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Build a request for an handler.


  • event-execution
  • snapshot
  • sorting
  • stopping-causes, the scheduler snapshot and the current event.
  • entities
Build a request for an handler.


* `event-execution`
* `snapshot`
* `sorting`
* `stopping-causes`, the scheduler snapshot and the current event.
* ![entities](archi/request_entity.png)
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(add-stopping-cause request m)

Adds to the request the map m among stopping-causes.

Adds to the `request` the map `m` among `stopping-causes`.
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(build current-event event-execution snapshot sorting)

Builds a request for the middleware, with iteration dependant data. Note that current-event is not leveraged by the scheduler, the real current-event is the first in the future-list of the snapshot. That said current-event is useful for middlewares.

Returns a map, with the data necessary for the request.

Builds a request for the middleware, with iteration dependant data.
Note that `current-event` is not leveraged by the scheduler, the real `current-event` is the first in the `future-list` of the `snapshot`. That said `current-event` is useful for middlewares.

Returns a map, with the data necessary for the request.
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