(load flow-catalog wf-catalog workflow & {:keys [flowify]})
Returns a loaded workflow by preparing its definition to unpack any nested workflow references which is then loaded.
This is done by recursively loading any embedded references and replacing them in the embedding workflow definition with the loaded entity.
The returned definition in the top-level workflow will have any single workflow reference replaced with a new loaded workflow instance.
Returns a loaded workflow by preparing its definition to unpack any nested workflow references which is then loaded. This is done by recursively loading any embedded references and replacing them in the embedding workflow definition with the loaded entity. Options: - flowify Substitutes the flows from the embedded workflow definition for its loaded equivalent. Note: The returned definition in the top-level workflow will have any single workflow reference replaced with a new loaded workflow instance.
(merge-arguments wf args)
(throw-wf-invalid wf-catalog wf)
(try-load flow-catalog wf-catalog {:workflow/keys [force] :as wf})
Returns a load workflow if it is not marked as lazy/defer.
Returns a load workflow if it is not marked as lazy/defer.
(wf-skeleton definitions)
Creates the initial catalog skeleton. Verifies each workflow for structural validity and duplicates
Creates the initial catalog skeleton. Verifies each workflow for structural validity and duplicates
(workflow-graph wf-catalog wf)
(workflow-graph wf-catalog wf graph)
Returns the dependency graph of the workflow definition as a seq of ids sorted in topological order.
Validates that if the workflows definition has references that the DAG of its nested dependencies is not cyclic, throwing an exception when a back reference is encountered.
Returns the dependency graph of the workflow definition as a seq of ids sorted in topological order. Validates that if the workflows definition has references that the DAG of its nested dependencies is not cyclic, throwing an exception when a back reference is encountered.
(workflow-refs wf-catalog wf)
Returns a seq of the workflow reference ids in the workflow definition or nil if none are present
Returns a seq of the workflow reference ids in the workflow definition or nil if none are present
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