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Instruments for analyzing exceptions and stacktraces which process exception objects and attach extra data to them.

Instruments for analyzing exceptions and stacktraces which process exception
objects and attach extra data to them.
raw docstring


(analyze exception)
(analyze exception print-fn)

Return the analyzed cause chain for exception beginning with the thrown exception. exception can be an instance of Throwable or a map in the same format as Throwable->map. For ex-info exceptions, the response contains a :data slot with the pretty printed data. For clojure.spec asserts, the :spec slot contains a map of pretty printed components describing spec failures.

Return the analyzed cause chain for `exception` beginning with the
thrown exception. `exception` can be an instance of `Throwable` or a
map in the same format as `Throwable->map`. For `ex-info`
 exceptions, the response contains a `:data` slot with the pretty
printed data. For clojure.spec asserts, the `:spec` slot contains a
map of pretty printed components describing spec failures.
sourceraw docstring

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