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(transform-one-hot column-selector strategy)
(transform-one-hot column-selector strategy options)

Transformer which mapps categorical variables to numbers. Each value of the column gets its won column in one-hot-encoding.

To handle different levls of a variable between train an test data, three strategies are available:

  • :full The levels are retrieved from a dataset at key in the context
  • :independent One-hot columns are fitted and transformed independently for train and test data
  • :fit The mapping fitted in mode :fit is used in :transform, and it is assumed that all levels are present in the data during :fit

options can be:

  • :table-args allows to specify the precise mapping as a sequence of pairs of [val idx] or as a sorted seq of values.
  • :result-datatype Datatype of the one-hot-mapping column
Transformer which mapps categorical variables to numbers. Each value of the
column gets its won column in one-hot-encoding.

To handle different levls of a variable between train an test data, three
strategies are available:

* `:full`  The levels are retrieved from a dataset at key in the context
* `:independent`  One-hot columns are fitted and transformed independently for train and test  data
* `:fit` The mapping fitted in mode :fit is used in :transform, and it is assumed that all levels are present in the data during :fit

`options` can be:
*  `:table-args` allows to specify the precise mapping as a sequence of pairs of [val idx] or as a sorted seq of values.
*  `:result-datatype`  Datatype of the one-hot-mapping column

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