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(dissoc-in! path)

Removes a workflow from the catalog

Removes a workflow from the catalog
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(load-flow-catalog definitions)


(load-wf-catalog flow-catalog definitions)
(load-wf-catalog flow-catalog definitions args)


(start {:flows.workflow.catalog/keys [definitions args]
        :flows.flow.catalog/keys [definitions]
        :flows.pedestal/keys [routes]
        :as flows-definition})

Start function used by both mount and component. It stores the atom that is used by the flow and workflow catalogs.

Flows and workflows are validated and workflows which are not marked as lazy-load or defer-load are loaded.

Note: Loading Order

  1. Compile Time: Flows pedestal routes are processed; Workflows are not loaded
  2. System startup: Flows and all workflows are validated, are added to the catalogs, and the result is stored to state-atom.
Start function used by both mount and component.
 It stores the atom that is used by the flow and workflow

 Flows and workflows are validated and workflows which
 are not marked as lazy-load or defer-load are loaded.

Note: Loading Order
 1. Compile Time: Flows pedestal routes are processed; Workflows are not loaded
 2. System startup: Flows and all workflows are validated, are added to the catalogs,
                    and the result is stored to state-atom.
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