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Functions that represent AWS CDK enums and builders in the package.

Functions that represent AWS CDK enums and builders in the package. 
raw docstring


(build-cfn-alert-action-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-alert-action-property-builder function updates a CfnAlert$ActionProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAlert$ActionProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-alert-action-property-builder function updates a CfnAlert$ActionProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAlert$ActionProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `lambdaConfiguration` | | [[]] | `:lambda-configuration` |
| `snsConfiguration` | | [[]] | `:sns-configuration` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-alert-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-alert-builder function updates a CfnAlert$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAlert$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-alert-builder function updates a CfnAlert$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAlert$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `action` | | [[]] | `:action` |
| `alertDescription` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:alert-description` |
| `alertName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:alert-name` |
| `alertSensitivityThreshold` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:alert-sensitivity-threshold` |
| `anomalyDetectorArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:anomaly-detector-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-alert-lambda-configuration-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-alert-lambda-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnAlert$LambdaConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAlert$LambdaConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-alert-lambda-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnAlert$LambdaConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAlert$LambdaConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `lambdaArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:lambda-arn` |
| `roleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:role-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-alert-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-alert-props-builder function updates a CfnAlertProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAlertProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-alert-props-builder function updates a CfnAlertProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAlertProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `action` | | [[]] | `:action` |
| `alertDescription` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:alert-description` |
| `alertName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:alert-name` |
| `alertSensitivityThreshold` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:alert-sensitivity-threshold` |
| `anomalyDetectorArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:anomaly-detector-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-alert-sns-configuration-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-alert-sns-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnAlert$SNSConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAlert$SNSConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-alert-sns-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnAlert$SNSConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAlert$SNSConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `roleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:role-arn` |
| `snsTopicArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:sns-topic-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-anomaly-detector-config-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-anomaly-detector-config-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$AnomalyDetectorConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$AnomalyDetectorConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-anomaly-detector-config-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$AnomalyDetectorConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$AnomalyDetectorConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `anomalyDetectorFrequency` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:anomaly-detector-frequency` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-app-flow-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-app-flow-config-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$AppFlowConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$AppFlowConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-app-flow-config-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$AppFlowConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$AppFlowConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `flowName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:flow-name` |
| `roleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:role-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `anomalyDetectorConfig` | | [[]] | `:anomaly-detector-config` |
| `anomalyDetectorDescription` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:anomaly-detector-description` |
| `anomalyDetectorName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:anomaly-detector-name` |
| `kmsKeyArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:kms-key-arn` |
| `metricSetList` | | [[]] | `:metric-set-list` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-cloudwatch-config-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-cloudwatch-config-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$CloudwatchConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$CloudwatchConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-cloudwatch-config-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$CloudwatchConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$CloudwatchConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `roleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:role-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-csv-format-descriptor-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-csv-format-descriptor-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$CsvFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$CsvFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-csv-format-descriptor-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$CsvFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$CsvFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `charset` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:charset` |
| `containsHeader` | | [[]] | `:contains-header` |
| `delimiter` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:delimiter` |
| `fileCompression` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:file-compression` |
| `headerList` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:header-list` |
| `quoteSymbol` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:quote-symbol` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-file-format-descriptor-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-file-format-descriptor-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$FileFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$FileFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-file-format-descriptor-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$FileFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$FileFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `csvFormatDescriptor` | | [[]] | `:csv-format-descriptor` |
| `jsonFormatDescriptor` |$JsonFormatDescriptorProperty | [[]] | `:json-format-descriptor` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-json-format-descriptor-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-json-format-descriptor-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$JsonFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$JsonFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-json-format-descriptor-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$JsonFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$JsonFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `charset` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:charset` |
| `fileCompression` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:file-compression` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-metric-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-metric-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-metric-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `aggregationFunction` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:aggregation-function` |
| `metricName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:metric-name` |
| `namespace` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:namespace` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-metric-set-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-metric-set-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricSetProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricSetProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-metric-set-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricSetProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricSetProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `dimensionList` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:dimension-list` |
| `metricList` | | [[]] | `:metric-list` |
| `metricSetDescription` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:metric-set-description` |
| `metricSetFrequency` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:metric-set-frequency` |
| `metricSetName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:metric-set-name` |
| `metricSource` |$MetricSourceProperty | [[]] | `:metric-source` |
| `offset` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:offset` |
| `timestampColumn` |$TimestampColumnProperty | [[]] | `:timestamp-column` |
| `timezone` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:timezone` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-metric-source-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-metric-source-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricSourceProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricSourceProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-metric-source-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricSourceProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricSourceProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `appFlowConfig` | | [[]] | `:app-flow-config` |
| `cloudwatchConfig` |$CloudwatchConfigProperty | [[]] | `:cloudwatch-config` |
| `rdsSourceConfig` | | [[]] | `:rds-source-config` |
| `redshiftSourceConfig` | | [[]] | `:redshift-source-config` |
| `s3SourceConfig` | | [[]] | `:s3-source-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-props-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetectorProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetectorProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-props-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetectorProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetectorProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `anomalyDetectorConfig` |$AnomalyDetectorConfigProperty | [[]] | `:anomaly-detector-config` |
| `anomalyDetectorDescription` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:anomaly-detector-description` |
| `anomalyDetectorName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:anomaly-detector-name` |
| `kmsKeyArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:kms-key-arn` |
| `metricSetList` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:metric-set-list` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-rds-source-config-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-rds-source-config-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$RDSSourceConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$RDSSourceConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-rds-source-config-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$RDSSourceConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$RDSSourceConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `databaseHost` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:database-host` |
| `databaseName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:database-name` |
| `databasePort` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:database-port` |
| `dbInstanceIdentifier` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:db-instance-identifier` |
| `roleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:role-arn` |
| `secretManagerArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:secret-manager-arn` |
| `tableName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:table-name` |
| `vpcConfiguration` | | [[]] | `:vpc-configuration` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-redshift-source-config-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-redshift-source-config-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$RedshiftSourceConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$RedshiftSourceConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-redshift-source-config-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$RedshiftSourceConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$RedshiftSourceConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `clusterIdentifier` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:cluster-identifier` |
| `databaseHost` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:database-host` |
| `databaseName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:database-name` |
| `databasePort` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:database-port` |
| `roleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:role-arn` |
| `secretManagerArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:secret-manager-arn` |
| `tableName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:table-name` |
| `vpcConfiguration` | | [[]] | `:vpc-configuration` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-s3-source-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-s3-source-config-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$S3SourceConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$S3SourceConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-s3-source-config-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$S3SourceConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$S3SourceConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `fileFormatDescriptor` |$FileFormatDescriptorProperty | [[]] | `:file-format-descriptor` |
| `historicalDataPathList` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:historical-data-path-list` |
| `roleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:role-arn` |
| `templatedPathList` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:templated-path-list` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-timestamp-column-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-timestamp-column-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$TimestampColumnProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$TimestampColumnProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-timestamp-column-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$TimestampColumnProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$TimestampColumnProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `columnFormat` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:column-format` |
| `columnName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:column-name` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-anomaly-detector-vpc-configuration-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-vpc-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$VpcConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$VpcConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-anomaly-detector-vpc-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnAnomalyDetector$VpcConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAnomalyDetector$VpcConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `securityGroupIdList` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-group-id-list` |
| `subnetIdList` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:subnet-id-list` |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-alert-action-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAlert$ActionProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAlert$ActionProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-alert-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnAlert$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnAlert$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-alert-lambda-configuration-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAlert$LambdaConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAlert$LambdaConfigurationProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-alert-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAlertProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAlertProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-alert-sns-configuration-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAlert$SNSConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAlert$SNSConfigurationProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-anomaly-detector-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$AnomalyDetectorConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$AnomalyDetectorConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-app-flow-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$AppFlowConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$AppFlowConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-cloudwatch-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$CloudwatchConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$CloudwatchConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-csv-format-descriptor-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$CsvFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$CsvFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-file-format-descriptor-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$FileFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$FileFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-json-format-descriptor-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$JsonFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$JsonFormatDescriptorProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-metric-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-metric-set-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricSetProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricSetProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-metric-source-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricSourceProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$MetricSourceProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetectorProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetectorProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-rds-source-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$RDSSourceConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$RDSSourceConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-redshift-source-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$RedshiftSourceConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$RedshiftSourceConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-s3-source-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$S3SourceConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$S3SourceConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-timestamp-column-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$TimestampColumnProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$TimestampColumnProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-anomaly-detector-vpc-configuration-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAnomalyDetector$VpcConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAnomalyDetector$VpcConfigurationProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring

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