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Convenience functions for automating certain tasks.

Convenience functions for automating certain tasks.
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(make-collection! coll & options)

Try to create a collection. If it already exists, modify it.

Try to create a collection. If it already exists, modify it.
sourceraw docstring


(set-mongo-uri! <uri>)

Set connection string prior to creating a persistent binding.

uristring Database location.
Set connection string prior to creating a persistent binding.

| Parameter | Description
| ---       | ---
| `uri`     | `string` Database location.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-mongo & <body>)

Functionally set up or change mongodb connection, creating a persistent connection from a previously defined connection string. Reverts to earlier settings when leaving scope.

  1. Looks for a connection string set by a prior call to set-mongo-uri!.
  2. Failing that, retrieves a connection string MONGO_URI environment variable.

The connection string is used only once to set up the persistent connection.

bodyEncapsulated program calling the database.


The result of the last encapsulated expression.


(set-mongo-uri! "mongodb://localhost:27017/my-database")
  (insert! :users {:name "My Name"})
  (fetch! :users))
Functionally set up or change mongodb connection, creating a persistent connection from a previously defined connection string.
Reverts to earlier settings when leaving scope.

1. Looks for a connection string set by a prior call to `set-mongo-uri!`.
2. Failing that, retrieves a connection string `MONGO_URI` environment variable.

The connection string is used only once to set up the persistent connection.

| Parameter | Description
| ---       | ---
| `body`    | Encapsulated program calling the database.


The result of the last encapsulated expression.


(set-mongo-uri! "mongodb://localhost:27017/my-database")
  (insert! :users {:name "My Name"})
  (fetch! :users))
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-request <handler>)

Wrap a request for a middleware setup

handlerfn A request handler function.


A function that takes a request paramater and makes a call to handler with that request, inside a wrap-mongo call.

Wrap a request for a middleware setup

| Parameter | Description
| ---       | ---
| `handler` | `fn` A request handler function.


A function that takes a `request` paramater and makes a call to `handler` with that request, inside a `wrap-mongo` call.
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