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Functions that represent AWS CDK enums and builders in the package.

Functions that represent AWS CDK enums and builders in the package. 
raw docstring


(build-cfn-agent-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-agent-builder function updates a CfnAgent$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAgent$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-agent-builder function updates a CfnAgent$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAgent$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `activationKey` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:activation-key` |
| `agentName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:agent-name` |
| `securityGroupArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-group-arns` |
| `subnetArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:subnet-arns` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
| `vpcEndpointId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:vpc-endpoint-id` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-agent-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-agent-props-builder function updates a CfnAgentProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnAgentProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-agent-props-builder function updates a CfnAgentProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnAgentProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `activationKey` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:activation-key` |
| `agentName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:agent-name` |
| `securityGroupArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-group-arns` |
| `subnetArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:subnet-arns` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
| `vpcEndpointId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:vpc-endpoint-id` |
sourceraw docstring



The build-cfn-location-azure-blob-azure-blob-sas-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationAzureBlob$AzureBlobSasConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationAzureBlob$AzureBlobSasConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-azure-blob-azure-blob-sas-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationAzureBlob$AzureBlobSasConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationAzureBlob$AzureBlobSasConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `azureBlobSasToken` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:azure-blob-sas-token` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-azure-blob-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-azure-blob-builder function updates a CfnLocationAzureBlob$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationAzureBlob$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-azure-blob-builder function updates a CfnLocationAzureBlob$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationAzureBlob$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `agentArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:agent-arns` |
| `azureAccessTier` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:azure-access-tier` |
| `azureBlobAuthenticationType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:azure-blob-authentication-type` |
| `azureBlobContainerUrl` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:azure-blob-container-url` |
| `azureBlobSasConfiguration` | | [[]] | `:azure-blob-sas-configuration` |
| `azureBlobType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:azure-blob-type` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-azure-blob-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-azure-blob-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationAzureBlobProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationAzureBlobProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-azure-blob-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationAzureBlobProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationAzureBlobProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `agentArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:agent-arns` |
| `azureAccessTier` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:azure-access-tier` |
| `azureBlobAuthenticationType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:azure-blob-authentication-type` |
| `azureBlobContainerUrl` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:azure-blob-container-url` |
| `azureBlobSasConfiguration` |$AzureBlobSasConfigurationProperty | [[]] | `:azure-blob-sas-configuration` |
| `azureBlobType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:azure-blob-type` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-efs-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-efs-builder function updates a CfnLocationEFS$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationEFS$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-efs-builder function updates a CfnLocationEFS$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationEFS$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `accessPointArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:access-point-arn` |
| `ec2Config` |$Ec2ConfigProperty | [[]] | `:ec2-config` |
| `efsFilesystemArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:efs-filesystem-arn` |
| `fileSystemAccessRoleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:file-system-access-role-arn` |
| `inTransitEncryption` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:in-transit-encryption` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-efs-ec2-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-efs-ec2-config-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationEFS$Ec2ConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationEFS$Ec2ConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-efs-ec2-config-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationEFS$Ec2ConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationEFS$Ec2ConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `securityGroupArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-group-arns` |
| `subnetArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subnet-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-efs-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-efs-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationEFSProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationEFSProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-efs-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationEFSProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationEFSProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `accessPointArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:access-point-arn` |
| `ec2Config` |$Ec2ConfigProperty | [[]] | `:ec2-config` |
| `efsFilesystemArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:efs-filesystem-arn` |
| `fileSystemAccessRoleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:file-system-access-role-arn` |
| `inTransitEncryption` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:in-transit-encryption` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-lustre-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-lustre-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxLustre$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxLustre$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-lustre-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxLustre$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxLustre$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `fsxFilesystemArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:fsx-filesystem-arn` |
| `securityGroupArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-group-arns` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-lustre-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-lustre-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxLustreProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxLustreProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-lustre-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxLustreProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxLustreProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `fsxFilesystemArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:fsx-filesystem-arn` |
| `securityGroupArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-group-arns` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAP$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAP$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `protocol` | | [[]] | `:protocol` |
| `securityGroupArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-group-arns` |
| `storageVirtualMachineArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:storage-virtual-machine-arn` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-nfs-mount-options-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-nfs-mount-options-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$NfsMountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAP$NfsMountOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-nfs-mount-options-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$NfsMountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAP$NfsMountOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `version` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:version` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-nfs-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-nfs-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$NFSProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAP$NFSProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-nfs-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$NFSProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAP$NFSProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `mountOptions` | | [[]] | `:mount-options` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAPProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAPProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAPProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAPProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `protocol` |$ProtocolProperty | [[]] | `:protocol` |
| `securityGroupArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-group-arns` |
| `storageVirtualMachineArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:storage-virtual-machine-arn` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-protocol-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-protocol-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$ProtocolProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAP$ProtocolProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-protocol-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$ProtocolProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAP$ProtocolProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `nfs` |$NFSProperty | [[]] | `:nfs` |
| `smb` | | [[]] | `:smb` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-smb-mount-options-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-smb-mount-options-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$SmbMountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAP$SmbMountOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-smb-mount-options-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$SmbMountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAP$SmbMountOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `version` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:version` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-smb-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-smb-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$SMBProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAP$SMBProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-smb-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$SMBProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxONTAP$SMBProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `domain` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:domain` |
| `mountOptions` |$SmbMountOptionsProperty | [[]] | `:mount-options` |
| `password` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:password` |
| `user` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:user` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `fsxFilesystemArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:fsx-filesystem-arn` |
| `protocol` |$ProtocolProperty | [[]] | `:protocol` |
| `securityGroupArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-group-arns` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-mount-options-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-mount-options-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-mount-options-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `version` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:version` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-nfs-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-nfs-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$NFSProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$NFSProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-nfs-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$NFSProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$NFSProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `mountOptions` |$MountOptionsProperty | [[]] | `:mount-options` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFSProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxOpenZFSProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFSProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxOpenZFSProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `fsxFilesystemArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:fsx-filesystem-arn` |
| `protocol` |$ProtocolProperty | [[]] | `:protocol` |
| `securityGroupArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-group-arns` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-protocol-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-protocol-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$ProtocolProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$ProtocolProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-protocol-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$ProtocolProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$ProtocolProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `nfs` | | [[]] | `:nfs` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-windows-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-windows-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxWindows$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxWindows$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-windows-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxWindows$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxWindows$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `domain` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:domain` |
| `fsxFilesystemArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:fsx-filesystem-arn` |
| `password` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:password` |
| `securityGroupArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-group-arns` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
| `user` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:user` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-f-sx-windows-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-f-sx-windows-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxWindowsProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationFSxWindowsProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-f-sx-windows-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationFSxWindowsProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationFSxWindowsProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `domain` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:domain` |
| `fsxFilesystemArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:fsx-filesystem-arn` |
| `password` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:password` |
| `securityGroupArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-group-arns` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
| `user` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:user` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-hdfs-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-hdfs-builder function updates a CfnLocationHDFS$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationHDFS$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-hdfs-builder function updates a CfnLocationHDFS$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationHDFS$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `agentArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:agent-arns` |
| `authenticationType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:authentication-type` |
| `blockSize` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:block-size` |
| `kerberosKeytab` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:kerberos-keytab` |
| `kerberosKrb5Conf` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:kerberos-krb5-conf` |
| `kerberosPrincipal` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:kerberos-principal` |
| `kmsKeyProviderUri` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:kms-key-provider-uri` |
| `nameNodes` | | [[]] | `:name-nodes` |
| `qopConfiguration` |$QopConfigurationProperty | [[]] | `:qop-configuration` |
| `replicationFactor` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:replication-factor` |
| `simpleUser` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:simple-user` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-hdfs-name-node-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-hdfs-name-node-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationHDFS$NameNodeProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationHDFS$NameNodeProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-hdfs-name-node-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationHDFS$NameNodeProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationHDFS$NameNodeProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `hostname` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:hostname` |
| `port` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:port` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-hdfs-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-hdfs-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationHDFSProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationHDFSProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-hdfs-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationHDFSProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationHDFSProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `agentArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:agent-arns` |
| `authenticationType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:authentication-type` |
| `blockSize` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:block-size` |
| `kerberosKeytab` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:kerberos-keytab` |
| `kerberosKrb5Conf` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:kerberos-krb5-conf` |
| `kerberosPrincipal` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:kerberos-principal` |
| `kmsKeyProviderUri` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:kms-key-provider-uri` |
| `nameNodes` | | [[]] | `:name-nodes` |
| `qopConfiguration` |$QopConfigurationProperty | [[]] | `:qop-configuration` |
| `replicationFactor` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:replication-factor` |
| `simpleUser` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:simple-user` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-hdfs-qop-configuration-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-hdfs-qop-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationHDFS$QopConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationHDFS$QopConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-hdfs-qop-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationHDFS$QopConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationHDFS$QopConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `dataTransferProtection` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:data-transfer-protection` |
| `rpcProtection` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:rpc-protection` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-nfs-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-nfs-builder function updates a CfnLocationNFS$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationNFS$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$
The build-cfn-location-nfs-builder function updates a CfnLocationNFS$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationNFS$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `mountOptions` |$MountOptionsProperty | [[]] | `:mount-options` |
| `onPremConfig` |$OnPremConfigProperty | [[]] | `:on-prem-config` |
| `serverHostname` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:server-hostname` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-nfs-mount-options-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-nfs-mount-options-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationNFS$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationNFS$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-nfs-mount-options-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationNFS$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationNFS$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `version` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:version` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-nfs-on-prem-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-nfs-on-prem-config-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationNFS$OnPremConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationNFS$OnPremConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-nfs-on-prem-config-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationNFS$OnPremConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationNFS$OnPremConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `agentArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:agent-arns` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-nfs-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-nfs-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationNFSProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationNFSProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-nfs-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationNFSProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationNFSProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `mountOptions` | | [[]] | `:mount-options` |
| `onPremConfig` |$OnPremConfigProperty | [[]] | `:on-prem-config` |
| `serverHostname` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:server-hostname` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-object-storage-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-object-storage-builder function updates a CfnLocationObjectStorage$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationObjectStorage$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-object-storage-builder function updates a CfnLocationObjectStorage$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationObjectStorage$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `accessKey` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:access-key` |
| `agentArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:agent-arns` |
| `bucketName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:bucket-name` |
| `secretKey` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:secret-key` |
| `serverCertificate` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:server-certificate` |
| `serverHostname` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:server-hostname` |
| `serverPort` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:server-port` |
| `serverProtocol` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:server-protocol` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-object-storage-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-object-storage-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationObjectStorageProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationObjectStorageProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-object-storage-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationObjectStorageProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationObjectStorageProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `accessKey` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:access-key` |
| `agentArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:agent-arns` |
| `bucketName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:bucket-name` |
| `secretKey` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:secret-key` |
| `serverCertificate` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:server-certificate` |
| `serverHostname` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:server-hostname` |
| `serverPort` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:server-port` |
| `serverProtocol` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:server-protocol` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-s3-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-s3-builder function updates a CfnLocationS3$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationS3$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-s3-builder function updates a CfnLocationS3$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationS3$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `s3BucketArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:s3-bucket-arn` |
| `s3Config` | | [[]] | `:s3-config` |
| `s3StorageClass` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:s3-storage-class` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-s3-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-s3-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationS3Props$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationS3Props$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-s3-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationS3Props$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationS3Props$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `s3BucketArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:s3-bucket-arn` |
| `s3Config` | | [[]] | `:s3-config` |
| `s3StorageClass` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:s3-storage-class` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-s3-s3-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-s3-s3-config-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationS3$S3ConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationS3$S3ConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-s3-s3-config-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationS3$S3ConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationS3$S3ConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `bucketAccessRoleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:bucket-access-role-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-smb-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-smb-builder function updates a CfnLocationSMB$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationSMB$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-location-smb-builder function updates a CfnLocationSMB$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationSMB$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `agentArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:agent-arns` |
| `domain` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:domain` |
| `mountOptions` |$MountOptionsProperty | [[]] | `:mount-options` |
| `password` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:password` |
| `serverHostname` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:server-hostname` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
| `user` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:user` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-smb-mount-options-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-smb-mount-options-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationSMB$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationSMB$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-smb-mount-options-property-builder function updates a CfnLocationSMB$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationSMB$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `version` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:version` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-location-smb-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-location-smb-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationSMBProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnLocationSMBProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-location-smb-props-builder function updates a CfnLocationSMBProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnLocationSMBProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `agentArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:agent-arns` |
| `domain` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:domain` |
| `mountOptions` | | [[]] | `:mount-options` |
| `password` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:password` |
| `serverHostname` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:server-hostname` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
| `user` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:user` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-storage-system-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-storage-system-builder function updates a CfnStorageSystem$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnStorageSystem$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-storage-system-builder function updates a CfnStorageSystem$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnStorageSystem$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `agentArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:agent-arns` |
| `cloudWatchLogGroupArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:cloud-watch-log-group-arn` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
| `serverConfiguration` |$ServerConfigurationProperty | [[]] | `:server-configuration` |
| `serverCredentials` | | [[]] | `:server-credentials` |
| `systemType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:system-type` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-storage-system-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-storage-system-props-builder function updates a CfnStorageSystemProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnStorageSystemProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-storage-system-props-builder function updates a CfnStorageSystemProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnStorageSystemProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `agentArns` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:agent-arns` |
| `cloudWatchLogGroupArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:cloud-watch-log-group-arn` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
| `serverConfiguration` | | [[]] | `:server-configuration` |
| `serverCredentials` |$ServerCredentialsProperty | [[]] | `:server-credentials` |
| `systemType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:system-type` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-storage-system-server-configuration-property-builder builder

The build-cfn-storage-system-server-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnStorageSystem$ServerConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnStorageSystem$ServerConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-storage-system-server-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnStorageSystem$ServerConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnStorageSystem$ServerConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `serverHostname` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:server-hostname` |
| `serverPort` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:server-port` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-storage-system-server-credentials-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-storage-system-server-credentials-property-builder function updates a CfnStorageSystem$ServerCredentialsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnStorageSystem$ServerCredentialsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-storage-system-server-credentials-property-builder function updates a CfnStorageSystem$ServerCredentialsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnStorageSystem$ServerCredentialsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `password` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:password` |
| `username` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:username` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-builder function updates a CfnTask$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$
The build-cfn-task-builder function updates a CfnTask$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `cloudWatchLogGroupArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:cloud-watch-log-group-arn` |
| `destinationLocationArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:destination-location-arn` |
| `excludes` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:excludes` |
| `includes` | | [[]] | `:includes` |
| `manifestConfig` |$ManifestConfigProperty | [[]] | `:manifest-config` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
| `options` | | [[]] | `:options` |
| `schedule` | | [[]] | `:schedule` |
| `sourceLocationArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:source-location-arn` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
| `taskReportConfig` |$TaskReportConfigProperty | [[]] | `:task-report-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-deleted-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-deleted-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$DeletedProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$DeletedProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-task-deleted-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$DeletedProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$DeletedProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `reportLevel` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:report-level` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-destination-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-destination-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$DestinationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$DestinationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-task-destination-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$DestinationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$DestinationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `s3` |$S3Property | [[]] | `:s3` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-filter-rule-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-filter-rule-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$FilterRuleProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$FilterRuleProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-task-filter-rule-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$FilterRuleProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$FilterRuleProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `filterType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:filter-type` |
| `value` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:value` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-manifest-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-manifest-config-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$ManifestConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$ManifestConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-task-manifest-config-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$ManifestConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$ManifestConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `action` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:action` |
| `format` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:format` |
| `source` |$SourceProperty | [[]] | `:source` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-manifest-config-source-s3-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-manifest-config-source-s3-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$ManifestConfigSourceS3Property$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$ManifestConfigSourceS3Property$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-task-manifest-config-source-s3-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$ManifestConfigSourceS3Property$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$ManifestConfigSourceS3Property$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `bucketAccessRoleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:bucket-access-role-arn` |
| `manifestObjectPath` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:manifest-object-path` |
| `manifestObjectVersionId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:manifest-object-version-id` |
| `s3BucketArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:s3-bucket-arn` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-options-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-options-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$OptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$OptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-task-options-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$OptionsProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$OptionsProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `atime` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:atime` |
| `bytesPerSecond` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:bytes-per-second` |
| `gid` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:gid` |
| `logLevel` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:log-level` |
| `mtime` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:mtime` |
| `objectTags` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:object-tags` |
| `overwriteMode` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:overwrite-mode` |
| `posixPermissions` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:posix-permissions` |
| `preserveDeletedFiles` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:preserve-deleted-files` |
| `preserveDevices` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:preserve-devices` |
| `securityDescriptorCopyFlags` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:security-descriptor-copy-flags` |
| `taskQueueing` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:task-queueing` |
| `transferMode` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:transfer-mode` |
| `uid` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:uid` |
| `verifyMode` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:verify-mode` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-overrides-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-overrides-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$OverridesProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$OverridesProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$
The build-cfn-task-overrides-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$OverridesProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$OverridesProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `deleted` | | [[]] | `:deleted` |
| `skipped` |$SkippedProperty | [[]] | `:skipped` |
| `transferred` | | [[]] | `:transferred` |
| `verified` |$VerifiedProperty | [[]] | `:verified` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-props-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-props-builder function updates a CfnTaskProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTaskProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$$
The build-cfn-task-props-builder function updates a CfnTaskProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTaskProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `cloudWatchLogGroupArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:cloud-watch-log-group-arn` |
| `destinationLocationArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:destination-location-arn` |
| `excludes` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:excludes` |
| `includes` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:includes` |
| `manifestConfig` |$ManifestConfigProperty | [[]] | `:manifest-config` |
| `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` |
| `options` | | [[]] | `:options` |
| `schedule` | | [[]] | `:schedule` |
| `sourceLocationArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:source-location-arn` |
| `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
| `taskReportConfig` |$TaskReportConfigProperty | [[]] | `:task-report-config` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-s3-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-s3-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$S3Property$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$S3Property$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-task-s3-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$S3Property$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$S3Property$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `bucketAccessRoleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:bucket-access-role-arn` |
| `s3BucketArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:s3-bucket-arn` |
| `subdirectory` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:subdirectory` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-skipped-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-skipped-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$SkippedProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$SkippedProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-task-skipped-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$SkippedProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$SkippedProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `reportLevel` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:report-level` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-source-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-source-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$SourceProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$SourceProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-task-source-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$SourceProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$SourceProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `s3` | | [[]] | `:s3` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-task-report-config-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-task-report-config-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$TaskReportConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$TaskReportConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key$
The build-cfn-task-task-report-config-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$TaskReportConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$TaskReportConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `destination` | | [[]] | `:destination` |
| `objectVersionIds` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:object-version-ids` |
| `outputType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:output-type` |
| `overrides` |$OverridesProperty | [[]] | `:overrides` |
| `reportLevel` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:report-level` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-task-schedule-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-task-schedule-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$TaskScheduleProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$TaskScheduleProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-task-task-schedule-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$TaskScheduleProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$TaskScheduleProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `scheduleExpression` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:schedule-expression` |
| `status` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:status` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-transferred-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-transferred-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$TransferredProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$TransferredProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-task-transferred-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$TransferredProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$TransferredProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `reportLevel` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:report-level` |
sourceraw docstring


(build-cfn-task-verified-property-builder builder id config)

The build-cfn-task-verified-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$VerifiedProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnTask$VerifiedProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.

Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

FieldDataTypeLookup FunctionData Key
The build-cfn-task-verified-property-builder function updates a CfnTask$VerifiedProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration.
  The function takes the CfnTask$VerifiedProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration,
  and the configuration itself.

  Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:

| Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
| `reportLevel` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:report-level` |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-agent-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnAgent$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnAgent$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-agent-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnAgentProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnAgentProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-azure-blob-azure-blob-sas-configuration-property-builder id

Creates a CfnLocationAzureBlob$AzureBlobSasConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationAzureBlob$AzureBlobSasConfigurationProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-azure-blob-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnLocationAzureBlob$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnLocationAzureBlob$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-azure-blob-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationAzureBlobProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationAzureBlobProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-efs-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnLocationEFS$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnLocationEFS$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-efs-ec2-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationEFS$Ec2ConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationEFS$Ec2ConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-efs-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationEFSProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationEFSProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-lustre-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxLustre$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxLustre$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-lustre-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxLustreProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxLustreProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxONTAP$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-nfs-mount-options-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$NfsMountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxONTAP$NfsMountOptionsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-nfs-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$NFSProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxONTAP$NFSProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxONTAPProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxONTAPProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-protocol-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$ProtocolProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxONTAP$ProtocolProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-smb-mount-options-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$SmbMountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxONTAP$SmbMountOptionsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-ontap-smb-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxONTAP$SMBProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxONTAP$SMBProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-mount-options-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$MountOptionsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-nfs-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$NFSProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$NFSProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFSProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxOpenZFSProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-open-zfs-protocol-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$ProtocolProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxOpenZFS$ProtocolProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-windows-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxWindows$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxWindows$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-f-sx-windows-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationFSxWindowsProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationFSxWindowsProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-hdfs-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnLocationHDFS$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnLocationHDFS$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-hdfs-name-node-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationHDFS$NameNodeProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationHDFS$NameNodeProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-hdfs-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationHDFSProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationHDFSProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-hdfs-qop-configuration-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationHDFS$QopConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationHDFS$QopConfigurationProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-nfs-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnLocationNFS$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnLocationNFS$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-nfs-mount-options-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationNFS$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationNFS$MountOptionsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-nfs-on-prem-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationNFS$OnPremConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationNFS$OnPremConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-nfs-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationNFSProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationNFSProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-object-storage-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnLocationObjectStorage$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnLocationObjectStorage$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-object-storage-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationObjectStorageProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationObjectStorageProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-s3-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnLocationS3$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnLocationS3$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-s3-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationS3Props$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationS3Props$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-s3-s3-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationS3$S3ConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationS3$S3ConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-smb-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnLocationSMB$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnLocationSMB$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-smb-mount-options-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationSMB$MountOptionsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationSMB$MountOptionsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-location-smb-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnLocationSMBProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnLocationSMBProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-storage-system-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnStorageSystem$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnStorageSystem$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-storage-system-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnStorageSystemProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnStorageSystemProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-storage-system-server-configuration-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnStorageSystem$ServerConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnStorageSystem$ServerConfigurationProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-storage-system-server-credentials-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnStorageSystem$ServerCredentialsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnStorageSystem$ServerCredentialsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-builder scope id config)

Creates a CfnTask$Builder instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |

Creates a  `CfnTask$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-deleted-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$DeletedProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$DeletedProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-destination-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$DestinationProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$DestinationProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-filter-rule-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$FilterRuleProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$FilterRuleProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-manifest-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$ManifestConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$ManifestConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-manifest-config-source-s3-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$ManifestConfigSourceS3Property$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$ManifestConfigSourceS3Property$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-options-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$OptionsProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$OptionsProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-overrides-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$OverridesProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$OverridesProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-props-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTaskProps$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTaskProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-s3-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$S3Property$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$S3Property$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-skipped-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$SkippedProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$SkippedProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-source-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$SourceProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$SourceProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-task-report-config-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$TaskReportConfigProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$TaskReportConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-task-schedule-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$TaskScheduleProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$TaskScheduleProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-transferred-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$TransferredProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$TransferredProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring


(cfn-task-verified-property-builder id config)

Creates a CfnTask$VerifiedProperty$Builder instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:

idString or Keyword or SymbolValue to use as namespace when looking up configuration values.
configmapData configuration
Creates a  `CfnTask$VerifiedProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it.  Takes the following arguments: 

| Argument | DataType | Description |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
sourceraw docstring

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