityPolicyProtocol/TLS_V1_2_2019 is returned
  • is :tls-v1-2-2021 - SecurityPolicyProtocol/TLS_V1_2_2021 is returned
  • is :ssl-v3 - SecurityPolicyProtocol/SSL_V3 is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `security-policy-protocol` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`SecurityPolicyProtocol` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `SecurityPolicyProtocol` - the value is returned.
* is `:tls-v1-2-2018` - `SecurityPolicyProtocol/TLS_V1_2_2018` is returned
* is `:tls-v1-2016` - `SecurityPolicyProtocol/TLS_V1_2016` is returned
* is `:tls-v1` - `SecurityPolicyProtocol/TLS_V1` is returned
* is `:tls-v1-1-2016` - `SecurityPolicyProtocol/TLS_V1_1_2016` is returned
* is `:tls-v1-2-2019` - `SecurityPolicyProtocol/TLS_V1_2_2019` is returned
* is `:tls-v1-2-2021` - `SecurityPolicyProtocol/TLS_V1_2_2021` is returned
* is `:ssl-v3` - `SecurityPolicyProtocol/SSL_V3` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(source-configuration-builder id config)

Creates a SourceConfiguration$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `SourceConfiguration$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(ssl-method config id item-key)

The ssl-method function data interprets values in the provided config data into a SSLMethod instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of SSLMethod - the value is returned.
  • is :vip - SSLMethod/VIP is returned
  • is :sni - SSLMethod/SNI is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `ssl-method` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`SSLMethod` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `SSLMethod` - the value is returned.
* is `:vip` - `SSLMethod/VIP` is returned
* is `:sni` - `SSLMethod/SNI` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(viewer-certificate-options-builder id config)

Creates a ViewerCertificateOptions$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `ViewerCertificateOptions$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(viewer-protocol-policy config id item-key)

The viewer-protocol-policy function data interprets values in the provided config data into a ViewerProtocolPolicy instance. This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in the configuration provided to builders. The value is found using the function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key. The found value is interpretted as follows:

  • instance of ViewerProtocolPolicy - the value is returned.
  • is :redirect-to-https - ViewerProtocolPolicy/REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS is returned
  • is :https-only - ViewerProtocolPolicy/HTTPS_ONLY is returned
  • is :allow-all - ViewerProtocolPolicy/ALLOW_ALL is returned

If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.

The `viewer-protocol-policy` function data interprets values in the provided config data into a 
`ViewerProtocolPolicy` instance.  This simplifies the use of keywords in place of actual enum values in 
the configuration provided to builders.  The value is found using the `` 
function on the data with the provided namespace id and item-key.  The found value is interpretted as follows: 

* instance of `ViewerProtocolPolicy` - the value is returned.
* is `:redirect-to-https` - `ViewerProtocolPolicy/REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS` is returned
* is `:https-only` - `ViewerProtocolPolicy/HTTPS_ONLY` is returned
* is `:allow-all` - `ViewerProtocolPolicy/ALLOW_ALL` is returned

 If a value is not found or matches the above criteria, nil is returned.
sourceraw docstring

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