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Simulation is a technique that mimics a real system - and simplifies it, to learn something useful about it. Discrete event simulation is modeling a real system with discrete events.

  • Contains a user-specific domain, constraints, a customer-specific state and events modeling and an option to render visually the effects.
  • Customer simulation can use directly DE Simulation or a library that eases the modeling: rc modeling, industry modeling, …
Simulation is a technique that mimics a real system - and simplifies it, to learn something useful about it.
Discrete event simulation is modeling a real system with discrete events.

* Contains a user-specific domain, constraints, a customer-specific state and events modeling and an option to render visually the effects.
* Customer simulation can use directly `DE Simulation` or a library that eases the modeling: `rc modeling`, `industry modeling`, … 
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(build-model model-data)
(build-model model-data registry)

Build the simulation model from model-data with registry. registry is optional and is defaulted to the registries fn.

Build the simulation model from `model-data` with `registry`.
`registry` is optional and is defaulted to the `registries` fn.
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(extract-snapshot {:automaton-simulation-de.response/keys [snapshot]
                   :as _response})

Extract the snapshot of a response.

Extract the `snapshot` of a `response`.
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Returns the built-in registries of simulation-de.

Returns the `built-in` registries of simulation-de.
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(scheduler {:automaton-simulation-de.impl.model/keys [initial-snapshot]
            :as model})
(scheduler {:automaton-simulation-de.impl.model/keys [initial-snapshot]
            :as model}
(scheduler model scheduler-middlewares scheduler-stopping-criterias snapshot)

Scheduler is running the simulation described in the model. There are three arities for this function.

  • First one specificies the model only.
  • Second one adds stopping-criteria and supplementary middlewares (i.e. supp-middelwares).
  • Third one specify also a different snapshot to start with (supersedes the initial-snapshot in the model).

Returns a response containing:

Scheduler is running the simulation described in the `model`.
There are three arities for this function.
* First one specificies the `model` only.
* Second one adds `stopping-criteria` and supplementary middlewares (i.e. `supp-middelwares`).
* Third one specify also a different `snapshot` to start with (supersedes the `initial-snapshot` in the `model`).

Returns a `response` containing:
* simulation `snapshot` of the last event.
* `stopping-causes`, see [[automaton-simulation-de.impl.stopping-definition.registry]] for possible values.
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(validate-middleware-data middleware-data _registries)

Middleware data are validated.

Middleware data are validated.
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(validate-model model)

Model - as built with build-model - are validated.

Model - as built with `build-model` - are validated.
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(validate-model-data model-data)

Validate model-data.

Validate `model-data`.
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(validate-registry registry)


(validate-response response)


(validate-stopping-criteria-data stopping-criteria-data _registries)

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