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Guards make checks of payloads before the API call proper.

Guards make checks of payloads before the API call proper.
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(bounce-empty doc)

A default guard for insert!, insert-one!. An empty payload is allowed but does nothing.

A default guard for `insert!`, `insert-one!`.
An empty payload is allowed but does nothing.
sourceraw docstring


(empty-update doc)

A default guard for update!, update-one!, fetch-and-update-one!, replace-one!, fetch-and-replace-one!. An empty payload should always throw an exception.

A default guard for `update!`, `update-one!`, `fetch-and-update-one!`, `replace-one!`,
`fetch-and-replace-one!`. An empty payload should always throw an exception.
sourceraw docstring


(nil-update doc)

A default guard for update!, update-one!, fetch-and-update-one!. Ensure consistent exception for nil.

A default guard for `update!`, `update-one!`, `fetch-and-update-one!`.
Ensure consistent exception for nil.
sourceraw docstring


(return result)

Return early without making any API call.


Ignore any insert calls with a message:

(with-guards {:insert (fn [_] (return "a message"))}
  (insert! :coll {:a 1})) ; No call made, just returns "a message"
Return early without making any API call.


Ignore any insert calls with a message:

(with-guards {:insert (fn [_] (return "a message"))}
  (insert! :coll {:a 1})) ; No call made, just returns "a message"
sourceraw docstring


(with-guards {:insert <insert-fn> :update <update-fn> :replace <replace-fn>}

Guards for API functions. They allow you to check for payload conditions before a call is made. If the function returns truthy, the call goes through. If it returns falsy, no call is made, instead the payload is returned. For serious errors, throw an exception.

<insert-fn> guards insert!. By default, it returns false for empty lists, true otherwise.

<update-fn> guards update!, update-one!, fetch-and-update-one!. By default, it will throw exceptions for a list payload and a root field that isn't a modifier. List handling is a bit wonky. Since it's not needed, it's better to not accept it.

:insertoptional fn Called for insert!.
:updateoptional fn Called for update!, update-one!, fetch-and-update-one!.
:replaceoptional fn Called for replace-one!, fetch-and-replace-one!.
bodyEncapsulated program calling the database.


; Remove guards for payload:
(with-guards {:insert identity}
  (insert! :coll [])) ; Throws exception
Guards for API functions. They allow you to check for payload conditions before
a call is made. If the function returns truthy, the call goes through. If it
returns falsy, no call is made, instead the payload is returned. For serious
errors, throw an exception.

<insert-fn> guards `insert!`. By default, it returns false for empty lists, true otherwise.

<update-fn> guards `update!`, `update-one!`, `fetch-and-update-one!`. By default, it will
throw exceptions for a list payload and a root field that isn't a modifier. List
handling is a bit wonky. Since it's not needed, it's better to not accept it.

| Parameter  | Description
| ---        | ---
| `:insert`  | `optional fn` Called for `insert!`.
| `:update`  | `optional fn` Called for `update!`, `update-one!`, `fetch-and-update-one!`.
| `:replace` | `optional fn` Called for `replace-one!`, `fetch-and-replace-one!`.
| `body`     | Encapsulated program calling the database.


; Remove guards for payload:
(with-guards {:insert identity}
  (insert! :coll [])) ; Throws exception
sourceraw docstring

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