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(archive archive root)
(archive archive root inputs)

puts files into an archive

(archive "test-scratch/hello.jar" "src") => coll?

puts files into an archive

(archive "test-scratch/hello.jar" "src")
=> coll?
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(create archive)

creats a zip file

(fs/delete "test-scratch/hello.jar")

(create "test-scratch/hello.jar") => zip-system?

creats a zip file

(fs/delete "test-scratch/hello.jar")

(create "test-scratch/hello.jar")
=> zip-system?
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(extract archive)
(extract archive output)
(extract archive output entries)

extracts all file from an archive

(extract "test-scratch/hello.jar") => coll?

extracts all file from an archive

(extract "test-scratch/hello.jar")
=> coll?
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(has? archive entry)

checks if the archive has a particular entry

(has? "test-scratch/hello.jar" "") => false

checks if the archive has a particular entry

(has? "test-scratch/hello.jar" "")
=> false
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(insert archive entry input)

inserts a file to an entry within the archive

(open "test-scratch/hello.jar" {:create true}) (insert "test-scratch/hello.jar" "project.clj" "project.clj") => fs/path?

inserts a file to an entry within the archive

(open   "test-scratch/hello.jar" {:create true})
(insert "test-scratch/hello.jar" "project.clj" "project.clj")
=> fs/path?
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(list archive)

lists all the entries in the archive

(map str (list "test-scratch/hello.jar")) => ["/"]

lists all the entries in the archive

(map str (list "test-scratch/hello.jar"))
=> ["/"]
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(open archive)
(open archive opts)

either opens an existing archive or creates one if it doesn't exist

(open "test-scratch/hello.jar" {:create true}) => zip-system?

either opens an existing archive or creates one if it doesn't exist

(open "test-scratch/hello.jar" {:create true})
=> zip-system?
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(open-and archive opts callback)

helper function for opening an archive and performing a single operation

(->> (open-and "test-scratch/hello.jar" {:create false} #(protocol.archive/-list %)) (map str)) => ["/"]

helper function for opening an archive and performing a single operation

(->> (open-and "test-scratch/hello.jar" {:create false} #(protocol.archive/-list %))
     (map str))
=> ["/"]
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(path archive entry)

returns the url of the archive

(-> (open "test-scratch/hello.jar") (path "") (str)) => ""

returns the url of the archive

(-> (open "test-scratch/hello.jar")
    (path "")
=> ""
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(remove archive entry)

removes an entry from the archive

(remove "test-scratch/hello.jar" "project.clj") => #{"project.clj"}

removes an entry from the archive

(remove "test-scratch/hello.jar" "project.clj")
=> #{"project.clj"}
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(stream archive entry)

creates a stream for an entry wthin the archive

(do (insert "test-scratch/hello.jar" "project.clj" "project.clj") (slurp (stream "test-scratch/hello.jar" "project.clj"))) => (slurp "project.clj")

creates a stream for an entry wthin the archive

(do (insert "test-scratch/hello.jar" "project.clj" "project.clj")
    (slurp (stream "test-scratch/hello.jar" "project.clj")))
=> (slurp "project.clj")
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(url archive)

returns the url of the archive

(url (open "test-scratch/hello.jar")) => (str (fs/path "test-scratch/hello.jar"))

returns the url of the archive

(url (open "test-scratch/hello.jar"))
=> (str (fs/path "test-scratch/hello.jar"))
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(write archive entry stream)

writes files to an archive

(doto "test-scratch/hello.jar" (fs/delete) (open) (write "test.stuff" (binary/input-stream (.getBytes "Hello World"))))

(slurp (stream (open "test-scratch/hello.jar") "test.stuff")) => "Hello World"

writes files to an archive

(doto "test-scratch/hello.jar"
  (write "test.stuff"
         (binary/input-stream (.getBytes "Hello World"))))

(slurp (stream (open "test-scratch/hello.jar") "test.stuff"))
=> "Hello World"
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(zip-system? obj)

checks if object is a ZipSystem

(zip-system? (open "test-scratch/hello.jar")) => true

checks if object is a `ZipSystem`

(zip-system? (open "test-scratch/hello.jar"))
=> true
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