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If you test more aggressively, you should be able to observe nonlinearizable behaviors in this system:

$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 60 --node-count 3 --concurrency 10n --rate 100 --nemesis partition --nemesis-interval 3 --test-count 5
Analysis invalid! (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

This is because our server still applies operations locally and returns results immediately--all our fancy log replication isn't actually being used to drive the state machine. The only reason things worked most of the time is because our leader election timeouts ensured leaders typically stepped down before new ones could come to power.

In this section, we'll close the loop, and let Raft run the state machine. But before we do that, we're going to make a brief performance optimization that will make our changes much easier to demonstrate.

Proxying to Leaders

If you look at latency-raw.svg, or have a glance at Maelstrom's logs during a test, you'll notice that almost all of our requests fail:

$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n --rate 100

A latency timeseries showing most operations failing over time

When we added the leader check in kv_req, we made it so most of the time, only one node would actually execute client requests. When leaders change (e.g. due to network partitions in longer tests), then we have a chance to observe inconsistency between those two nodes. But fundamentally, the reason our tests may have passed so far is because we simply weren't performing enough operations, on enough different machines, to see anything interesting.

To change that, and just because most users expect requests to any node to succeed, we're going to internally proxy requests to whatever node we think is the current leader. We'll have RaftNode keep track of a leader variable...

class Raft
  def initialize
    # Raft state
    @state = 'follower'   # Either follower, candidate, or leader
    @term = 0             # What's our current term?
    @voted_for = nil      # Which node did we vote for in this term?
    @leader = nil         # Who do we think the leader is?

On any state transition, we'll reset the leader.

 def become_follower!
    @lock.synchronize do
      @state = :follower
      @match_index = nil
      @next_index = nil
      @leader = nil
      @node.log "Became follower for term #{@term}"

  # Become a candidate, advance our term, and request votes.
  def become_candidate!
    @lock.synchronize do
      @state = :candidate
      advance_term!(@term + 1)
      @voted_for = @node.node_id
      @leader = nil
      @node.log "Became candidate for term #{@term}"

  # Become a leader
  def become_leader!
    @lock.synchronize do
      unless @state == :candidate
        raise "Should be a candidate!"

      @state = :leader
      @leader = nil
      @last_replication = 0

      # We'll start by trying to replicate our most recent entry
      @next_index = {}
      @match_index = {}
      @node.other_node_ids.each do |node|
        @next_index[node] = @log.size + 1
        @match_index[node] = 0

      @node.log "Became leader for term #{@term}"

And when we accept an append_entries request, we'll remember that node as the current leader.

    @node.on 'append_entries' do |msg|
      body = msg[:body]
      @lock.synchronize do
        maybe_step_down! body[:term]

        res = {type: 'append_entries_res',
               term: @term,
               success: false}

        if body[:term] < @term
          # Leader is behind us
          @node.reply! msg, res

        # Leader is ahead of us; remember them and don't try to run our own
        # election for a bit.
        @leader = body[:leader_id] # New!

Finally, we'll update client_req! with a new clause: if we're not the leader, but we think we know who is, we'll proxy to them instead.

  # Handles a client RPC request
  def client_req!(msg)
    @lock.synchronize do
      if @state == :leader
        op = msg[:body]
        op[:client] = msg[:src]
        @log.append! [{term: @term, op: op}]
        @state_machine, res = @state_machine.apply(op)
        @node.reply! msg, res
      elsif @leader
        # We're not the leader, but we can proxy to one.
        @node.rpc! @leader, msg[:body] do |res|
          @node.reply! msg, res[:body]
        raise RPCError.temporarily_unavailable "not a leader"

Now, almost all our requests can succeed!

$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n --rate 100

A latency plot showing mostly successful operations

Improving Latency

The second optimization we're going to make is really simple. If you look at latency-raw.png, you'll notice a steady increase in request latencies over time. The plot is logarithmic, so this increase is actually linear--and there's a simple cause. We pretty-print the entire log every time it changes, and that's slow.

  # Appends multiple entries to the log.
  def append!(entries)
    entries.each do |e|
      # Coerce strings keys to keywords
      e = e.transform_keys(&:to_sym)
      e[:op] = e[:op].transform_keys(&:to_sym)
      @entries << e
    # @node.log "Log: #{@entries.inspect}"

With the log line commented out, operations go much faster. That'll make it easier for us to test.

A latency plot showing flat performance over time

Advancing the Commit Index

With our leaders elected, and log replicated, it's time to advance our commit index. We can consider any entries that are committed on a majority of nodes committed--that's the median of the matching indices, rounding down.

  # Given a collection of elements, finds the median, biasing towards lower
  # values if there's a tie.
  def median(xs)
    xs.sort[xs.size - majority(xs.size)]

Now we'll add an action to advance the commit index, based on the matching index: wherever an index is committed on a majority of servers, and that log index is in the current term, we can advance our commit index.

  # If we're the leader, advance our commit index based on what other nodes
  # match us.
  def advance_commit_index!
    @lock.synchronize do
      if @state == :leader
        n = median(match_index.values)
        if @commit_index < n and @log[n][:term] == @term
          @node.log "Commit index now #{n}"
          @commit_index = n

We'll hook this into our append_entries response handler in replicate_log!, since that's where the match index advances.

 def replicate_log!(force)
                  if @state == :leader and body[:term] == @term
                  if body[:success]
                    # Excellent, these entries are now replicated!
                    @next_index[node] = [@next_index[node],
                                         (ni + entries.size)].max
                    @match_index[node] = [@match_index[node],
                                          (ni + entries.size - 1)].max
                    @node.log "Next index: #{@next_index}"
                    advance_commit_index! # New!

And give it a shot! We'll run for 30 seconds and schedule a few network partitions: with luck there'll be a leader election, and we can observe multiple leaders incrementing their commit index.

$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 30 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n --rate 1 --nemesis partition --nemesis-interval 10
$ grep -i 'commit index' store/latest/node-logs/n*.log
store/latest/node-logs/n0.log:Commit index now 12
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Commit index now 2
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Commit index now 4
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Commit index now 5
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Commit index now 6
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Commit index now 7
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Commit index now 8
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Commit index now 9
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Commit index now 10
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Commit index now 11

Here, n2 was the initial leader, and n0 took over after a network partition. Looks good! Now that we know which entries are committed, we can apply those entries to the state machine.

Applying Entries

We're going to add a new method--if there are unapplied, committed entries in the log, we catch up the state machine. First, we'll need a last_applied index, which identifies the most recently applied entry:

class Raft
  def initialize
    # Leader state
    @commit_index = 0     # The highest committed entry in the log
    @last_applied = 1     # The last entry we applied to the state machine
    @next_index = nil     # A map of nodes to the next index to replicate
    @match_index = nil    # A map of (other) nodes to the highest log entry
                          # known to be replicated on that node.

Then we'll add a method which advances the state machine.

  # If we have unapplied committed entries in the log, apply them to the state
  # machine.
  def advance_state_machine!
    @lock.synchronize do
      while @last_applied < @commit_index
        # Advance the applied index and apply that op.
        @last_applied += 1
        req = @log[@last_applied][:op]
        @node.log "Applying req #{req}"
        @state_machine, res = @state_machine.apply req[:body]
        @node.log "State machine res is #{res}"

        if @state == :leader
          # We're currently the leader: let's respond to the client.
          @node.reply! req, res

Note that we're doing something a little odd here: the leader that sends the reply might not be the same node that received the request. In a connection-oriented protocol like TCP, we might have the original node that received the request send the response instead. This raises the possibility that multiple nodes might respond to a proxied client request, which might mean a node gets a response after it's already deleted its callback. Let's make a slight change to Node#main! to ignore in_reply_to messages which arrive when their callback is gone.

  # Loops, processing messages from STDIN
  def main!
    Thread.abort_on_exception = true

    while line = STDIN.gets
      msg = parse_msg line
      log "Received #{msg.inspect}"

      # What handler should we use for this message?
      handler = nil
      @lock.synchronize do
        # New!
        if in_reply_to = msg[:body][:in_reply_to]
          if handler = @callbacks[msg[:body][:in_reply_to]]
            @callbacks.delete msg[:body][:in_reply_to]
            log "Ignoring reply to #{in_reply_to} with no callback"
        elsif handler = @handlers[msg[:body][:type]]
          raise "No handler for #{msg.inspect}"

      if handler # New!
        # Actually handle message, msg) do |handler, msg|
          rescue RPCError => e
            reply! msg, e.to_json
          rescue => e
            log "Exception handling #{msg}:\n#{e.full_message}"
            reply! msg, RPCError.crash(e.full_message).to_json

Any time the commit index advances, we advance the state machine too. For leaders, that happens in advance_commit_index!...

  # If we're the leader, advance our commit index based on what other nodes
  # match us.
  def advance_commit_index!
    @lock.synchronize do
      if @state == :leader
        n = median(match_index.values)
        if @commit_index < n and @log[n][:term] == @term
          @node.log "Commit index now #{n}"
          @commit_index = n
      advance_state_machine! # New!

And for followers, they pick up new commit indices from the append_entries handler:

  def initialize
    @node.on 'append_entries' do |msg|
        # Advance commit pointer
        if @commit_index < body[:leader_commit]
          @commit_index = [@log.size, body[:leader_commit]].min
          advance_state_machine! # New!

Now that the state machine and responses are generated from the log, we can drop the code that executes those operations locally in the request handler:

  # Handles a client RPC request
  def client_req!(msg)
    @lock.synchronize do
      if @state == :leader
        @log.append! [{term: @term, op: msg}]
      elsif @leader
        # We're not the leader, but we can proxy to one.
        @node.rpc! @leader, msg[:body] do |res|
          @node.reply! msg, res[:body]
        raise RPCError.temporarily_unavailable "not a leader"

Let's give it a shot and see!

$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --node-count 3 --concurrency 4n --rate 30 --time-limit 60 --nemesis partition --nemesis-interval 10 --test-count 10
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)/

While partitions are active, we may (or may not!) see temporary disruption to some or all operations:

A latency plot showing operations hanging during partitions, then resolving after a few seconds

However, our final results are always linearizable! At least... mostly. There's a bug lurking in this implementation: nodes may occasionally try to roll back and append entries at 0. If you find an anomaly at this point, you've probably caught a bug! See if you can use linear.svg, timeline.html, messages.svg, and the node logs to piece together what happened, and how to fix it.

Congratulations! You've written a linearizable key-value store from scratch. :-)


  1. We replicate the full leader log on coming to power every time. Figure out how to safely cache the next and match indexes so we don't have to start from scratch each time.
  2. Extend this server to allow nodes to execute reads against their local state instead of going through the leader and log. How does this change the linearizability results?
  3. Write a new state machine which supports the transactional workload from txn-list-append, and show that it is (with reads going through the log) strict serializable. What happens if you turn the read-only optimization back on?

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