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Also known as listeners or watchers, these functions allow you to monitor collection activity; Each time a document is inserted, updated, or deleted, a call-back function is invoked.

(require '[ :as log])
(require '[ :as w])

(defn insert-fn [time doc]
  (log/spy time)
  (log/spy doc))

(w/on-insert :coll insert-fn)

Each of the three trigger functions – on-insert, on-update, on-delete – accepts a call-back function that must take two parameters:

  • time Operation time, expressed as a java.util.Date object.

  • doc A map containing either:

    (on insert) The inserted document including the newly created :_id field.

    (on update) The :_id field plus the updated fields of the document.

    (on delete) Only the :_id field of the deleted document.

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