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(on-delete <collection> <callback function>)

Listen for an update! event.

collectionkeyword/string The collection.
callback functionfunction A callback function that accepts three parameters:
java.util.Date Time of event.
map Contains a single _id field with the id of the deleted document.


(defn delete-event [time id]
  ; Do something

(on-delete :coll delete-event)
Listen for an `update!` event.

| Parameter           | Description
| ---                 | ---
| `collection`        | `keyword/string` The collection.
| `callback function` | `function` A callback function that accepts three parameters:
|                     | `java.util.Date` Time of event.
|                     | `map` Contains a single `_id` field with the id of the deleted document.


(defn delete-event [time id]
  ; Do something

(on-delete :coll delete-event)
sourceraw docstring


(on-insert <collection> <callback function>)

Listen for an insert! event.

collectionkeyword/string The collection.
callback functionfunction A callback function that accepts two parameters:
java.util.Date Time of event.
map The inserted document.


(defn insert-event [time doc]
  ; Do something

(on-insert :coll insert-event)
Listen for an `insert!` event.

| Parameter           | Description
| ---                 | ---
| `collection`        | `keyword/string` The collection.
| `callback function` | `function` A callback function that accepts two parameters:
|                     | `java.util.Date` Time of event.
|                     | `map` The inserted document.


(defn insert-event [time doc]
  ; Do something

(on-insert :coll insert-event)
sourceraw docstring


(on-update <collection> <callback function>)

Listen for an update! event.

collectionkeyword/string The collection.
callback functionfunction A callback function that accepts three parameters:
java.util.Date Time of event.
map Contains the id of the updated document, plus the fields that were updated.


(defn update-event [time updated-fields]
  ; Do something

(on-update :coll update-event)
Listen for an `update!` event.

| Parameter           | Description
| ---                 | ---
| `collection`        | `keyword/string` The collection.
| `callback function` | `function` A callback function that accepts three parameters:
|                     | `java.util.Date` Time of event.
|                     | `map` Contains the id of the updated document, plus the fields that were updated.


(defn update-event [time updated-fields]
  ; Do something

(on-update :coll update-event)
sourceraw docstring

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