Excellent metrics tools from the cortex project.
Excellent metrics tools from the cortex project.
(accuracy y y_hat)
First argument y
is the true class, y_hat
is the predicted value.
Returns the percentage correct.
First argument `y` is the true class, `y_hat` is the predicted value. Returns the percentage correct.
(AIC model y yhat feature-count)
(all-metrics labels predictions label->class-fn iou-fn iou-threshold)
Returns global and per-class metrics for a given set of labels and predictions.
Returns global and per-class metrics for a given set of labels and predictions. - label->class-fn should take a label or prediction and return the class as a string or keyword. - iou-fn should take a label and prediction and return the intersection over union score - iou-threshold determines what iou value constitutes a matching bounding box. ** NOTE: If labels and predictions are produced from a sequence of images, ensure that the bounding boxes are shifted in each image so that there is not an overlap.
(BIC model y yhat sample-size feature-count)
(eer-accuracy y y_est)
(eer-accuracy y y_est bins)
Returns the accuracy where TPR and FPR are balanced, as well as the threshold value where this balance is obtained. ROC-EER is the standard accuracy measurement in facial recognition.
Returns the accuracy where TPR and FPR are balanced, as well as the threshold value where this balance is obtained. ROC-EER is the standard accuracy measurement in facial recognition.
(equal-error-point y y_est)
(equal-error-point y y_est bins)
Given y and the continuous, normalized output of a predictor's estimates of binary class predictions corresponding to y_hat, select the threshold which minimizes the difference between true and false positive rates.
Given y and the continuous, normalized output of a predictor's estimates of binary class predictions corresponding to y_hat, select the threshold which minimizes the difference between true and false positive rates.
(error-rate y y_hat)
First argument y
is the true class, y_hat
is the predicted value.
Returns the percentage error rate.
First argument `y` is the true class, `y_hat` is the predicted value. Returns the percentage error rate.
(false-negatives y y_hat)
Returns array with 1. values assigned to false negatives.
Returns array with 1. values assigned to false negatives.
(false-positives y y_hat)
Returns array with 1. values assigned to false positives.
Returns array with 1. values assigned to false positives.
(fnr y y_hat)
The false negative rate, using the strict ROC definition.
The false negative rate, using the strict ROC definition.
(fpr y y_hat)
The false negative rate, using the strict ROC definition.
The false negative rate, using the strict ROC definition.
(precision y y_hat)
Returns precision for a binary classifier, a measure of false positive rate
Returns precision for a binary classifier, a measure of false positive rate
(recall y y_hat)
Returns recall for a binary classifier, a measure of false negative rate
Returns recall for a binary classifier, a measure of false negative rate
(roc-curve y y_est)
(roc-curve y y_est bins)
Compute an ROC curve with bins
level of discretization for threshold values
between 0.0 and 1.0 to compute true and false positive rates for.
This is not at all an ideal implementation, just a stand in that is useful for certain problems until a real alternative is provided.
Compute an ROC curve with `bins` level of discretization for threshold values between 0.0 and 1.0 to compute true and false positive rates for. This is not at all an ideal implementation, just a stand in that is useful for certain problems until a real alternative is provided.
(threshold y_est thresh)
Return a binary mask of all values above threshold.
Return a binary mask of all values above threshold.
(tpr y y_hat)
The true positive rate, using the strict ROC definition.
The true positive rate, using the strict ROC definition.
(true-negatives y y_hat)
Returns array with 1. values assigned to true negatives.
Returns array with 1. values assigned to true negatives.
(true-positives y y_hat)
Returns array with 1. values assigned to true positives.
Returns array with 1. values assigned to true positives.
(unit-space divs)
Returns an array with divs+1 values that evenly divide a space from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
Returns an array with divs+1 values that evenly divide a space from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
(wrongs y y_hat)
Given y
array of ground truth labels and y_hat
classifier predictions,
returns array with 1.0 values where y
does not equal y_hat
Given `y` array of ground truth labels and `y_hat` classifier predictions, returns array with 1.0 values where `y` does not equal `y_hat`.
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