(copy source target)
(copy source target opts)
copies all specified files from one to another
(copy "src" ".src" {:include [".clj"]}) => map?
(delete ".src")
copies all specified files from one to another (copy "src" ".src" {:include [".clj"]}) => map? (delete ".src")
(copy-into source target)
(copy-into source target opts)
copies a single file to a destination
(copy-into "src/std/fs.clj" "test-scratch/std.fs") => vector?
(delete "test-scratch/std.fs")
copies a single file to a destination (copy-into "src/std/fs.clj" "test-scratch/std.fs") => vector? (delete "test-scratch/std.fs")
(copy-single source target)
(copy-single source target opts)
copies a single file to a destination
(copy-single "project.clj" "test-scratch/project.clj.bak" {:options #{:replace-existing}}) => (path/path "." "test-scratch/project.clj.bak")
(delete "test-scratch/project.clj.bak")
copies a single file to a destination (copy-single "project.clj" "test-scratch/project.clj.bak" {:options #{:replace-existing}}) => (path/path "." "test-scratch/project.clj.bak") (delete "test-scratch/project.clj.bak")
(create-directory path)
(create-directory path attrs)
creates a directory on the filesystem
(do (create-directory "test-scratch/.hello/.world/.foo") (path/directory? "test-scratch/.hello/.world/.foo")) => true
(delete "test-scratch/.hello")
creates a directory on the filesystem (do (create-directory "test-scratch/.hello/.world/.foo") (path/directory? "test-scratch/.hello/.world/.foo")) => true (delete "test-scratch/.hello")
(create-symlink path link-to)
(create-symlink path link-to attrs)
creates a symlink to another file
(do (create-symlink "test-scratch/project.lnk" "project.clj") (path/link? "test-scratch/project.lnk")) => true
creates a symlink to another file (do (create-symlink "test-scratch/project.lnk" "project.clj") (path/link? "test-scratch/project.lnk")) => true
(create-tmpdir prefix)
creates a temp directory on the filesystem
(create-tmpdir) ;;=> #path:"/var/folders/d6/yrjldmsd4jd1h0nm970wmzl40000gn/T/4870108199331749225"
creates a temp directory on the filesystem (create-tmpdir) ;;=> #path:"/var/folders/d6/yrjldmsd4jd1h0nm970wmzl40000gn/T/4870108199331749225"
(create-tmpfile contents)
creates a tempory file
(create-tmpfile) ;;#file:"/var/folders/rc/4nxjl26j50gffnkgm65ll8gr0000gp/T/tmp2270822955686495575" => java.io.File
creates a tempory file (create-tmpfile) ;;#file:"/var/folders/rc/4nxjl26j50gffnkgm65ll8gr0000gp/T/tmp2270822955686495575" => java.io.File
(delete root)
(delete root opts)
copies all specified files from one to another
(do (copy "src/std/fs.clj" ".src/std/fs.clj") (delete ".src" {:include ["fs.clj"]})) => #{(str (path/path ".src/std/fs.clj"))}
(delete ".src") => set?
copies all specified files from one to another (do (copy "src/std/fs.clj" ".src/std/fs.clj") (delete ".src" {:include ["fs.clj"]})) => #{(str (path/path ".src/std/fs.clj"))} (delete ".src") => set?
(list root)
(list root opts)
lists the files and attributes for a given directory
(list "src")
(list "../hara/src/std/fs" {:recursive true})
lists the files and attributes for a given directory (list "src") (list "../hara/src/std/fs" {:recursive true})
(move source target)
(move source target opts)
moves a file or directory
(do (move "shortlist" ".shortlist") (move ".shortlist" "shortlist"))
(move ".non-existent" ".moved") => {}
moves a file or directory (do (move "shortlist" ".shortlist") (move ".shortlist" "shortlist")) (move ".non-existent" ".moved") => {}
(select root)
(select root opts)
selects all the files in a directory
(->> (select "src/std/fs") (map #(path/relativize "std/fs" %)) (map str) (sort))
selects all the files in a directory (->> (select "src/std/fs") (map #(path/relativize "std/fs" %)) (map str) (sort))
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