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You launch Planck by typing planck in a terminal.

You can also launch Planck using the plk script, which integrates with the clojure CLI tool to add support for deps.edn and classpath-affecting options such as -Aalias.

If you'd like to get help on the command line arguments to Planck, do

planck -h


plk -h

The command line arguments to Planck are heavily modeled after the ones available for the Clojure REPL. In particular, you can provide zero or more init-opt arguments, followed by an optional main-opt argument, followed by zero or more arg arguments. Planck also accepts long arguments (preceeded by two dashes), just like the Clojure REPL.

Auto-loaded user code

When a Planck starts, it automatically loads any user.cljs or user.cljc file present on your classpath. This is an ideal location to place code that is useful for development time.

The file may contain an ns form to load required namespaces or to establish the namespace for any def forms that appear in the file. If no namespace is specified, cljs.user is assumed.

Compile Opts EDN

Many of the command line arguments may also supplied via edn, passed via -co / --compile-opts. Any opts passed via -co / --compile-opts are merged onto any base opts specified directly by command-line flags.

Also, note that it is possible to configure certain behaviors via -co / --compile-opts where there doesn't exist a direct command line flag.

Compile opts edn may be specified directly on the command line as in

plk --compile-opts '{:closure-defines {foo.core/x "bar"}}' -r

or by specifying a file, where an optional leading @ means that the file should be read from the classpath as in:

plk --compile-opts @/my-compile-opts.edn -r

Options that may be configured via -co / --compile-opts comprise:

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