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(min-max-scale columns-selector
               {:keys [min max] :or {min -0.5 max 0.5} :as options})

Metamorph transfomer, which scales the column data into a given range.

columns-selector tablecloth columns-selector to choose columns to work on meta-field tablecloth meta-field working with columns-selector

options Options for scaler, can take: min Minimal value to scale to (default -0.5) max Maximum value to scale to (default 0.5)

Behaviour in mode :fitScales the dataset at key :metamorph/data and stores the trained model in ctx under key at :metamorph/id
Behaviour in mode :transformReads trained min-max-scale model from ctx and applies it to data in :metamorph/data
Reads keys from ctxIn mode :transform : Reads trained model to use for from key in :metamorph/id.
Writes keys to ctxIn mode :fit : Stores trained model in key $id
Metamorph transfomer, which scales the column data into a given range.

`columns-selector` tablecloth columns-selector to choose columns to work on
`meta-field` tablecloth meta-field working with `columns-selector`

`options` Options for scaler, can take:
    `min` Minimal value to scale to (default -0.5)
    `max` Maximum value to scale to (default 0.5)

metamorph                            | .
Behaviour in mode :fit               | Scales the dataset at key `:metamorph/data` and stores the trained model in ctx under key at `:metamorph/id`
Behaviour in mode :transform         | Reads trained min-max-scale model from ctx and applies it to data in `:metamorph/data`
Reads keys from ctx                  | In mode `:transform` : Reads trained model to use for from key in `:metamorph/id`.
Writes keys to ctx                   | In mode `:fit` : Stores trained model in key $id

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(std-scale columns-selector options)
(std-scale columns-selector
           {:keys [mean? stddev?] :or {mean? true stddev? true} :as options})

Metamorph transfomer, which centers and scales the dataset per column.

columns-selector tablecloth columns-selector to choose columns to work on meta-field tablecloth meta-field working with columns-selector

options are the options for the scaler and can take: mean? If true (default), the data gets shifted by the column means, so 0 centered stddev? If true (default), the data gets scaled by the standard deviation of the column

Behaviour in mode :fitCenters and scales the dataset at key :metamorph/data and stores the trained model in ctx under key at :metamorph/id
Behaviour in mode :transformReads trained std-scale model from ctx and applies it to data in :metamorph/data
Reads keys from ctxIn mode :transform : Reads trained model to use for from key in :metamorph/id.
Writes keys to ctxIn mode :fit : Stores trained model in key $id
Metamorph transfomer, which centers and scales the dataset per column.

`columns-selector` tablecloth columns-selector to choose columns to work on
`meta-field` tablecloth meta-field working with `columns-selector`

`options` are the options for the scaler and can take:
   `mean?` If true (default), the data gets shifted by the column means, so 0 centered
   `stddev?` If true (default), the data gets scaled by the standard deviation of the column

metamorph                            | .
Behaviour in mode :fit               | Centers and scales the dataset at key `:metamorph/data` and stores the trained model in ctx under key at `:metamorph/id`
Behaviour in mode :transform         | Reads trained std-scale model from ctx and applies it to data in `:metamorph/data`
Reads keys from ctx                  | In mode `:transform` : Reads trained model to use for from key in `:metamorph/id`.
Writes keys to ctx                   | In mode `:fit` : Stores trained model in key $id

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