(->first-order & equations)
Constructs an object for computing a first order differential equation, i.e. somethihg of the form y_i'=f_i(t, y) with t0 and y(t0)=y0 known where i is the index of the dimension. This constructor accepts more than one function, in the case of multidimentional problems. See the test cases to understand.
Each function will recieve a real-valued t and vector of y. Each function returns the real value of the i-th y_i.
Constructs an object for computing a first order differential equation, i.e. somethihg of the form y_i'=f_i(t, y) with t0 and y(t0)=y0 known where i is the index of the dimension. This constructor accepts more than one function, in the case of multidimentional problems. See the test cases to understand. Each function will recieve a real-valued t and vector of y. Each function returns the real value of the i-th y_i.
(evolver eq-or-eqfn & args)
(make-gragg-bulirsch-stoer min-step max-step)
(make-gragg-bulirsch-stoer min-step max-step abs-error rel-error)
Helper fn to make a gragg-bulirsch-stoer integrator. Probably don't need to use this function directly and instad use it from one of the other, higher-level functions.
Helper fn to make a gragg-bulirsch-stoer integrator. Probably don't need to use this function directly and instad use it from one of the other, higher-level functions.
(solver eq-or-eqfn & args)
Create a function to compute the final state of an ODE. The first parameter is either a first order differential equation or a fn that creates it by application of the subsequent parameters.
The returned solver is a function of the initial time, initital state, and final time. It returns a vec of the final time and with the final state.
State is always the same shape as the list of fns supplied when creating the differential equations, i.e. the first function computes the derivative of the first entry in the state structure, and so on.
Uses the default Gragg-Bulirsch-Stoer integrator.
Create a function to compute the final state of an ODE. The first parameter is either a first order differential equation or a fn that creates it by application of the subsequent parameters. The returned solver is a function of the initial time, initital state, and final time. It returns a vec of the final time and with the final state. State is always the same shape as the list of fns supplied when creating the differential equations, i.e. the first function computes the derivative of the first entry in the state structure, and so on. Uses the default Gragg-Bulirsch-Stoer integrator.
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