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Clojure data structure inspection functionality. This code has a long history and at various points of time it lived in different projects. Originally it was part of swank-clojure, afterwards it was moved to javert, then forked to another project from which it was contributed to cider-nrepl. Finally cider-nrepl was split into two libraries and the code ended up here.

Pretty wild, right?

Clojure data structure inspection functionality.
This code has a long history and at various points of
time it lived in different projects. Originally
it was part of swank-clojure, afterwards it was moved to
javert, then forked to another project from which it
was contributed to cider-nrepl. Finally cider-nrepl
was split into two libraries and the code ended up here.

Pretty wild, right?
raw docstring


(clear inspector)

If necessary, use (start inspector nil) instead.

If necessary, use `(start inspector nil) instead.`
sourceraw docstring


(def-current-value inspector namespace var-name)

Define the currently inspected value as a var with the given name in the provided namespace.

Define the currently inspected value as a var with the given name in the
provided namespace.
sourceraw docstring


(down inspector idx)

Drill down to an indexed object referred to by the previously rendered value.

Drill down to an indexed object referred to by the previously rendered value.
sourceraw docstring



If necessary, use (start nil) instead.

If necessary, use `(start nil)` instead.
sourceraw docstring




(inspect-print x)

Get a human readable printout of rendered sequence.

Get a human readable printout of rendered sequence.
sourceraw docstring


(inspect-render {:keys [max-atom-length max-value-length max-coll-size
                        max-nested-depth value]
                 :as inspector})
(inspect-render inspector value)




(next-page {:keys [current-page last-page] :as inspector})

Jump to the next page when inspecting a paginated sequence/map. Does nothing if already on the last page.

Jump to the next page when inspecting a paginated sequence/map. Does nothing
if already on the last page.
sourceraw docstring


(next-sibling inspector)

Attempt to inspect the item next to the currenlty inspected value in the parent sequential collection.

Attempt to inspect the item next to the currenlty inspected value in the parent
sequential collection.
sourceraw docstring


(ns-refers-by-ns ns)


(prev-page {:keys [current-page] :as inspector})

Jump to the previous page when inspecting a paginated sequence/map. Does nothing if already on the first page.

Jump to the previous page when inspecting a paginated sequence/map. Does
nothing if already on the first page.
sourceraw docstring


(previous-sibling inspector)

Attempt to inspect the item previous to the currenlty inspected value in the parent sequential collection.

Attempt to inspect the item previous to the currenlty inspected value in the
parent sequential collection.
sourceraw docstring


(push-item-to-path path role key)

Takes path and the role and key of the value to be navigated to, and returns the updated path to the selected value.

Takes `path` and the role and key of the value to be navigated to, and returns
the updated path to the selected value.
sourceraw docstring


(refresh inspector config-override)

Update inspector configuration with values in config-override and re-render. Unspecified config values remain the same. Supported config keys:

:page-size - page size in pagination mode :max-atom-length - maximum length of atomic value before truncating :max-value-length - maximum length of a whole printed value before truncating :max-coll-size - maximum number of collection items to print before truncating :max-nested-depth - maximum nesting level to print before truncating

Update inspector configuration with values in `config-override` and re-render.
Unspecified config values remain the same. Supported config keys:

`:page-size` - page size in pagination mode
`:max-atom-length` - maximum length of atomic value before truncating
`:max-value-length` - maximum length of a whole printed value before truncating
`:max-coll-size` - maximum number of collection items to print before truncating
`:max-nested-depth` - maximum nesting level to print before truncating
sourceraw docstring


(render inspector & values)


(render-indented-value inspector value & [value-opts])


(render-labeled-value inspector label value & [value-opts])


(render-ln inspector & values)


(render-meta-information inspector obj)


(render-onto inspector coll)


(render-path inspector)


(render-value inspector value)
(render-value inspector value {:keys [value-role value-key display-value]})

Render the given value and add it to the index. value-role can be provided to mark in the index that the value comes from a collection, and value-key stands for the key by which value can be retrieved from its collection. display-value string can be provided explicitly.

Render the given `value` and add it to the index. `value-role` can be provided
to mark in the index that the value comes from a collection, and `value-key`
stands for the key by which value can be retrieved from its collection.
`display-value` string can be provided explicitly.
sourceraw docstring


(render-view-mode inspector)


(set-view-mode inspector mode)

Set the view mode for the current value to mode. See allowed values in supported-view-modes.

Set the view mode for the current value to `mode`. See allowed values in
sourceraw docstring


(start value)
(start config value)

Create a new inspector for the value. Optinally accepts a config map (which can be an existing inspector with changed config). See refresh for the list of supported keys.

Create a new inspector for the `value`. Optinally accepts a `config` map (which
can be an existing inspector with changed config). See `refresh` for the list
of supported keys.
sourceraw docstring


(tap-current-value inspector)

Tap the currently inspected value.

Tap the currently inspected value.
sourceraw docstring


(tap-indexed {:keys [index] :as inspector} idx)

Tap the value found at idx, without navigating to it.

Tap the value found at `idx`, without navigating to it.
sourceraw docstring


(up inspector)

Pop the stack and re-render an earlier value.

Pop the stack and re-render an earlier value.
sourceraw docstring

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