Classpath access and modification utilities.
Provides an alternative to the java.classpath contrib library.
Classpath access and modification utilities. Provides an alternative to the java.classpath contrib library.
(classloaders loader)
Returns the classloader hierarchy.
Returns the classloader hierarchy.
(classpath loader)
Returns the URLs on the classpath.
Returns the URLs on the classpath.
(classpath-seq url)
(classpath-seq url file-seq-fn)
Returns a sequence of all descendant non-directory files or archive entries as relative paths.
Returns a sequence of all descendant non-directory files or archive entries as relative paths.
Returns the current classloader for the current thread.
Returns the current classloader for the current thread.
(set-classloader! loader)
Sets the current classloader for the current thread.
Sets the current classloader for the current thread.
Returns the URLs defined by the 'java.class.path' system property.
Returns the URLs defined by the 'java.class.path' system property.
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