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Utility functions and macros to abstract away some common patterns and operations across the sync processes, such as logging start/end messages.

Utility functions and macros to abstract away some common patterns and operations across the sync processes, such
as logging start/end messages.
raw docstring


(calculate-duration-str begin-time end-time)

Inputs: [begin-time :- (s/protocol tcoerce/ICoerce) end-time :- (s/protocol tcoerce/ICoerce)] Returns: s/Str

Given two datetimes, caculate the time between them, return the result as a string

Inputs: [begin-time :- (s/protocol tcoerce/ICoerce) end-time :- (s/protocol tcoerce/ICoerce)]
Returns: s/Str

Given two datetimes, caculate the time between them, return the result as a string
sourceraw docstring


(calculate-hash clj-data)

Calculate a cryptographic hash on clj-data and return that hash as a string

Calculate a cryptographic hash on `clj-data` and return that hash as a string
sourceraw docstring


(create-sync-step step-name sync-fn)
(create-sync-step step-name sync-fn log-summary-fn)

Creates and returns a step suitable for run-step-with-metadata. See StepDefinition for more info.

Creates and returns a step suitable for `run-step-with-metadata`. See `StepDefinition` for more info.
sourceraw docstring


(db->sync-tables database-or-id)

Return all the Tables that should go through the sync processes for DATABASE-OR-ID.

Return all the Tables that should go through the sync processes for DATABASE-OR-ID.
sourceraw docstring


(do-sync-operation operation database message f)

Internal implementation of sync-operation; use that instead of calling this directly.

Internal implementation of `sync-operation`; use that instead of calling this directly.
sourceraw docstring


(do-with-error-handling f)
(do-with-error-handling message f)

Internal implementation of with-error-handling; use that instead of calling this directly.

Internal implementation of `with-error-handling`; use that instead of calling this directly.
sourceraw docstring


(emoji-progress-bar completed total log-every-n)

Create a string that shows progress for something, e.g. a database sync process.

(emoji-progress-bar 10 40) -> "[************······································] 😒 25%

Create a string that shows progress for something, e.g. a database sync process.

(emoji-progress-bar 10 40)
  -> "[************······································] 😒   25%
sourceraw docstring


A log summary function takes a StepRunMetadata and returns a string with a step-specific log message

A log summary function takes a `StepRunMetadata` and returns a string with a step-specific log message
sourceraw docstring


(name-for-logging this)

Return an appropriate string for logging an object in sync logging messages. Should be something like "postgres Database 'test-data'"

Return an appropriate string for logging an object in sync logging messages.
Should be something like "postgres Database 'test-data'"
sourceraw docstring


(run-step-with-metadata database
                        {:keys [step-name sync-fn log-summary-fn] :as step})

Inputs: [database :- i/DatabaseInstance {:keys [step-name sync-fn log-summary-fn], :as step} :- StepDefinition] Returns: StepNameWithMetadata

Runs step on `database returning metadata from the run

Inputs: [database :- i/DatabaseInstance {:keys [step-name sync-fn log-summary-fn], :as step} :- StepDefinition]
Returns: StepNameWithMetadata

Runs `step` on `database returning metadata from the run
sourceraw docstring


(run-sync-operation operation database sync-steps)

Inputs: [operation :- s/Str database :- i/DatabaseInstance sync-steps :- [StepDefinition]]

Run sync-steps and log a summary message

Inputs: [operation :- s/Str database :- i/DatabaseInstance sync-steps :- [StepDefinition]]

Run `sync-steps` and log a summary message
sourceraw docstring


Defines a step. :sync-fn runs the step, returns a map that contains step specific metadata. log-summary-fn takes that metadata and turns it into a string for logging

Defines a step. `:sync-fn` runs the step, returns a map that contains step specific metadata. `log-summary-fn`
takes that metadata and turns it into a string for logging
sourceraw docstring


Pair with the step name and metadata about the completed step run

Pair with the step name and metadata about the completed step run
sourceraw docstring


Map with metadata about the step. Contains both generic information like start-time and end-time and step specific information

Map with metadata about the step. Contains both generic information like `start-time` and `end-time` and step
specific information
sourceraw docstring


A step function can return any metadata and is used by the related LogSummaryFunction to provide step-specific details about run

A step function can return any metadata and is used by the related LogSummaryFunction to provide step-specific
details about run
sourceraw docstring


(sum-for [item-binding coll & more-for-bindings] & body)

Basically the same as for, but sums the results of each iteration of body that returned a number. See also sum-numbers.

As an added bonus, unlike normal for, this wraps body in an implicit do, so you can have more than one form inside the loop. Nice

Basically the same as `for`, but sums the results of each iteration of `body` that returned a number. See also

As an added bonus, unlike normal `for`, this wraps `body` in an implicit `do`, so you can have more than one form
inside the loop. Nice
sourceraw docstring


(sum-for* results)

Impl for sum-for macro; see its docstring;

Impl for `sum-for` macro; see its docstring;
sourceraw docstring


(sum-numbers f coll)

Similar to a 2-arg call to map, but will add all numbers that result from the invocations of f. Used mainly for logging purposes, such as to count and log the number of Fields updated by a sync operation. See also sum-for, a for-style macro version.

Similar to a 2-arg call to `map`, but will add all numbers that result from the invocations of `f`. Used mainly for
logging purposes, such as to count and log the number of Fields updated by a sync operation. See also
`sum-for`, a `for`-style macro version.
sourceraw docstring


(sync-operation operation database message & body)

Perform the operations in BODY as a sync operation, which wraps the code in several special macros that do things like error handling, logging, duplicate operation prevention, and event publishing. Intended for use with the various top-level sync operations, such as sync-metadata or analyze.

Perform the operations in BODY as a sync operation, which wraps the code in several special macros that do things
like error handling, logging, duplicate operation prevention, and event publishing. Intended for use with the
various top-level sync operations, such as `sync-metadata` or `analyze`.
sourceraw docstring


Timing and step information for the entire sync or analyze run

Timing and step information for the entire sync or analyze run
sourceraw docstring


(with-duplicate-ops-prevented operation database-or-id f)

Run F in a way that will prevent it from simultaneously being ran more for a single database more than once for a given OPERATION. This prevents duplicate sync-like operations from taking place for a given DB, e.g. if a user hits the Sync button in the admin panel multiple times.

;; Only one sync-db! for database-id will be allowed at any given moment; duplicates will be ignored (with-duplicate-ops-prevented :sync database-id #(sync-db! database-id))

Run F in a way that will prevent it from simultaneously being ran more for a single database more than once for a
given OPERATION. This prevents duplicate sync-like operations from taking place for a given DB, e.g. if a user hits
the `Sync` button in the admin panel multiple times.

  ;; Only one `sync-db!` for `database-id` will be allowed at any given moment; duplicates will be ignored
  (with-duplicate-ops-prevented :sync database-id
    #(sync-db! database-id))
sourceraw docstring


(with-emoji-progress-bar [emoji-progress-fn-binding total-count] & body)

Run BODY with access to a function that makes using our amazing emoji-progress-bar easy like Sunday morning. Calling the function will return the approprate string output for logging and automatically increment an internal counter as needed.

(with-emoji-progress-bar [progress-bar 10] (dotimes [i 10] (println (progress-bar))))

Run BODY with access to a function that makes using our amazing emoji-progress-bar easy like Sunday morning.
Calling the function will return the approprate string output for logging and automatically increment an internal
counter as needed.

  (with-emoji-progress-bar [progress-bar 10]
    (dotimes [i 10]
      (println (progress-bar))))
sourceraw docstring


(with-error-handling message & body)

Execute BODY in a way that catches and logs any Exceptions thrown, and returns nil if they do so. Pass a MESSAGE to help provide information about what failed for the log message.

Execute BODY in a way that catches and logs any Exceptions thrown, and returns `nil` if they do so.
Pass a MESSAGE to help provide information about what failed for the log message.
sourceraw docstring


(with-start-and-finish-debug-logging message f)

Similar to with-start-and-finish-logging except invokesf` and returns its result and logs at the debug level

Similar to `with-start-and-finish-logging except invokes `f` and returns its result and logs at the debug level
sourceraw docstring

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