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Source executed via Planck can depend on other bootstrapped-compatible libraries. To do so, the library must be on Planck's classpath, available either as source on an accessible filesystem, or bundled in a JAR.

Planck can consume conventional JARs meant for use with ClojureScript obtained from Clojars or elsewhere.

Note that, since Planck employs bootstrapped ClojureScript, not all regular ClojureScript libraries will work with Planck. In particular, libraries that employ macros that either rely on Java interop, or call macros in the same compilation stage cannot work. But libraries that employ straightforward macros that expand to ClojureScript work fine.

Using deps.edn

If you use the plk script (instead of launching planck directly), it will delegate to the clojure tool for dependency management. This means you can use deps.edn to specify source paths, dependency JARS, aliases, etc. just as you can with clj or clojure.

If you do

plk -h

you will see that the plk script accepts the same arguments as the clj / clojure tools, along with the additional arguments supported by planck.

So for example, to put Andare 1.1.587 and cljs-bean 1.8.0 on your classpath (automatically downloading them if necessary), just place a deps.edn like the following in the directory where you launch plk:

{:deps {andare/andare {:mvn/version "1.1.587"}
        cljs-bean/cljs-bean {:mvn/version "1.8.0"}}}

Shebang Deps

If you'd like to specify deps.edn dependencies directly within a #! script, this is possible by making use of bash and exec, as is done in the following example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
"exec" "plk" "-Sdeps" "{:deps {andare/andare {:mvn/version \"1.1.587\"}}}" "-Ksf" "$0" "$@"
(require '[clojure.core.async :refer [chan go <! >!]])

(def c (chan))
(go (prn (<! c)))
(go (>! c *command-line-args*))

This stand-alone script specifies its own dependencies (via the -Sdeps dep-opt), while also passing init-opts to plk (prior to "$0", which is the path to the script, and thus the main-opt), along with , any command-line args following the main-opt via "$@".

Also note that the script both a valid Bash script (as the exec causes the script to terminate prior to any ClojureScript text being parsed), and a valid ClojureScript file (all of the values on "exec" line are ClojureScript strings and thus harmless values preceding the require form).

Using Boot

The Boot build tool can be used to generate a classpath file that can be fed into Planck. A side effect of creating such a file is that Boot will also download the specified dependencies (see "Downloading Deps" below).

Let's look at an example that puts the cljs-time library on the classpath. On a system with boot installed, run the following:

boot -d com.andrewmcveigh/cljs-time:"0.5.2" with-cp -w --file .classpath

The list of dependencies (one in this case) is written to .classpath. You can use this file in invocations of planck like so:

planck -c `cat .classpath` 

Classpath Specification

Planck's classpath can be directly specified by providing a colon-separated list of directories and/or JARs via the -c / -​-​classpath argument, or by the PLANCK_CLASSPATH environment variable. For example,

planck -c src:/path/to/foo.jar:some-lib/src

will cause Planck to search in the src directory first, then in foo.jar next, and finally some-lib/src for files when processing require, require-macros, import, and ns forms.

Abbreviated Dependency Specs

The -D / -​-​dependencies option can be used to specify coordinates for JARs installed in your local .m2 repo: You can provide a comma separated list of SYM:VERSION, and paths to these JARs will be appended to your classpath.

For example,

planck -c src -D andare:1.1.587,cljs-bean:1.8.0

will expand to a classpath that specifies src followed by the paths to the Andare and cljs-bean dependencies in your local .m2 repository.

In order to use an explicitly-specified path to a Maven repository, you can additionally include -L or -​-​local-repo, specifying the repository path.

Downloading Deps

While planck can consume JARs from your local .m2 repo, it doesn't take care of downloading them. (An alternative is to use plk and deps.edn, which delegates to clojure for deps download.)

An easy way to quickly download dependencies is to use boot with its -d option. For example, executing this will ensure the dependencies specified above are installed:

boot -d andare:1.1.587 -d cljs-bean:1.8.0

Bundled Deps

Planck ships with many of the deps that are available to conventional ClojureScript code. In particular this includes the majority of the Google Closure Library as well as these namespaces:

  • cljs.test
  • clojure.core.reducers
  • clojure.template
  • clojure.string
  • clojure.set
  • clojure.walk

In addition, Planck ships with these libraries:

Note that bundled dependencies, which includes the core ClojureScript compiler namespaces, are loaded in preference to dependencies specified via deps.edn, -c / -​-​classpath, -D / -​-​dependencies, or PLANCK_CLASSPATH.

A consequence of this (as well as the fact that nearly all of the code that ships with Planck is AOT-compiled), means that Planck works with a fixed version of ClojureScript. (It is not possible to update the ClojureScript version by providing a path to a newer version via deps.edn, -c / -​-​classpath, -D / -​-​dependencies, or PLANCK_CLASSPATH.)

Foreign Libs

It is possible to use foreign libraries with Planck.

“Foreign” libraries are implemented in a language that is not ClojureScript. (In other words, JavaScript!)

Foreign libs are specified using a :foreign-libs specification which indicates the synthetic namespace, the JavaScript file that needs to be loaded, any global exports, and an indication of any other dependencies that need to be loaded for each foreign lib.

The :foreign-libs specification can be passed via -co / --compile-opts, or can be specified in any deps.cljs files on the classpath (including those embedded in a JAR file).

If specified for a given foreign lib, Planck will load :file-min in preference to :file if Planck is launched with simple optimizations (via -O simple or --optimizations simple).

One easy way to make use of foreign libs packaged in this manner is via the excellent CLJSJS project. While many of the libraries packaged by CLJSJS cannot work with Planck because they either require a browser environment or Node, some utility libraries work just fine.

Here's an example: Let's say you want to use the long.js library.

If you launch Planck wtih

plk -Sdeps '{:deps {cljsjs/long {:mvn/version "3.0.3-1"}}}'

you can (require 'cljsjs.long) to load the library and then proceed to use it using ClojureScript's JavaScript interop capabilities:

cljs.user=> (require 'cljsjs.long)
cljs.user=> (str (js/Long. 0xFFFFFFFF 0x7FFFFFFF))
cljs.user=> (str js/Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE)

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