(add-ns-macros sym)
Append $macros to the input symbol
Append $macros to the input symbol
(call-when-resolved var-sym)
Return a fn that calls the fn resolved through var-sym
with the
arguments passed to it. var-sym
will be required and resolved
once. If requiring failed or the var-sym
can't be resolved the
function always returns nil.
Return a fn that calls the fn resolved through `var-sym` with the arguments passed to it. `var-sym` will be required and resolved once. If requiring failed or the `var-sym` can't be resolved the function always returns nil.
(deep-merge & xs)
Merge maps recursively. When vals are not maps, last value wins.
Merge maps recursively. When vals are not maps, last value wins.
(directory? f)
Whether the argument is a directory or an url that points to a directory
Whether the argument is a directory or an url that points to a directory
(file-ext? f & exts)
Whether the argument's path ends in one of the specified case-insensitive file extensions
Whether the argument's path ends in one of the specified case-insensitive file extensions
(name-sym sym)
Return the name of a fully qualified symbol if possible, as a symbol.
It leaves the symbol untouched if not.
Return the name of a fully qualified symbol if possible, as a symbol. It leaves the symbol untouched if not.
(namespace-sym sym)
Return the namespace of a fully qualified symbol if possible, as a symbol.
It leaves the symbol untouched if not.
Return the namespace of a fully qualified symbol if possible, as a symbol. It leaves the symbol untouched if not.
(ns-obj? ns)
Return true if n is a namespace object
Return true if n is a namespace object
(parse-java-version java-ver)
Parse a Java version string according to JEP 223 and return the appropriate version.
Parse a Java version string according to JEP 223 and return the appropriate version.
(remove-macros sym)
Remove $macros from the input symbol
Remove $macros from the input symbol
(require-and-resolve sym)
Like clojure.core/requiring-resolve
, but doesn't throw exception if namespace
was not found or failed to load. Also, returns derefs the resolved var.
Like `clojure.core/requiring-resolve`, but doesn't throw exception if namespace was not found or failed to load. Also, returns derefs the resolved var.
(update-keys f m)
Update the keys of map m
via the function f
Update the keys of map `m` via the function `f`.
(update-vals f m)
Update the values of map m
via the function f
Update the values of map `m` via the function `f`.
(url? u)
Check whether the argument is an url
Check whether the argument is an url
(with-lock lock & body)
Like clojure.core/locking
, but for java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock.
Like `clojure.core/locking`, but for java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock.
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