(add-io-watch obj k f opts)
registers the watch to a global list of filewatchers
registers the watch to a global list of *filewatchers*
(pattern s)
creates a regex pattern from the string representation
(pattern ".*") => #"\Q.\E.+"
(pattern "*.jar") => #".+\Q.\Ejar"
creates a regex pattern from the string representation (pattern ".*") => #"\Q.\E.+" (pattern "*.jar") => #".+\Q.\Ejar"
(process-event watcher kind file)
helper function to process event
helper function to process event
(register-entry service path)
adds a path to the watch service
(-> (.newWatchService (FileSystems/getDefault)) (register-entry "src"))
adds a path to the watch service (-> (.newWatchService (FileSystems/getDefault)) (register-entry "src"))
(register-path {:keys [service] :as watcher} path)
registers either a file or a path to the watcher (-> (watcher [] {} {}) (assoc :service (.newWatchService (FileSystems/getDefault))) (register-path "test"))
registers either a file or a path to the watcher (-> (watcher [] {} {}) (assoc :service (.newWatchService (FileSystems/getDefault))) (register-path "test"))
(register-sub-directory watcher dir-path)
registers a directory to an existing watcher
(-> (watcher ["src"] {} {}) (assoc :service (.newWatchService (FileSystems/getDefault))) (register-sub-directory "test"))
registers a directory to an existing watcher (-> (watcher ["src"] {} {}) (assoc :service (.newWatchService (FileSystems/getDefault))) (register-sub-directory "test"))
(remove-io-watch obj k _)
removes the watcher with the given key
removes the watcher with the given key
(run-watcher watcher)
initiates the watcher with the given callbacks
initiates the watcher with the given callbacks
(watch-callback f root k)
helper function to create watch callback
helper function to create watch callback
(watcher paths callback options)
the watch interface provided for java.io.File
(def ^:dynamic happy (promise))
(h/watch:add (io/file ".") :save (fn [f k _ [cmd file]] (h/watch:remove f k) (.delete ^File file) (deliver happy [cmd (.getName ^File file)])) {:types #{:create :modify} :recursive false :filter [".hara"] :exclude [".git" "target"]})
(h/watch:list (io/file ".")) => (contains {:save fn?})
(spit "happy.hara" "hello")
(deref happy) => [:create "happy.hara"]
(h/watch:list (io/file ".")) => {}
the watch interface provided for java.io.File (def ^:dynamic *happy* (promise)) (h/watch:add (io/file ".") :save (fn [f k _ [cmd file]] (h/watch:remove f k) (.delete ^File file) (deliver *happy* [cmd (.getName ^File file)])) {:types #{:create :modify} :recursive false :filter [".hara"] :exclude [".git" "target"]}) (h/watch:list (io/file ".")) => (contains {:save fn?}) (spit "happy.hara" "hello") (deref *happy*) => [:create "happy.hara"] (h/watch:list (io/file ".")) => {}
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