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A Key-Value Store

The Raft algorithm provides a replicated linearizable log which can drive an arbitrary state machine. In this chapter, we'll follow the Raft paper to implement our own Raft nodes.

Our state machine will be a simple key-value store. Maelstrom will interact with this key-value store via the lin-kv workload, which specifies three basic types of operations:

{"type"       "read"
 "msg_id"     An integer
 "key"        A string: the key the client would like to read}

{"type"     "write"
 "msg_id"   An integer
 "key"      A string: the key the client would like to write
 "value"    A string: the value the client would like to write}

{"type"     "cas"
 "msg_id"   An integer
 "key"      A string: the key the client would like to write
 "from"     A string: the value that the client expects to be present
 "to"       A string: the value to write if and only if the value is `from`}

Our state machine needs to take these operations and transition to a new state. We'll define a Map class which takes these kinds of request bodies and returns a new Map, plus the appropriate response message. In a fresh file, raft.rb, we begin:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require_relative 'node.rb'

class Map
  def initialize(map = {})
    @map = map

For reads, we'll check to see if the key being read is in our state, and if so, return the value we have for that key. Otherwise, we'll return a not found error.

  # Applies an operation (e.g. {type: "write", key: 1, value: 2}) to this Map,
  # returning a tuple of the resulting map and completed operation.
  def apply(op)
    k = op[:key]
    case op[:type]
    when 'read'
      if @map.key? k
        [self, {type: 'read_ok', value: @map[k]}]
        [self, RPCError.key_does_not_exist('not found').to_json]

For writes, we'll update our local state with the value from the message:

    when 'write'
      [{k => op[:value]})), {type: 'write_ok'}]

For compare-and-set, we'll do the same not-found check, but also verify that the current value we have is the same as the from value in the request. If it matches, we'll update our value to the to value.

    when 'cas'
      if @map.key? k
        if @map[k] == op[:from]
          [{k => op[:to]})),
           {type: 'cas_ok'}]
             "expected #{op[:from]}, but had #{@map[k]}"
        [self, RPCError.key_does_not_exist('not found').to_json]

Now, let's create a class for our Raft server. Just like before, we'll use a Node for our network interaction. We'll store a reference to a Map in a @state_machine variable. A lock synchronizes concurrent updates.

class Raft
  attr_reader :node
  def initialize
    @node =
    @lock =
    @state_machine =

In response to reads, writes, and cas requests, it applies the body of the message to the state, and sends back a response. All three handlers have the same pattern, which we'll call client_req.

    @node.on 'read'  do |m| client_req(m) end
    @node.on 'write' do |m| client_req(m) end
    @node.on 'cas'   do |m| client_req(m) end

  # Handles a client RPC request
  def client_req(msg)
    @lock.synchronize do
      @state_machine, res = @state_machine.apply(msg[:body])
      @node.reply! msg, res

As usual, we've built the single-node version of the server first, without caring about replication. Let's see if that works:

$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --rate 10 --node-count 1 --concurrency 2n
2021-02-26 23:39:01,300{GMT}	INFO	[jepsen worker 1] jepsen.util: 1	:invoke	:write	[0 2]
2021-02-26 23:39:01,303{GMT}	INFO	[jepsen worker 1] jepsen.util: 1	:ok	:write	[0 2]
2021-02-26 23:39:01,526{GMT}	INFO	[jepsen worker 0] jepsen.util: 0	:invoke	:read	[0 nil]
2021-02-26 23:39:01,527{GMT}	INFO	[jepsen worker 0] jepsen.util: 0	:ok	:read	[0 2]

This shows that worker 1 executed a write of 2 to key 0, and that write completed successfully. Then worker 0 performed a read of key 0, and obtained the value 2! At the end of the test, we should (hopefully) get a successful result:

 :workload {:valid? true,
            :results {0 {:linearizable {:valid? true,
                                        :configs ({:model #knossos.model.CASRegister{:value 3},
                                                   :last-op {:process 1,
                                                             :type :ok,
                                                             :f :cas,
                                                             :value [2
                                                             :index 85,
                                                             :time 9787361454},
                                                   :pending []}),
                                        :final-paths ()},
                         :timeline {:valid? true},
                         :valid? true}},
            :failures []},
 :valid? true}

Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ

Very good! The :configs list here shows us all the possible final configurations of the system for key 0. Here, the last operation to execute was a cas of 2 to 3, and the resulting value was 3.

But Does It Distribute?

Of COURSE this works with a single server. But what about multiple nodes? That should fail to be linearizable, right?

$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2 --rate 10 --concurrency 2n
Analysis invalid! (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

We expect all kinds of linearizability failures here: Maelstrom is trying to interpret operations against two completely independent copies of a value as if they were the same copy. Take a look at the independent directory: each subdirectory corresponds to a single key. You might find the linear.svg plot there suggestive. For instance, this test run produced a write of 2 followed by a read of 4--clearly impossible without an intervening write of 4.

In this plot, time flows from left to right, and each process' operations are shown in a single horizontal track. Blue rectangles represent OK operations, orange ones crashed (info) operations. The lines between rectangles show what would happen if we tried to apply those operations in order. Here, only a single transition is possible, and if we hover over it, it's illegal: we cannot execute a read of 4 if the current state is 2.

So, we have a single-node key-value server. In the next chapter, we'll start replicating it between multiple nodes by building a leader election system.

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