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(either x default)

Returns x if not nil, default otherwise.

Returns x if not nil, default otherwise.
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(exclude m schema)

Returns a map which excludes all keywords from the malli schema.

Returns a map which excludes all keywords from the malli schema.
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(extract m schema)

Returns a map of all keywords from the malli schema

Returns a map of all keywords from the malli schema
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(merge-if a b)

Slightly safer version of merge. Merges b into a if they are both maps. Caution - does not throw an exception if they aren't.

Slightly safer version of merge. Merges b into a if they are both maps.
Caution - does not throw an exception if they aren't.
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(only? m schema)

Does the argument map only contain the keys of the given schema?

Does the argument map only contain the keys of the given schema?
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(opts o)

Converts a seq into a map.

Intended for options to a function. i.e. [a b & opts] Handles nested options. i.e. [[:a :A]]


  • If arg is not a seq
  • If 'root' vector does not conform to missinterpret.flows.spec/Options spec.
Converts a seq into a map.

 Intended for options to a function. i.e. [a b & opts]
 Handles nested options. i.e. [[:a :A]]

 - If arg is not a seq
 - If 'root' vector does not conform to missinterpret.flows.spec/Options
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(set-ns m nspace & {:keys [keep-qualified]})

Sets the namespace of the top-level keys of the map to the argument ns.

Sets the namespace of the top-level keys of the map to the argument ns.
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(try-put-all! sink arg-seq timeout return-val)

Takes a sequence argument and

Takes a sequence argument and 
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